Part 7

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Madhu was thankful to the Kundra clan for not trying to talk to her about Rishu and Dipali. They seemed to understand that she needed her space and they gave her the space. Nobody tried to neither help nor accuse her for having feelings for Rishu. It's been three days and things were coming back to normal, though Rishu and she were no longer like before. They still talked, they were friends but there was a distance between them, and she was happy for that. She needed that. Now with Pabbo also gone, everything was normal and happy.

They were having breakfast.

"Bhabhi, have vegetables. Here!" RK says as he passed vegetable curry to Trishna.

Trishna quickly takes it from him uncomfortable.

"Take more, bhabhi. You know you need the vita..." RK starts and Madhu quickly cuts him off, "She knows to eat, Rishu!"

RK looks at her confused and she glares at him. Then he remembers that only they knew she was pregnant, his parents were still oblivious to the truth. Looking at his parents he sees them watching him weirdly while Sultan was glaring at him. "I thought she would feel shy taking a second helping." RK says shrugging.

"Why should she feel like that? This is her home now, right Trishna?" Radha asks her smiling.

Trishna quickly smiles at her. RK turns to look at Sultan and gives him an apologetic smile and Sultan abuses him through his eyes, a talent he solely learned to abuse his younger brother.

After breakfast, Trishna was going upstairs to her room when RK notices her.

"Bhabhi! Don't go alone. I'll come with you!" RK says as he ran behind her making Sultan hit his own head in desperation.

Rishu and his overprotectiveness were going to be the death of him!

Seeing RK running up and taking hold on Trishna's hand in a protective manner and how his parents were curiously watching them, Madhu hurries behind him.

Joining Trishna on the other side, Madhu leans forward in front of Trishna to look at RK and hisses at him, "Leave her you idiot!"

"She will fall, Madhu!" RK tells her angrily.

"Don't you think that there could be a reason why I am whispering?" Madhu asks him furiously.

Quickly realizing his folly he leaves her then quickly takes hold of her hand, "She is pregnant, she can faint!" RK whispers to her.

"She is not fainting now!"

"She can! And what will you do if she faints and no one is there to hold her?" RK asks her.

"Can you stop being so over protective?" Madhu asks him furiously.

"Both of you stop it. We have reached the top of the stairs. So stop bickering." Trishna says calmly.

"I'm telling you bhabhi, because of him the whole world will come to know about your pregnancy." Madhu tells her glaring at RK.

"When are you going to tell everyone?" RK asks frowning.

"It's not even a week since they got married. So it is going to take time to tell everyone." Madhu tells him irritated.

"She and the baby need care!" RK tells her.

"And you need brains!" Madhu tells him.

"I am getting all the care I need. Sultan, you and Madhu are caring for me very nicely." Trishna tells him.

"What do we know about pregnancy, bhabhi?" RK asks her exasperated.

"Can you not shout out that word so loudly?" Madhu asks him furiously.

"Enough both of you! I am going." Trishna says as she walked off irritated.

They watched her walk into her room then turned to look at each other. They were alone there. After that night in his room, they were alone for the first time.

"I'm going to my room, got some work." Madhu tells him uncomfortably.

She was going to walk off when he stops her, "For how long are you going to walk away?" Madhu turns to look at him and he looked hurt. "I am sorry for hurting you but don't do this. You are my friend and I miss you." RK tells her.

"I am here only, Rishu."

"But you are not the same. You rarely talk to me. You are reserved."

"I am not reserved."

"When others are there you are normal but when we are alone like now, you are different. It's as if you can't even bear to look at me."

"It hurts to look at you, Rishu." Madhu gently tells him.

"What can I do to help you, Madhu?" RK asks helplessly.

"Just give me time. I need time." Madhu tells him as tears stung her eyes.

RK sighs and says, "Okay. If you need me, I'm always there for you."

"I know, Rishu." Madhu tells him smiling and walks away.

Two weeks later, at valentine's party.

RK was walking towards Sultan when a man accidently bumps into him and walks off. RK frowns at the man for a moment and proceeds to Sultan. Meanwhile the man walks towards to Dipali and hands her RK's mobile. With a smirk she takes his mobile and starts typing a message to Madhu.

Meet me in Room no 406. Don't tell anyone. I need to talk to you in private.

"Send!" Dipali says smirking. "Make sure he gets his phone back. And don't let him find out that his mobile was missing."

"Shouldn't you delete that message from outbox?" the man asks her.

Dipali contemplates for a while. "When she gets arrested for immoral traffic, and if that stupid Kundra mad clan believes that she is an innocent and when she accuses RK for it, shouldn't there be any proof that he called her to that room?" Dipali asks him smirking. "Ah she is leaving!" Dipali smiles evilly. "You know what to do right?"


"Then go."

Dipali watches as Mukund slyly slips in RK's phone back in his pants and laughing happily she walks out to call the press and police. Dipali waits outside for a couple of minutes to give Mukund the time to set the stage. Then she calls the cops and press.

"She insulted me in front of RK and his family. They think she is a saint. Now let's see what they will think of her now!" Dipali thinks out loudly as she walked to the room seeing the cops and press hurrying there. As she stood a little way to watch with a smirk the cops started banging on the door.

A moment later a very worried Madhu opens the door and she stood there staring as the press clicked her photo. Dipali was losing patience as she waited for Mukund to come out. That idiot was supposed to come out almost naked and get arrested with her. Then a thought struck her, what if Mukund hadn't reached the room yet? But she had given him ample time for the whole thing. She was about to call Mukund to find out what had happened when she saw him walk out from the room behind Madhu. Dipali's eyes go wide open as she looked at RK standing behind Madhu furiously as the press clicked their photo and the police started arresting them.

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