Part 3

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Being a girl, Dipali knew where Madhu would have run off to, the restroom. She opens the restroom and sure enough there she was standing near the wash basin crying.

"You alright, Madhu?" Dipali asks her.

Madhu quickly wipes her tears and looks at her, "Who are you? And how do you know me?"

"I saw you dance with RK." Dipali replies.

Hearing his name Madhu looks away as tears stung her eyes again. Dipali grabs the tissue and passes it to her. "Thanks." Madhu mutters as she took the tissue and started wiping her eyes. "You are Rishu's friend?" Madhu asks composing herself.

"Girlfriend or you could say fiance." Dipali says flashing the ring on her finger.

"Fiance?" Madhu asks shocked, he never mentioned anything about a fiance. He said he was in a relation and it was not serious. Maybe he didn't want to hurt her and might have not told her that.

"Congratulations." Madhu tells her as she wiped her tears.

"Oh, it is not official yet. We were waiting for our course to get over. Then only we'll be telling his family." Dipali tells her.

"Still..." Madhu says looking away.

"Thank you." Dipali says smiling at her.

"Dipali right? You are in his college?" Madhu asks.

"You know my name?" Dipali asks smiling.

"Yeah, he mentioned you." Madhu tells her.

"Really? He loves talking about me." Dipali says smiling.

"What did he say about me?"

"That he is in a relation with you." Madhu tells her.

Dipali smiles at her, "And yes, we are in the same college but he is my senior."

Madhu nods.

"Why were you crying?" Dipali asks her.

"Nothing important." Madhu says shrugging.

"If you want you can talk to me." Dipali offers.

"Thanks." Madhu says smiling but doesn't say anything more. Her cell starts ringing and Madhu picks up noticing it was Sultan. "Yeah Sultan... No... not with Rishu... I am coming with you... I am ready to go... ok I'll meet you there. " Madhu says hanging up.

Dipali looks at her curiously, "Rishu?"

"I was supposed to go home with him, but I think he would rather spend some time with you. So I told Sultan I'll go home with him."

"Oh! That is very sweet of you." Dipali says smiling and Madhu smiles at her.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the function. We have lots to prepare before the wedding." Madhu tells her as she started to leave from there.

"You are helping with the preparations?" Dipali asks curiously.

"My family's function and I should take part in the preparations right?" Madhu asks her smiling.

"Your family?" Dipali asks frowning.

"Yes, they are my family now. I stay with them after my parents passed away. Hasn't Rishu ever mentioned about me?" Madhu asks unable to hide her curiosity.

"No." Dipali says.

Madhu quickly looks away somehow that hurt more than his rejection.

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