Three Small Words

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Guys, I need help, well not really help, but help. Anyway I've been thinking about watching a new show, I don't watch a lot of them but I figured I need something new in my life. Anyway I'm torn between Downton Abbey and Outlander. Originally I wasn't going to watch Outlander until I read the books but at this point I've pretty much said "fuck it," nothing else has interested me, well I guess Penny Dreadful too, but I'm torn between the first two I mentioned for now, so if you guys could sort of idk state you're opinions I guess, it'll be helpful.

She waited, sitting on the toilet seat, two little sticks in front of her on the edge of the bath. The timer she set on her phone went off, signifying the time to check them. Taking a breath, she wasn't sure if she wanted too. But she knew she had too, a shaky breath escaped her lips as she reached for them. Closing her eyes she counted too three, mostly to calm her nerves, the moment she looks at the results, the instant her life will change. Opening her eyes she looked at one first, no sense in looking at both of them at the same time. On the one she held, a clear pink plus sign stared her in the face. "Oh God," she breathed, her body started shaking, her heart thumping in her rib cage, inhaling she looked at the second one, it was a different brand so instead of a plus she was met with an equal sign. Both tests were positive, they were positive. A yelp escaped her lips, she covered her mouth and was torn between laughing and crying.
A knock on the door, she snapped her head up and looked at the wood. "Ye-yes?" She called out.
"Are you okay Alice? I thought I heard you scream." Mycroft's voice called back, luckily she had locked the door so he couldn't barge in on her, especially not now while she held the tests in her hands.
"I'm fine, I just thought I saw a spider, thats all."
"Well I'm going to the lounge downstairs," he said.
"I'll join you later," she assured him. When she assumed he was far away from the door she pulled out her phone and called the first person she thought of. It rang for a few seconds before he picked up.
"Alice? What is it? I'm busy." Sherlock said into the phone. Alice was trying to gather the words in her head, she didn't know what to say, what was there to say? How exactly does one tell the brother of the man she's with that she's pregnant? How does one find the words?
"I'm pregnant," she blurted out, didn't soften the blow at all. But there it was, said out loud. Sherlock was silent, an awkward, long silence, Alice was afraid he fainted, why why would Sherlock faint? He wouldn't, so perhaps he was stuck in a frozen trance which was surprising to her considering this was Mycroft's baby and not his.
"Sherlock? ... Sherlock?"
Alice sighed in relief, "you disappeared on me."
"I'm sorry, are you sure you're pregnant?"
"Yes, I'm absolutely sure."
"And it's my brothers?"
Alice scoffed, offended that he would even suggest that it wasn't Mycroft's. "Yes! Of course its Mycroft's!" She yelled into the phone. Rolling her eyes she whispered, "I should have just called Mary."
"Well she's here now if you want to talk to her." Sherlock suggested, but before she could say anything else, a female voice spoke.
"Hi Alice! How's your trip?"
"Its um, its going fine er...I have news." She said.
It should probably be acknowledged that both Alice and Mary are very good friends and have been since they met in November of last year. There was almost an instant spark of friendship between them, like Sherlock and John.
"Mycroft didn't propose did he?"
Alice got up and unlocked the bathroom door. "No, no, nothing like that." She said, sitting down on the bed.
"Then what? Don't hold out on me."
Alice chuckled, "how's the baby?" She asked.
"Fine, now don't change the subject on me!"
"Sorry, I just thinking about the possibility of our children being friends." She said, barely able to contain her smile.
"'re not..."
"Oh my God...oh my God! When did you find out?"
"A few minutes ago."
"Have you told Mycroft?"
"No not yet, I'm actually supposed to meet him downstairs in a minute."
"Oh well don't let me keep you! Make sure you call me after."
"I will, bye."
She ended the call and flopped onto the mattress. Giggling she ran her hand across her stomach.

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