Part 11

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RK was studying in his room when Sultan walks in.

"You are studying?" Sultan asks him shocked.

"I'm getting married and have to look after a wife. Don't you think I should finish my course and start working soon so I can look after her the way she deserves to?" RK asks without looking up.

"And you say you don't love her." Sultan sighs.

"Is there any reason you are here?" RK asks finally looking up.

Sultan pops himself down on the chair and says casually as he played with a pen. "I heard Dad telling Bittuji to go and get Pabbo for your wedding."

"Yeah... it would be nice to have her also for my wedding." RK says shrugging as he went back to his book.

"How nice would it be for her to attend Madhu's wedding?" Sultan asks sweetly smiling at him.

RK looks up frowning, "Do you think she would create problems?"

"You don't?" Sultan asks him back.

"Dammit!! Has Bittuji left?" RK asks as he got up from his chair and walked out with Sultan sauntering behind him.

"BITTUJI!" RK calls him as Bittuji steps outside the house.

Bittuji turns to him and smiles at him as RK, Sultan and Patil headed towards his direction.

"You wanted something, chief?" Bittuji asks him smiling.

"Do you really want to attend my wedding?" RK asks him.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Bittuji tells him.

RK sighs, "Okay, Patil will go to pick up Pabbo. I'll tell Dad that you are needed here to take care of all the preparations."

"I'll come back in two days, chief." Bittuji tells him.

"That's what I don't want." RK tells him and turns to Patil, "Don't mess it up. Pabbo should not attend our wedding."

Patil replies in a determined passionate tone "Don't worry sir. I'll bring her home only after your suhag raat."

RK turns to Sultan in a confused look and Sultan was trying hard not to laugh.

"Yeah... okay... whatever." RK says embarrassed. Then he walks back inside as he muses Suhag Raat with Madhu? Interesting.

Madhu was setting the table for lunch when RK walks in. Seeing him looking at her she stands still as she looked down ever since their wedding has been fixed they haven't talked to each other. Rishu was either studying or taking care of his wedding shopping while she was busy with her own shopping. RK walks towards her and seeing her fidgeting, he gently holds her hand. She looks up at him and he with a loving smile gently caresses her cheekbone with his thumb as his palm rested on her cheeks. "Stop worrying." RK gently tells her.

Before she could reply they hear Trishna clearing her throat and both of them quickly parts embarrassed.

"Rishu and Madhu, now you both can't see each other before marriage." Radha tells them as she walked in behind Trishna.

"Now, all this after marriage." Trishna teases them.

"Rishu, you'll have to move into a hotel till the wedding." Radha tells him.

"Hotel?" RK asks shocked.

"Yes. It's inauspicious if you meet before wedding." Radha tells him.

"I don't believe in all that but if you are insisting I'll move to a hotel." RK tells her.

That day RK moved out and everyone else got busy with the wedding preparations. Patil had managed to halt Pabbo by saying that the roads were blocked and they were stuck and he was taking longer routes too whenever they could travel. Pabbo's mobile was also "stolen" so she is unable to contact the Kundra's.

Soon it was the wedding eve and Madhu was getting really worried about their life ahead. She was standing in her room as she looked out at the garden to see the make-shift mandap they had built for the wedding. Tomorrow they would be married and they would be joined together for life. She fights her tears as she thought about it. Apart from the time he had asked her to stop worrying they haven't talked and she was getting restless as the time closed by. She wanted to talk to him and she couldn't talk to him on the phone, she wanted to talk to him face to face but they were not allowed to meet, then how... looking down she realizes where she could talk to him.

Madhu starts untying the curtains from the pillars of the mandap and watches as the pink sheer curtains slowly falls down from all sides and cocooned inside she waits for him.

After sometime she hears him, "Madhu..." Madhu turns to see his figure standing next to the mandap and looking around. "I am here." Madhu tells him and he turns back to see her silhouette in the mandap.

He starts to open the curtain to enter.

"Don't. We are not supposed to see each other." Madhu tells him as she held the curtain to prevent him from opening it and he stops as he stood outside, "Bhabhi said you wanted to talk to me." RK tells her.

"Why are you doing this?" Madhu asks him.

"Why do you think?" RK asks her calmly.

"You don't have to do this to save my honor." Madhu tells him worriedly.

"Did you forget even my honor is at stake?" RK asks her.

Madhu looks up at him in shock, "But you don't love me. "

"That doesn't mean I can never love you." RK tells her.

"Then we will get married that time." Madhu tells him.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know what love is. Sultan thinks that I am in love with you but shouldn't I know if I am in love? I care for you a lot, I worry for you. I have this unexplainable urge in me to protect you from the whole world. I feel that I should be there with you all the time. I myself feel it is not a healthy feeling." RK says chuckling making Madhu chuckle. "I understood one thing after Dipali fiasco." RK tells her.


"No girl will be willing to accept that her husband cares for another girl like the way I do. I realize that if I want a peaceful and happy life then it is only with you."

"Are you happy about the wedding?" Madhu asks him.

"I am more anxious. I am scared that Pabbo will get home before our marriage and try creating problems. Whatever she say or do, she will not be able to stop our wedding but I want to give you a wedding that you can always remember with a smile. So right now I just want out wedding to be over. Do you still love me?"

"Yes." Madhu gently whispers.

"Then will you do me a favor?"

"What?" he see her hand holding the curtains, he holds her hand over the curtains. His hold was gentle at the same time firm. Then he tells her with voice filled with feelings. "Give me all your worries and tomorrow when you come here for our wedding come happy... be my happy bride. The only emotion I want you to feel is happiness when you become mine."


RK, Sultan and RK's Suhag Raat

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