Chapter 28

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I watch in frustration as the chopper continued on it’s ascent. We had a whole lengthy conversation but I still feel as if I’m missing some vital information. Ethan kept mentioning he couldn’t believe he’d live to see the day the prophecy is fulfilled.

 What does that mean? What does he want with Arianna? To be able to boast that he’s seen the prophesized red wolf? Seems a bit much to go through such extreme measures just to have a glimpse of the prophesized red wolf, doesn’t it?

 The rustling of leaves and sound of footsteps forces my eyes away from the gradually decreasing size of the chopper as it moves further and further away from me.

 “So what happens now?” Nate’s harsh tone is directed at the armed men surrounding us.

 “We say goodbye. For now.” A voice from behind us rang out.

 Turning back to see who the voice belongs to, we’re confronted by a short, stocky, middle-aged man with greying hair who looks like an older version of Ethan Brandt.

 “You’re Bob Brandt.” I state blandly and he smiles widely.

 Bob nods at the man on  his right and flicks his hands to the rest of  what I’m assuming are members of his pack , signalling for them to proceed with packing up and rolling out.

 “Why did Ethan take Trevor?” I ask the question that’s been gnawing in my mind.

 Bob shrugs. “It wasn’t part of the plan. But Ethan had a last minute epiphany. Trevor is your only link to Arianna. With Trevor gone, you’ll have no way of communicating with her.”

 I must have registered a shocked look on my face which Bob took much delight in. While I hadn’t thought of Trevor’s ability to mindlink with Arianna, it also means that they do not know about Arianna’s mindlink with the Council members.

 Relieved that they do not know that small bit of information, I quickly change the topic.

 “What does the Blood Moon pack want with Arianna?” I demand.

 “My son is a brilliant strategist. I’m proud of what he achieved today. And I will be immensely proud of his final contribution towards the future of all shifters.” Bob beams like the proud father that he feels he is.

 “What does that mean?” Michelle cries, frustrated at the cryptic nonsense Bob sprouted.

 “You’ll find out in twenty four hours now, wouldn’t you?” Bob grins, an evil glint in his eyes.

 Jumping into the four wheel drive that had swung to his side, Bob chuckles and drive off, leaving us gaping after him in frustration and anger.

 Jarring my mind out of its shock mode, I start barking instructions.

 “TOP, check the Q3. We need to get back to Sacred Moon lands ASAP. Nate, call dad and give him a brief rundown on what’s happened. And get him to prepare the chopper! Blake, Reiko, Michelle, push the Aston Martin over to the side of the road. Get someone to come tow it away.”

 Rifling through my shredded clothes from my sudden shift, I grope around the bushes for my phone. Ten feet from the Q3, I find my phone caked with mud from the damp soil where it had landed. Wiping off the mud and dirt, I quickly pull up Sir David’s contact and click call.

 “Mr Winters. I’ve been expecting your call.”

 “How did you know?” I ask, although I suspect Kali Omehia, the resident seer had probably been the faithful informant.

 “Miss Ravensdale contacted me, of course.” Sir David says simply, taking me completely by surprise.

 “Wha…How? When??”

The Prophecy of the Red Wolf [WattpadPrize14]Where stories live. Discover now