Part 9

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Madhu clung to RK's arms as she cried uncontrollably.

"The whole media was there and I understand you were framed but I can't help you right now. I have to file the FIR." Inspector tells RK helplessly.

"If you understand we are innocent then why can't you stop the press?" RK asks him angrily.

"You know the press, right?" Inspector asks him furiously. "Do you think they would let go off something like this? If it was someone else I could have done something but you are a Kundra and the press is not going to give up such big news like this."

"Excuse me, Inspector." Mohan says as he stood at the door. RK sighs seeing Mohan and Sultan with the lawyer. "I'm here to take them out on bail." Mohan tells him.

Madhu runs to Radha's waiting arms as soon as they enter the house. Throwing herself at Radha, Madhu bursts out crying.

"Did you question him?" RK asks Sultan as they walked in to their home.

"Yes." Sultan replies.

While in the police jeep RK had slyly messaged Sultan about the guy in the room.

"And? Why did he do this to Madhu?" RK asks him and Sultan remains silent. "Sultan, I need to know." RK angrily tells him.

"Dipali. She paid him." Sultan tells him.

RK sucks in an angry breath as he turned his face away. "I am going to kill her!" RK furiously says.

"You dumped her and she took her revenge on Madhu. Leave it, if you keep fighting her Madhu is going to get more hurt." Sultan tells him calmly.

"How can you say that? Don't you realize what she did to Madhu?" RK asks him furiously.

"I realize it and we need to think of a way to come out of this but fighting her again is not the solution. Please realize that we have bigger issue than Dipali. Madhu's whole life is at stake."

"She made Madhu cry. She was crying her heart out!" RK tells him remembering the way Madhu had cried.

"Let Dipali win now so Madhu won't lose." Sultan calmly advises him.

Irritated and furious RK runs his hand through his hair realizing he couldn't risk Madhu for his fight with Dipali.

"We will think of something in the morning. Now go sleep." Sultan advices him and goes to his room.

At night, Madhu was in her room silently crying when she hears a knock at the door. She hurries to open it and finds RK. Seeing her crying he furiously looks away. Taking a sharp breath he tells her "Stop crying."

Madhu wipes her tears.

"Do you trust me?" RK asks her.

"Yes." Madhu replies immediately.

"Then change your clothes into something nice and come with me." RK tells her.

Madhu looks at him curiously.

"You get ready, I'll wake up Sultan, I would need him also." saying that he walks off.

"Where is Rishu?" Mohan asks the next day morning at the dining table.

"I don't think he is awake." Radha tells him.

"And Sultan?" Mohan asks Trishna.

"He went out with Rishu." Trishna informs him.

"Where did they go?"

"They didn't tell me."

"Do you know, Madhu?" Mohan asks her.

Madhu quickly shakes her head in no.

"Sultan Sir just called." Patil informs Mohan as he hurried to them. "Rishu Sir is giving a live press conference now and he asked you to watch it."

"Press conference?" Mohan asks shocked and hurries to watch the news with everyone hurrying behind him. He turns on the TV and sees the press conference was about to start.

"Thanks for coming." RK starts.

"Mr. Kundra what is your relation..." a man starts to ask and RK cuts him off.

"No questions. I called you all here to give a statement. As you all are aware Madhubala and I was arrested yesterday for immoral traffic. Well the truth is Madhu and I have been married for the last three months." RK says as he shows them a picture of Madhu and him smiling happily with varamala on their necks, sindoor on Madhu's forehead and mangalsutra on her neck.

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