Part 5

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Madhu notices him. "Rishu?"

Dipali quickly looks at him and fakes a smile, "RK... is this the way to come into a girl's room? No knocking, no asking permission."

RK looks at her confused for a second.

"Taking so much freedom and privileges is not a good thing. People can misunderstand." Dipali chides him.

He sees how Madhu suddenly looks away and he becomes even more furious. "You don't tell me how I should behave with Madhu. Now come outside, I want to talk to you." saying that he walks out while Dipali looked at him as if he had slapped him.

"You don't mind him, Dipali. He is very protective about me." Madhu gently tells her.

"And you don't tell me about my RK!" Dipali furiously tells her.

Madhu looks at her in shock seeing the sudden change in her. "I didn't mean it like that." Madhu tells her.

"I know what you mean and what you don't. You just want to create problems between us, so you can take my place in his life."

Madhu looks at her in shock for a while and then says furiously "You know!"

"That you are behind him? Yes, I do know that."

"And you kept talking about your relation to me."

"Yes! Someone had to set you straight."

"You are sick and disgusting!" Madhu says furiously.

"So are you! Running behind my RK!"

"I am not running behind him, neither am I trying to take your place in his life. Because I already have a place in his life and I'm happy with that. Now get out. Never ever step inside my room."

Dipali furiously steps out the room to find him standing near the stairs.


"What is taking you so long? Come with me." RK says irritated and starts walking away furiously with Dipali hurrying after him.

Once they were outside in the garden he furiously whips around to her and asks "You know how hurt Madhu is, then why the hell are you talking about our relationship to her?"

"Because for her to move on in life, she needs to know the truth." Dipali tells him in a calm tone.

RK was surprised by that and he looks at her confused.

"The faster she comes to the reality that you never felt anything for her in that way the faster she'll get over her infatuation for you."

"But you are hurting her, Dipali." RK says sighing.

"She needs that, RK. She needs to deal with her heartbreak before she can move on."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Trust me. I know what I am doing." Dipali tells him.

"Okay. Do whatever you feel is right. But never ever hurt her, if you hurt her I'll never forgive you." RK warns her.

Dipali looks away as she tried to control her fury. He worries for that bloody Madhu too much.

"And what made you think that ring is an engagement ring?" RK asks her frowning.

"What?" Dipali turns to him shocked, that Madhu went and ratted her out to him?

"You do know that was just a birthday gift right?" RK asks her.

"Birthday gift?" Dipali asks feigning shock.

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