He's Not My Boyfriend.

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Alice walked into Bronzefeild and showed her ID. It was visitation day, Blake didn't want to come and she understood. She looked into the room, her mother, Grace, was sitting at the middle table, her blonde hair was cut short.
Her face lit up when she saw her eldest child.
Alice sat down. "Hi mum."
"Oh Alice, look at you."
She forced herself to smile.
"How are things? How's Blake?"
"Things are good, Blake is fine, he's top of his class, is going to Uni and he has a girlfriend, Jess. I don't known why I'm telling you her name when you'll never meet her." Which was true, their mother was in for a life sentence for killing their father, not only killing but for dismemberment and hiding his body parts around the house. Her mother was under the notion that he was cheating on her with one of his students.
"And what about you? Are you a teacher yet? Have you got yourself a man? Your biological clock is ticking you know?"
"Mum, I'm 33, if you forget. Thats not something I need to worry about at all. And yes I am a teacher, I'm filling in for a woman on maternity leave but we are discussing making my post permanent."
"Oh that's wonderful. Your father would be proud of you."
"Yes, well, we'll never know, will we?"
Grace's smile faded and she took on a dark expression.
"He got what he deserved."
"Mum, he was not cheating on you, he would never, you knew that, I knew that."
"You think I'm crazy?"
"I..." Alice didn't know how to answer. "Yes? No? I don't know mum."
"I'm not crazy!" She slammed her fists down on the table. She slammed them down again and again and again. Security had to call off visitation for the day and escorted Grace out of the room.

Letting herself into the flat she tossed her purse on the couch and unlocked her liquor cabinet. She just poured herself a drink when her phone rang. She looked at the caller I.D. and sighed, "Sherlock." She answered.
"Baker Street?"
"Not now, I just paid my mum a visit and I'd rather have a drink, you can stop by if you'd like, John can come too."
"How is your mother?"
"As I expected, still remorseless, still crazy."
"I'm sorry. You two were close once."
"Yeah but that was before she chopped my dad up into pieces. I was glad Blake wasn't home at the time...who knows what she would have done?"
"Don't do that."
"Do what?"
"That sad thing your doing."
She smiled into the phone. "Well, I should go, Blake will be home soon and its almost graduation. The visitation offer still stands Sher."
"I'll think about it."
As if on cue Blake walked in when she hung up the phone, soaked from the rain.
"Forget your umbrella?"
"Yeah. How's mum?"
"Uh shes good, shes doing real well." Alice lied. "Go dry yourself off then we can watch a movie, maybe order something."
"Yeah, okay."

She got the permanent position she wanted, she would now teach all the grade 12 sciences. They stood around in the staff room while they said goodbye to a retiring teacher.
"So as an end of term address, I'd like to welcome Alice Jones to our staff permanently, and I'd like to welcome her as the head of our science department." The head teacher said, raising a glass.
The pair walked to the car, she had her arm around him the entire time, she gave him a little squeeze. "I'm proud of you, and next you know, you'll be in Uni, sharing a student home with someone."
"And how will you survive?"
"Well I have Sherlock and Mycroft, John too though we don't really talk."
"Hm, Mycroft, how is that relationship working?"
"He's not my boyfriend." She said, getting into the drivers seat.
"Right, but you want him to be."
"Oh shut up, Blake."

The flat was hers now, and it was to quiet. Sighing she turned the telly on when she got a text from Mycroft.
(Coffee? -MH)
(So Mr. Government is busy after all. -AJ)
(Yes, I am sorry for being out of touch. -MH)
(Relax, its your job, I get it. -AJ)
(So, coffee? -MH)
(Why not. -AJ)
(Good, theres a car waiting outside. -MH)
She got up and looked out the window, Anthea was standing outside of a black car.
She grabbed her purse and left the flat.
"Hello Anthea."

On Anthea's instruction she walked into Notes and found Mycroft sitting in the back with a mug of black coffee and an almond pastry. She sat down and smiled at her umbrella carrying friend.
"What's the occasion?" She asked.
"Do I need an occasion to ask you to coffee?"
"No, I'm just joking around. Blake is finally moving on with his life and I got a permanent job at KAA. How's Sherlock on the Irene case?"
"Nothing has been said or done in quite a while."
She hummed.
"But I do have something to ask of you."
"Anything, I mean yeah."
"I have business for a week or two in Paris and I was wondering if you would be my travel partner."
"Travel partner? You mean go with you to Paris?"
"Do you not want to?"
"No, no, I'd love to, I just haven't been off British soil before..."
"Is your passport updated?"
"I always keep it updated."
Mycroft leaned back and smiled. "Good, I'll have a car pick you up tomorrow morning." 

She hurried around her flat packing everything she could need, she informed her Landlord that she was going on a vacation for a week or so. A knock at the door signalled she had to go. A man helped her with her cases and they drove to an airport strip where a private plane and Mycroft were waiting.
"If it was anyone else I would have been surprised by the private plane."
Mycroft just smiled and held out his arm. "Shall we?" They boarded.
Alice felt a small twinge of anxiety when they took off but pushed it away, she was going to Paris, somewhere that was on her bucket list.
She stared out of the plane window.
"So, you'll have the suite to yourself most days, I've hired a tour guide for you to take you anywhere you wish, you have liberty to purchase anything you desire. But I promise we will have a few days to spend together, and there is an event where I will require your company. The Prime Minister is holding ma banquet and I was invited."
She nodded, "thank you, Mycroft, I mean, this is just...wow."

The suite was large, larger than her flat, even her room was the size of her living room and kitchen.
She was afraid to touch anything, the majority of the suite was white, but there was a warmth, outside her bedroom window was a balcony with a table and a few chairs and a almost perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, it was dark outside and they just started to light it up.
She set her bags down and went to go see the main room. Mycroft was sitting on the couch with his tie loosened going over paperwork. Alice smiled, he was not the most attractive man in the world but he did cut a pretty picture. He sensed her standing there and turned around. "I have business first thing in the morning, in the meantime we have the evening to spend in each others company and room service is already being brought up." She sat down beside him on the couch. "So what do you suggest we do?"
"Talk? A glass of wine perhaps? I'd suggest a film but I don't think your fluent in French."
"Well you'd be right."

Dinner was amazing, they sat in the aftermath, drinking a bottle of wine, talking, laughing.
"So how is your brother? Is he adjusting alright?"
"He sent me a photo of himself trying to make packet pasta...I'm not sure how he got a chemical reaction but it looked like a science fair volcano. I just hope his housemate can cook, or Jess when she comes to visit him."
"Oh, sorry, Blake has a girlfriend, she's a little thing, barely 5 foot. Cute too, she likes to wear her hair in those little afro puffs. And shes really sweet, Blake adores her."
"When was the last time you had someone?"
"About 8 years ago."
"Yeah, it ended badly, I was just finishing my teacher training and he claimed I was being distant and when we were together I was being selfish, we got into this huge fight about it, it was a mess."
"I'm sorry."
"No its fine, I wasn't really that into him anyway, he wasn't my type."
"And what is your type?" Mycroft asked, he subconsciously moved closer to her.
'You.' She thought to herself but responded with "I don't know."

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