Alice, I need your help...

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Mycroft opened his eyes, he groaned and blinked at the brightness of the room, pinching at the bridge of his nose. He didn't know where he was for a second, this wasn't his room. It was smaller, and almost entirely white, the bed was low to the floor with a black headboard, the blankets and sheets around his body were white and grey and he was surrounded by pillows also grey and white and the mattress itself was squishy and overly comfortable.
On the foot of the bed was a glass end table with a plant on it. Theres art littering the walls, as well as a giant framed periodic table above her bed, like the one his brother has in his room. Theres a white desk covered in papers, plants, books and Mac computer thats been left on all night and a closet that was closed.
Alice's bedroom was exactly how Mycroft thought it would be.
He tossed the grey blanket off his body, he wore just a dress shirt an trousers. He tensed a little when he touched the furry carpet by the bed.
There was music coming from down the hall, some pop song Mycroft didn't recognize.

In the kitchen Alice was sitting at the dining table grading papers, half a cup of coffee was abandoned, cold now. Her sleep shirt had fallen down her shoulder, free of a bra strap. Mycroft swallowed thickly, was she aware of what she was doing to him? She looked up from the lab report she was currently grading and smiled at him. "Good afternoon." She said. Mycroft blinked, afternoon?
"Don't panic or anything like that, I called Anthea, you're taking the day off."
Mycroft opened his mouth, she raised her finger in the air, "relax Anthea made sure that your replacement for the day is perfectly able to handle the work and she will be watching over him like a hawk." She wrote a B- on the front of the paper and set it down on the pile. She stretched in her chair, arms raised up as she moaned, the outline her breasts visible as she did, nipples hard from the air conditioner. She knew Mycroft was staring, so she got up from her chair as gracefully as she could and picked up her mug. Mycroft was standing by the sink, she was almost right up against him, reaching behind his body to put the mug in the sink, her breath tickled his slightly exposed chest.
"So," she asked, body still in close proximity to his own. "What shall we do today?"
"Whatever you'd like," he said, forcibly embracing his day off.
"We could watch another movie?"
He sighed, "please, no more musicals, I don't think I could stand another."
Alice pouted but complied with his plea, "okay, no more musicals."
She sat him down on the couch and walked over to her cabinet, bending down with her ass in the air like last night. At this current moment Mycroft wanted to do something else than watch a silly movie with her, but being a gentleman he set his needs aside and wouldn't do anything that she would not want, and he didn't think either of them were ready to take their relationship to a physical level just yet, seeing how they've only kissed once. She popped a movie into the player and took her spot beside him on the couch, remote in her hand.
"Cold Mountain?"
"Yeah, its one of my favourites, its a romance set during the American Civil War."
She pressed play and snuggled up to Mycroft. He tensed when her head touched his shoulder, "relax," she said, wrapping her arm around his middle. Cautiously he wrapped his arm around her middle in return, but he moved his hand slowly, fingertips ghosting over her skin, she sighed against his neck making the man shiver. He placed his hand on her thigh, he wasn't quite sure where else to put it.
The movie was long, she never mentioned the length of the film, however even Mycroft had to admit it was good. He even enjoyed seeing Ada and Inman reunite with each other. There was a scene in the film, where the two characters had sex for the first time, he could feel Alice shift next to him in discomfort, a little moan escapes her lips. Mycroft looks down at her, cheeks flushed, eyes focused on the screen, pupils dilated, her nails skimming up his knee. Mycroft too shifted, he was unaware of how this was having an effect on him, his body felt warm and his pants were growing increasingly tighter as the seconds went by. Alice stretched, putting her breasts on display for him yet again. Her fingers trailed up his thigh, his hand caught hers right before she got to where she wanted to touch most. She looked up at him, eyes filled with desire and want. She licked her bottom lip and gave it a bite, reaching her hand around she brought Mycroft's lips to hers. It was slow, hesitant, a spark flashed through her heart and nerves making her gasp against his lips.
Mycroft knew what she wanted, but would he give it to her? Their kisses grew more persuasive by the moment, this was not the way he wanted to have her for the first time, he wanted to take her somewhere nice first, be a gentleman and more importantly, take her to bed. But he felt that if they continued her couch would have to do, helpfully it was a rather large sectional. Mycroft cant remember the last time he was intimate with any woman, or if he was, he can't recall. Suddenly she pulled him down until she laid on the couch, hair spread around her like a golden halo. His hands were trembling, unsure where to touch, he settled for her hip, running his hands up and down her sides on top of the fabric of her t-shirt.
Her legs wrapped around his hips shyly, she began to unbutton his shirt, running her hands down his chest, he had chest hair which didn't bother her none, she found it attractive if she was being honest with herself.
Without breaking the kiss she guided his hands under her shirt. His calloused hands were warm and rough against her skin, she shivered, gasping against his lips. Sliding up her skin, his hands curved under her breasts, thumbs brushing over her nipples, she whimpered against his lips and he smiled for doing something right. In a bold move he broke the kiss, Alice made a noise of disappointment which quickly became a moan when his lips connected with her neck.
Fingers tangled in hair and gave a tug, he growled against her skin, hot breath making her shudder under him. She moved her hips against his arousal. In response he rubbed against her.
"Shit," she whimpered, he chuckled against her skin, "language, darling."
Fingers hooked onto the hem of her t-shirt, dragging it up her skin, she lifted her arms to help him take it off. Her breasts bounced when she flopped her back down on the couch. Mycroft pulled back to allow himself to admire what was beneath him. She was exquisite, Mycroft counted every freckle on her skin, nipples a blush pink, standing at peak attention from her arousal. He ran his finger down the valley of her breasts, "beautiful," he whispered.
"You're not s'bad yourself." Alice said, reaching up to help him completely discard his own shirt.
Mycroft bent down, capturing her swollen lips in another kiss. Reviling at the softness of her skin against his chest.
He moved to pull the drawstrings on her shorts when the door opened.
"Alice, I need your help with..." Sherlocks voice trailed off into nothing. His hand flew up to cover his eyes.
The couple looked at him in horror and embarrassment, still in their position. Mycroft was thankful that his arm was covering part of her. Alice quickly reached up and grabbed a couch pillow, covering herself.
"Jesus, Sherlock! Don't you knock?" She scolded.
"I had a key." He said.
"How did you get a key?" Alice sputtered.
"I had one made just in case."
John ran up after him, out of breath, he must've taken the stairs.
"What's going on...oh..."
"Cover your eyes John." Sherlock said.
"What do you want, Sherlock?" Alice asked, impatience lacing her voice.
"I needed your help identifying something for me."
"You could've called!"
"I'm sorry!"
"No you aren't, you jackass!"
"We're sorry for bugging you...we'll go now," John said, trying to pull Sherlock out of the room.
"But the thing!" Sherlock protested, John gave a look of 'I'm sorry' before shutting the door.
Sighing Alice tossed the pillow somewhere in the room.

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