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Alice started to write 'Unit 3: Solubility Equilibrium.' On the board as the class filed in.
"Where's Mrs. Norbert?" A redhead asked.
"Mrs. Norbert is on maternity leave." Alice said with a smile. "I will be filling in meantime, please open your books to page 214 and grab paper and something to write with." She gave them 5 minutes to get situated while she wrote on the board before continuing. "Solubility, is a description of the amount of material that will dissolve in a solvent. An Equilibrium always exists between undissolved solid and its ions in solution." She turned around, "is everyone with me so far? I'll give you a few moments to write that down before we continue."

"I want questions 1 to 10 done for Mondays class." She said when the bell rang. Her phone chimed, she read the message and smiled a little.
(Coffee? -MH)
(Black. -AJ)
(Very funny, theres a car waiting outside. -MH)
(Alright, but I have to be back for 1pm. -AJ)
(Not a problem. -MH)

She got in the black car and was greeted by Anthea.
The driver stopped at a quaint little café, Mycroft was sitting in a table inside with a black coffee. When she sat down he pushed the mug towards her. "Not having one?"
"No, I'm not much of a coffee drinker."
She nodded and took hold of the round mug. "So...why did you call me down?"
"We agreed that we'd meet every Friday and discuss my brother, did we not?"
"We did, except nothing really happened, he's still working on the cipher case, oh and there was the fight he had with the robed swordsman but that happened before that." She sipped her coffee. "Thats pretty much it."
Mycroft hummed contently.
"And what branch of science do you teach?"
"I'm a substitute teacher, but I'm covering for Mrs. Norbert who is on maternity leave, she taught grade 12 biology, chemistry and physics."
"And you took over all three?"
"Yes, you seemed amused."
"Quite the opposite. Tell me about your brother, Blake."
"Well theres a pretty large age gap between us, I'm 16 years older, he's currently 17, I keep urging him to pick a university or a college at least, but he wants to play guitar. He has the mind of a mathematician but chooses to play the guitar instead."
"I'm sure you had a silly dream when you were young."
"No, I've always been into science, got made fun of for it a lot."
"Sherlock has the mind of a scientist or a philosopher, but he elects to be a detective. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."
She chuckled into her coffee. "A pirate?"
"He never mentioned that to me."
She shook her head.
"So what is it that you do, Mycroft?"
"I'm a government official."
"Government official? Really? I imagined some sort of business man, ceo type."
His mouth twitched upwards, "however my brother likes to say that I am the British government."
This made her laugh a little.
"If theres one thing Sherlock likes, its being dramatic."

"Hey Alice, how was your day?"
"Oh it was fine, I met the class I'll be taking over for the rest of the year, I had coffee with Mycroft, and-"
"You had coffee with Mycroft?" Sherlock asks, looking away from his microscope.
"Yes, we get along pretty well actually."
"Why is it surprising?" Alice asked, she stood there with her arms crossed.
Sherlock decides to answer with, "nothing."
Alice hums before continuing, "I'm meeting up with him again next Friday, he's actually quite funny and cleaver."
"John's right, you need a therapist."
Alice scoffed and smacked the doctor a tad.
"So anyway, what are you doing Sherly?"
"Don't call me Sherly, and I'm examining what happens to blood cells when exposed to common household cleaners."
"Sounds interesting, you must let me read your findings."

"An element is a pure substance consisting of one type of atom and cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. The most common elements that are found in living things are, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Others such as phosphorus-"
She was cut off by a knock on the doorframe. A staff member was standing there holding a to-go coffee cup. "Oh, hi Faith, what can I do for you?"
"Someone left this for you." She handed her the coffee.
"Thank you."
Written on the side was 'hope your day is going well. -Mycroft.' She looked at the cup confused before setting it down.
"As I was saying..."

The coffee thing went on for weeks, every morning someone would bring her the coffee with a message on it, all from Mycroft.

She stood at her bench going over her lesson plan for the day when there was that knock again. "Your early today, Faith." She turned to face the woman but instead it was Mycroft.
"Oh, good morning."
"Yes, good morning." He set the coffee down before reading her lesson plan. "Cellular biology?"
"I teach Biology first thing in the morning, after that is Chemistry and Physics at the end of the day, and let me tell you, that class is full of grumpy kids."
Mycroft smiled a little. "What was your GPA?"
"4.0, why? What were you expecting? My IQ is 140 in case your wondering. What's this about?"
"I'm just trying to get to know you."
"Uh-huh." She pushed her glasses up. "You know Sherlock tells me you don't have any friends."
He frowned. "I thought of you as a friend."
"Do you want me to be your friend?"
She smiled but it quickly disappeared when the warning bell rang.
"You should go, unless you want to stay and watch."
"I don't have a meeting."
She grabbed her attendance clipboard and pointed to a stool. "Have a seat, Mycroft."
The class filled in.
"Miss Jones?"
"Yes, Reggie?"
"Who is that?"
"He's a friend of mine and he's here to observe."
"Oh, okay."
"Actually Reggie, since your standing." She went into her satchel and pulled out a stack of papers. "Could you hand the tests back."
"Sure thing, Miss Jones." He took the papers and handed them out.
"Now some of you aren't doing as well as I expect. Which means you're not doing the work I assigned or going over your notes, this is a University level course. Step it up."
Reggie handed her the tests of students that aren't there.
"Okay, take out your text books-"
"Miss Jones, I don't have mine."
"This is becoming an everyday issue Peter, grab one from the shelf. If I have to write 'remember bio text book' on your forehead, I will."
"Yes Miss Jones."
"As I was saying, take out your text books, and you'll need paper and something to write with."
She gave them a few minutes.
"We're starting a new unit today, Cellular biology."
There were a few collective groans.
"None of that, you knew exactly what this course was when you signed up for it, now, what is Cellular biology?" She picked up her chalk and pulled down one of her blackboards. She saw a few hands go up.
"Cellular biology is the study of the um, cell structure and function."
"Could you go a little more in depth for me Stacy?"
She shrunk down in her seat.
Alice sighed, "listen, I know its first thing in the morning, but apply yourself a little more."
She took a sip of her coffee.
"As Stacy said." She turned to the blackboard and wrote down the definition, in more detail. "Cell biology is the study of cell structure and function, and it revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life. Focusing on the cell permits a detailed understanding of the tissues and organisms that cells compose...I'll give you a few moments to write that down." She turned to draw a detailed Prokaryotic Cell. She moved out of the way so everyone could see.
"Can anybody tell me what cell I've drawn on the board? Reggie?"
"Good, very good. Now, single-celled bacteria are the only cells that are prokaryotic. Bacteria are very diverse, some can even carry out photosynthesis. Bacteria have an exterior cell wall. In some bacteria the cell wall is further surrounded by a capsule. Some bacteria move via appendages called flagella. Bacteria also have pili, which help them attach to various surfaces. As previously mentioned, prokaryotic cells have no true nucleus. Most of their genes are found in a single loop of DNA, but some also have small accessory rings of DNA called plasmids. Photosynthetic bacteria have light-sensitive pigments usually contained within flattened disks called thylakoids. The cytoplasm also contain numerous granules called ribosomes..."

When the bell rang she reminded them of their homework.
Mycroft stood and walked to the front of the room. "Your class is very..."
"Some of them are very smart, others...average but should have been encouraged to take the college level instead." She started to clean the blackboard. "I have my chemistry class in 5 minutes."
"I have a meeting."
"Oh, do you?"
"Afraid so."
"Okay, I'll see you later, Mycroft."
He bowed a little and left the room. She smiled to herself and sipped her coffee as her chemistry class arrived.

I'm not a Goldfish, Mycroft Holmes Where stories live. Discover now