Part 13

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Madhu feels light on her eyes and slowly wakes up. The first thing she sees is her husband sitting at his table and studying. He was engrossed in his books and she smiles seeing him study. She loved watching him.

As if feeling her eyes on him he looks up and Madhu sits up on the bed. "Did I wake you?"

"That is okay." Madhu says smiling.

"You sleep I'll go to the other room and study." RK tells her.

"It's okay. I'm up now." Madhu tells him smiling and then gets up to freshen up.

RK was studying when he hears the door opening and looks up to see Madhu coming with tea; she had gone down sometime back. "You didn't have to do that. One of the servants would have made tea."

"My husband is up and about and it is shame on me if he doesn't get his tea." Madhu says chuckling.

Hearing her call him husband made him smile happily. As she kept his tea on the side for him he quickly holds her hand and pulls her on to his lap. Madhu gasps and as she lands on his lap she nervously looks at him. He passionately looks at her as she nervously looked at him. He runs his hand up her hands and Madhu shivers feeling his hand. RK pulls her closer to him.

"What are you doing?" Madhu asks breathlessly.

"I have no idea but I can't seem to keep my hands off you."

Madhu looks at him in wide eyed shock. He cups her face and was about to kiss her when Madhu pushes him off and runs of shyly. "God! I want her." RK says falling back on his chair smiling happily.

After Madhu's moo dikhayi everyone was chit chatting when they hear a loud commotion at the door.

"RADHA!! MOHAN!" Pabbo shouts as she marches in.

RK sighs dramatically while Sultan closes his eyes in dread. Seeing that she still had time to quietly slip away before Pabbo notices her, Madhu starts to leave when RK holds her hand. She turns to look at him and he was looking at Pabbo ready to battle.

"I'll go upstairs." Madhu gently tells him.

"If I didn't want you here then I wouldn't be holding your hand to stop you." RK tells her calmly.

"Why do you want to simply irritate her? She is your Pabbo." Madhu whispers.

"Now she is your Pabbo too." RK tells her.

"What is this? You got our Rishu married to her? Madhubala?" Pabbo asks furiously to Radha and Mohan.

"Please calm down, didi." Radha says.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN? My Rishu married to her!!!" Pabbo asks as she made a disgusting gesture at Madhu.

"Have we come to such a bad state that our Rishu had to marr.."

"Madhu is my wife and if you want yours and my relation to be intact then don't finish whatever you were going to say." RK furiously tells her.

"See how she has bewitched him?"

"I am telling you Pabbo shut your..." RK starts and Mohan shouts at all of them, "ENOUGH! You might be Radha's sister and might have raised her since childhood but you have no right to accuse my bahu of anything!"

"Pabbo, before you have the whole family turned against you please stop." Sultan gently tells her.

Pabbo furiously looks at Madhu and walks away with Radha hurrying after her.

Madhu sags against RK and he turns to her "Now you can go up if you want."

She furiously turns to him and asks "What was the need for that? If you had just let me go upstairs we would have avoided that scene."

"You don't tell me how I should handle my wife." RK tells her arrogantly.

Madhu gasps loudly and turns to Sultan and Mohan, and asks in outrage "Did you hear that?"

"Now you are going to complain about me? That too to them?" RK asks mockingly. "Did you forget that I'm your husband, the highest authority in your life?"

Madhu looks at him in shock not knowing how to reply to that.

Then he smiles excitedly, "GOD! I am loving this husband business!"

"Didi, how many times have I told you not to say anything against my Madhu?" Radha asks angrily.

"She is not good enough for Rishu." Pabbo says stubbornly.

"She is. She loves my Rishu and my Rishu also loves her."

"She is a witch."

"Madhu is my daughter, so stop talking ill about her."

Pabbo sighs and then asks, "One day you'll understand what I am saying. HMPH! What did the Pundit say after matching their kundalis?" Pabbo asks.

"We didn't." Radha says hesitantly.

"What do you mean by you didn't match the kundalis?" Pabbo asks furiously.

"You know how Rishu doesn't believe in all this and there wasn't any time for all that."

"How much time does it take to match the kundalis?"

"Leave it."

"Leave it? We need to match it. We need to know if this Madhu might bring problems for Rishu. Wasn't it because of her that he went to jail?" Pabbo asks.

"Water under the bridge."

"I am calling the Pundit and we are matching the kundalis. Get me bothof their kundalis."

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