Part 6

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Sorry guys for not replying to the comments on the previous page. A little busy, will do it soon. Thanks to all for voting and commenting

"We broke up!" RK reminds her.
"But she doesn't know that, does she?" Dipali asks him back.
"What?" Madhu asks at the same time.
"He was asked to choose between you and her. Not in exactly those lines but you get the gist of it, and he chose you!" Sultan tells her.
Madhu turns to RK in shock and RK turns to Sultan in irritation, "Stop complicating things, Sultan!"
Sultan shrugs and turns to Dipali and says, "Madhu won't steal. Take that ring and leave."
"Then tell me, why is my ring in her room?" Dipali asks him.
"I want to say that you might have kept it there to create problems for Madhu but I don't know you well so I can't say that." Sultan tells her.
Dipali gasps out loudly in outrage, "Are you calling me a liar? Are you saying that I am a schemer?"
"Seriously, apart from my brother and me here, no one here even knew that you existed in this world till two days ago. But still, I don't know you well enough to say anything about your character. But Madhu, that is another thing. You see, apart from you and my wife, everyone here has known Madhu since the day she was born and none of us think that she would steal." Sultan tells her in a no nonsense tone.
"I do think she would steal." Pabbo says stubbornly.
"And no one asked your opinion." Sultan tells her.
"SULTAN!" Radha shouts at him in anger.
"Before it was just Rishu, now even he started." Pabbo says starting to sniff. "This is all because of her!"
"Did you ever take a moment to think that it could be because of you and your attitude towards Madhu?" Sultan asks her in a calm and curious tone.
Dipali looks at them in shock; the focus was going from the ring.
"How dare you talk to me like that? Did you forget who I am? Is this how you raise your sons, Radha?" Pabbo asks her.

"ENOUGH! Not another word!" Mohan shouts angrily. When everyone stays quiet he looks at Dipali and asks, "You are Rishu's girlfriend or was. Madhu loves Rishu. But then Rishu broke up with you for Madhu?"
"No, I didn't break up with her for Madhu." RK informs them as he didn't want any more misunderstandings to arise.
"Then why did you break up with her?" Mohan asks him.
"She was not willing to accept that Madhu means a lot to me. So I broke up with her." RK explains.
"Yeah, so you chose Madhu over Dipali." Sultan adds.
"No! Why are you complicating things?" RK asks Sultan.
"Isn't it the same?" Mohan asks him confused.
"What? NO! Why are you people so confused?" RK asks confused. "It is not the same!" RK says stubbornly.
Sultan sighs, "Dad you were saying something. Carry on."

Mohan sighs and with one last look at RK, he turns to Dipali. "So you broke up. Then you found your ring missing which we discover in Madhu's room. Then you accuse Madhu of stealing your ring."
Hearing him say it like that, Dipali realizes how stupid her plan was. "She loves him." Dipali tells him.
"That is not the issue here, is it?" Mohan asks her. "Issue is your ring and how did it end up in Madhu's room."
"She took it."
"And why would she take it?" Mohan asks her.
"I don't know, you ask her." Dipali says angrily.
"We won't." Radha tells her, "That would mean we don't trust Madhu."
"But you are questioning me!" Dipali says outraged.
"We don't know you, so it is obvious that we don't trust you." Radha tells her.
"Why won't anyone believe me? Why do you think I would do such a thing?" Dipali asks shocked.
"You are a jilted lover." Trishna says shrugging making Sultan smile proudly at her.
Dipali looks at everyone in shock and then turns to her last resort. "RK, you know me. Do you think that I would do something like this?" Dipali asks him crying.
RK watches her for a long time and then quietly says, "No. I am saying that you would do something like this."
"I can't believe you said that." Dipali says shocked.
"And I can't believe you did something like this." RK replies hurt. "I can't believe I had a relation with a girl like you."
Turning to Madhu, Dipali says furiously "See what you did! Because of you, he broke up with me and now he is calling me a liar!"
"I broke up with you because of you! Not because of Madhu. It was never because of Madhu. Your insecurities and you were the reason, never Madhu." RK angrily tells her. "One more time, you drag Madhu into this or try to hurt her, Dipali it won't be good for you!" RK warns her.
"I'll never forgive you for this." Dipali tells RK.
In reply RK shouts loudly, "PATIL! Madam ko airport chod aao."
"Your car is waiting." Sultan tells her smiling.
Screaming bloody murder, Dipali walks away from there.

"What has this house come to? I told you all, keeping this girl here you'll regret it. Now see what she did? In love with Rishu!" Pabbo fumes glaring at Madhu.
RK closes his eyes trying to control his fury then he hears her sniffing. He opens his eyes to see Madhu crying, furiously turning around he asks Pabbo, "You were supposed to go to Haridwar for some bhajan, right? Why the hell aren't you there yet?"

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- Lazy

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