I'm Fine, I Can Do It

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As I was searching for a new Mycroft story to read (because I love this man) and I came across my own story as I was swiping by and I happened to notice that it was ranked number one in Mycroft Holmes stories. Currently I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect of anything I write being that highly ranked out of almost 150, but I would like to say thank you guys. 💛💛

Mycroft waited in the waiting room, he was joined by Sherlock, fresh from the dead and John, accompanied by Mary. It had been five hours since they flew her in and brought her here. And not a single word. Mycroft had discarded his suit jacket and was sitting in one of the chairs, hunched over like a nervous wreck. She was in bad shape when they found her, and all the blood she'd lost. Mycroft was lucky he knew her blood type off hand from memory for she was unconscious and couldn't speak.
Mycroft ran his hands over his face, Sherlock caught his state and said, "she'll be fine Mycroft, she's a fighter."
"I shouldn't have let her go." He said, standing up from his seat, straightening his waistcoat. "I should've made her stay."
"This isn't your fault, Mycroft." John said.
Mycroft took a deep breath to steady himself. Footsteps sounded down the hall, they turned towards the doctor.
"How is she?" Sherlock asked before Mycroft could open his mouth.
The doctor sighed and pressed his lips together in a smile. "You're a lucky man, Mr. Holmes, she's a tough one." He cleared his throat, "due to her quick thinking we were able to save her leg, she's going to make a full recovery."
"Can I see her?" Mycroft asks, the doctor nodded and led the group to the room she was inside.
Mycroft went in first, her face lit up the moment he walked in. smiled at him and left the room.
It was dark, the lights were off and the blinds were closed, but the natural lighting from outside made it easy to see.
Alice was hooked up to tubes full of various things, the heart rate monitor by her bedside showed that it was beating at a normal rate.
Her arms were above the blanket, hands were cut and bruised, walking to the left side of her body he rolled up the sleeve of her dressing gown to see the jellyfish stings on her arm, angry and red still after treatment and the skin on her shoulder was deep and purple. Mycroft moved on to her face, bruised and cut, she would no doubt have a scar, small and unimportant compared to the ones that would mark her leg forever. His mind flashed to the beach when he found her. Alice's leg was completely purple, blood didn't stop seeping from the wound as it had no where else to go. Mycroft was frightened, he was already worried to death when she didn't call him the night she said she would and he immediately recruited John and Sherlock to come with him to find her. He didn't know what he expected when he did but it was never that. He never expected her to be laying on the sand, fighting to stay alive. He watched the camera footage that was handed to him, he watched it over and over again on the plane back. Mycroft felt like it was a race against the clock, she had already lost so much blood and was weak and dehydrated. He watched the video in case that would be the last time he would hear her voice. But Sherlock was right, she's a fighter.
Alice smiled softly, arms resting on her torso. "Hey, Mycroft." Her voice was small and hoarse. He was by her side in almost an instant. He knelt by the bed and grabbed one of her hands, peppering kisses along her bruised knuckles. Mycroft looked up at the bandaged arm, where she was stung by the jellyfish. Noticing his gaze she chuckled. "That's not even the worst of it, you should see my leg." She said almost teasingly.
"How did you survive?" Mary asked out of the blue.
"Its a long story..." she caught Mycroft's eye, "that I suppose I could tell right now."
Alice told them the story of her and the shark, sparing no detail.


"Sherlock I'm fine, I can do it, let me walk on my own," Alice insisted, Sherlock was having none of it and was insistent on getting her inside and in bed. She was in hospital for almost seven months and was finally discharged earlier that day. Mycroft was supposed to pick her up and bring her home but he is unfortunately stuck in traffic. Behind Sherlock was John with her crutches.
"Hey John, I'm sorry I missed the wedding." Alice said, leaning against the wall a little so Sherlock could fetch the keys.
"Its alright, Mary wouldn't have wanted you there if you were in pain."
Alice smiled and inquired, "so is it true Mary's pregnant?"
"Yes, yes she is."
Alice cooed, "how wonderful! Babies are such a joy!"
Sherlock opened the door, got her inside and it was straight upstairs. He picked the woman up and laid her down on the large bed. John came around and made sure she was comfortable. When she sighed sort of dolefully he asked what was wrong, Sherlock was still in ear shot but he was in the bathroom getting her a glass of water.
"Oh its just...I'd love to have a child of my own one day, with everything that happened it kind of just put everything in perspective and I'm not getting any younger here," she chuckled, "but with Mycroft being who he is it doesn't seem..." she scrunched up her nose and looked at the doctor, "possible." She chuckled softly, her mind filling with hopeful "what if's". She looked back at John and said, "of course I'd imagine we'd have to get married first which doesn't seem likely, as I think Mycroft is more than content with the way things are now."
John sat down on the edge of the bed as Sherlock handed her a glass of water.
"Have you thought about talking to him?" John suggested, earning a shake of the head from the blonde.
"No, no I have not." Alice set the glass down on the bedside table. "Besides not that me casually bringing it up in conversation will change things. Personally I don't think Mycroft wants to get married."
"What makes you say that?"
"Because its Mycroft."


"Alice?" Mycroft called the moment he got home.
"Kitchen!" She announced. The moment he walked into the kitchen, she was met with a disappointed stare and crossed arms. She sighed with exasperation, "what? What is it Mycroft?" She asked, almost slamming the spoon into the sink that she used to stir her tea.
"Darling, you're supposed to be in bed." He reprimanded her gently.
"I'm fine," she insisted. Alice grabbed the cup and tried to lean on her crutches, but before she could realize how that wasn't going to work and ended up spilling the tea on the floor, she didn't notice it until half of it was gone. Letting out a cry of frustration, Mycroft was at her side and took the cup, placing it on the island.
"I just wanted to do something by myself for a change," she said softly, Mycroft sighed. "And you will, when you're better my dove. But for now you need to rest and to heal." He said, cupping her face in his hands. "Now, I'd be glad to bring you a cup of tea, once you're back in bed, and if you desire I could join you shortly."
Alice's face lit up at the prospect of alone time, he's been working so hard lately he hasn't had much time to rest. Nodding she let him help her carefully up the stairs and into bed.

Shortly after there was an empty cup on her bedside table and she had her head resting on Mycroft's chest and his arms were around her, protectively. They laid like this in each other's company for what felt like hours when in the silence Alice poked her head up and looked at Mycroft, eyes pointed towards the ceiling. "Mycroft?" She asked softly, breaking whatever train of thought he had, he looked down at her, "yes?"
"Have you ever thought about...marriage?" She asked, keeping her voice sweet and quiet. The man blinked and took a deep breath, "no," he answered, "it hasn't really crossed my mind."
"Oh," she whispered meekly, laying back down again.
"What brought this on?"
Alice shrugged, "well its just that John got married recently and it got me thinking...about the future. That's all."
Mycroft quirked up a brow, "you want to get married?"
Alice bit her lip, "well I would like too...one day...maybe...if..." she shook her head against his chest, "forget it, its the medication talking, forget I said anything, okay?" She made the motion with her hand for him to turn off his light, he did so without protest and they went to sleep, or rather see did, as Mycroft's brain was buzzing with ideas and a plan.


Not related to anything but I found this on Pinterest and I can't stop laughing 😂

Not related to anything but I found this on Pinterest and I can't stop laughing 😂

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