You Have To Tell Him

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So, I know I promised this like...two weeks ago. But its just been really hot and I don't function correctly in the summertime. Also, things get a little naughty at the end, so be warned.

Almost as quickly as they returned home, Mycroft went back to work. It was still summer, just about the end, so Alice didn't have to go back to work yet. She called Mary after a few days and asked her for lunch. The older woman accepted and they met at a quiet, cosy place not too far from where Mary lives. Alice arrived before Mary and was waiting inside by the window. She smiled when Mary came through the door, small bump outlining her t-shirt.
"Hey," Alice greeted with a grin and stood up to hug the woman.
When they sat down Mary took a deep breath and adjusted herself.
When she settled she was the first one to speak. "So have you told Mycroft yet?" That's it, that was the first thing she said, and Alice just stared at her, smile disappearing.
"Uh..." Mary stared at her, "no?" She said, sinking down a little in her seat.
The waiter came by and they ordered virgin mimosas, which is just orange juice basically, but they didn't want to say orange juice.
"Alice," Mary's voice was stern but playful. "You have to tell him, what are you going to do? Wait until you pop it out and say "surprise?" Because I don't think that'll go over well."
Alice rubbed her forehead, "I know, I know." She sighed, "I need to tell him but how? We haven't exactly discussed having children and we're not even married yet and I don't think Mycroft wants to have kids."
"Just be simple about it, just say, "hey Mycroft, I'm pregnant." Easy."
"Is that what you told John?"
"Oh no, Sherlock told us."
This made Alice laugh, "of course he did. I'm surprised Sherlock has any knowledge on pregnancy to know."
"You should have seen him when he was planning the wedding with us. He was terrified."
Alice ran her fingers through her hair, "I remember, John told me everything when he visited me in hospital." She smiled, "I wonder what he'll be like when Mycroft and I announce that we're getting married, that is if Mycroft hasn't already told his brother."
"Have you talked about what kind of wedding you're going to have?"
"Mycroft and I would like something small, nothing too large and over the top, and we also don't have many friends. But I think that might change when we tell his parents, I haven't met his parents yet but with the way he talks about them, his mother might want something large."
"Have you thought about when?"
Alice shrugged, "I would like a summer wedding, but definitely not outside, I know how Mycroft feels about bugs. And definitely not on a beach, he hates sand." She thought about it, "oh but an autumn wedding also sounds lovely."
"Well don't stress yourself, there's no rush."
Alice nodded, "I know I know, I'm just excited. When Mycroft and I started dating I had no idea it would come to this point. I actually thought it wouldn't last very long at all. But now look, we've moved in together, I'm pregnant and we're getting married." Her voice sounded dreamy and full of wonder as she spoke.


She thought about how she would tell Mycroft when he got home from work but first, she thought she was in need of a nap. The walk upstairs felt like it took forever, honestly, she'd nap on the stairs of she could, but she didn't want to scare Mycroft, so she pushed herself up the rest of the way. Alice doesn't recall ever being this tired. Perhaps it has something to do with only getting six hours last night and on naps. Alice was never really the type of person to enjoy a nap, but recently she's found a new love for them.
Opening the bedroom door she shuffled her way in and collapsed on her back, she didn't even pull the covers over her body, she just closed her eyes.

Mycroft walked through the door sometime after 7 pm and called for Alice. When she didn't answer he went to look for her. She wasn't anywhere downstairs, and she didn't go out since her purse was still in the kitchen. Loosening his tie he started upstairs. Every door was closed except for one, the bedroom. Standing in the doorway he watched her, she was asleep, taking up the middle of their king-sized bed.
Taking his time, Mycroft walked up to the bed and sat on the edge, turning on the lamp so he could see her better. She was still dressed in the clothes she wore to her brunch with Mary, and she hadn't taken off her makeup, but lack of movement didn't smudge it off.
Alice wasn't a snorer, she was a silent sleeper and so was Mycroft, for the most part, he did snore on occasion.
His eyes trailed down her body and landed on her stomach. Her shirt rode up, exposing her belly button to him and the little tiny bump underneath, small enough that it disappeared with the slightest movement, but it was there. His child was right there. He was happy of course, but he wondered why Alice hadn't told him yet, he was getting fed up with waiting. Of course, he could just tell her that he knows but he couldn't take that away from her. He should just have a little more patience.
Taking his hand from his lap he moved it to her belly. He didn't feel anything, it was too early in the first trimester but it still made him smile regardless. He felt himself grow a bit excited at the thought of in a few months, he'd be able to feel he or she move around.
Moving his hand he woke her up gently. She grumbled and stared at him with bleary eyes.
"Mycroft? What time is it?"
"Just after seven, love."
Alice sat up, rubbing her face, blinking tightly, trying to expel the sleepiness from her eyes. A grumble in her stomach made her face scrunch up, at first she couldn't tell if it was nausea or if she was hungry.
But the familiar feeling of hunger set in and she thought. After a few minutes, she looked at Mycroft and asked, "can we order in tonight?" She asked. He wasn't too fond of the idea but agreed.
While waiting for the pizza she ordered, Alice went through the fridge and groaned, looking at the refrigerator like it had wronged her.
Mycroft stepped in and saw her crying. Putting down the drink he had been holding, he walked over and put his hands on her shoulders.
"Alice? What's wrong, love?"
She just shrugged throwing her hand up and letting it fall, "I just wanted some pickles but when I looked there weren't any."
Mycroft looked at her confused, "and that's why your crying? Because we don't have any pickles?"
Alice nodded and let her head fall against his chest, he just held her, rolling his eyes at her dramatics. But he then thought, "no Mycroft, she's not being overdramatic, its just mood swings, it's just her hormones working on overdrive." How will he get through nine months of this? Reminding himself of the end result made all of what was to come, seem worth it, right?


After dinner they tucked in for the night, Alice's idea, she just wanted to lay in bed together. Mycroft was working on a puzzle and she was blazing through a level of Temple Run, sound off, of course. Mycroft can't stand those little in-game noises. She thought about how she was going to tell him, rehearsing what she was going to say over and over again in her head, but nothing sounded right to her. She took Mary's words and decided to just let it out naturally. Exiting her game she turned the phone off and put it on the bedside table. Getting to her knees she faced him and waited, Mycroft looked up from his puzzle and put it down.
"What is it?"
"I have...something to tell you." She said, wringing her hands together nervously. "Just don't freak out and run away," she half-joked, trying to relieve the tension she felt, but it didn't help, in actually her mind played a scenario in her head of Mycroft freaking out, yelling and then leaving. She almost didn't want to tell him, but she just pushed her fears aside and swallowed thickly.
"What is it?"
"I'm pregnant." She said, looking away, just in case the look on his face was something she didn't want to see.
"I know," he said after a few seconds.
Alice looked at him, confused, "what?"
"I said, I know."
"H-how long have you known?"
"Since Paris." He said, he was calm about it but she wasn't, actually was feeling a little angry.
"Since Paris?!" She yelled, fuming, "you knew for that long and you didn't think it would be a good idea to tell me?" She was on her knees now, hands on her hips. Mycroft looked at her angry face and sighed, opening his arms. "Come here," he said.
Almost reluctantly she did what she was told and laid down, putting her head on his chest, anger draining away like it hadn't been there in the first place. Rubbing her arm he explained, "I didn't tell you because I knew it would mean more to you if you told me yourself." He kissed her forehead, "I couldn't take that from you." Alice smiled, moving closer to him. "I think it would have been better for my nerves if you would have just told me," she retorted with playfulness in her voice.
"Well perhaps next time if I figure it out first, I'll tell you."
Alice raised her head to look at him, one eyebrow raised in curiosity, "next time?" A smile formed on her lips, "we haven't had this one yet and your already talking about having another?"
Mycroft sighed deeply, "what can I say? You've changed me, my dear."
"Have I?"
He turned to her, "I'm afraid so."

Their lips met slowly but it was replaced by a burning passion, full of need and want for the other. Foreplay was forgotten, it wasn't needed in this sudden moment of urgency. Their pyjamas were almost ripped away as she straddled him. Mycroft watched her rock her hips back and forth on his length, she started slow but quickly worked herself into a frenzy. Mycroft couldn't take it, "you're so wet," he groaned, arching his back, hands coming up to squeeze Alice's hips. She smirked as she rolled her hips, enjoying the groan that left him. "Wanna be inside you," he mumbled incoherently.
"Not yet," she replied, angling herself so the tip of his cock dragged over her clit with every stroke. "Wanna cum like this." She moaned, throwing her head black, feeling the hot coil tighten in her stomach, threatening to come undone any second as she grew closer. Mycroft gasped, his cock leaking pre-cum onto his stomach, he doesn't know how much longer he'll last if she keeps this going. She continued to writhe on him, sweet mewls leaving her lips. His cock twitched and throbbed against her folds. He began to beg, Alice has never heard him beg before, and oh she liked it, she really liked it, she wanted him to beg more, so she slowed down, prolonging the orgasm she had been chasing moments earlier.
"Please," he whispered, digging his nails into her soft skin.
"Please what? Use your words, baby." She moaned, blonde hair falling over her shoulders. Seeing Mycroft so needy, broken under her touch was almost enough to make her cum, but she held.
"Wanna be inside you," he repeated, the intense pleasure fogging his brain. He begged and begged until Alice gave him what he wanted. He let out a loud moan as she sank down on his length.

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