Yes, A Guy Friend.

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Mycroft strolled in with a cup of coffee after her first period class. She smiled and went through her plan for her chemistry class. Mycroft set the coffee on the bench and started to shuffle through her notes.
"You know, for a government official your not very busy."
Her phone started ringing, she sighed and answered it. "Yes, Sherlock?"
"Where are the eyes?"
"They're in the microwave where you left them."
"Well they're not now."
"Ask John then, I have a class." She hung up. She turned towards the board and started writing down the materials needed for the lab. She still felt Mycroft standing there and turned a little to face him. "Are you just going to stand there?"
"I have no where to be."
"So you're going to observe again?"
"If you don't mind."
"Not at all, you know your not as cold as Sherlock says."
"He said I was cold?"
"And a loner, that you don't like people, you think caring is not an advantage either and are against any forms of sentiment."
"Well I do dislike people."
She hummed, and continued to write on the board. "Sherlock also likes to talk about how your a rubbish big brother, and how you never fail to remind him that your the smart one."
"I am the smart one, and if Sherlock seems slow to me, then imagine what other people are like, its like I'm living in a world of goldfish."
"I'm not a goldfish, Mycroft Holmes, you best remember that." She points to the stool by her bench. "Have a seat."

Mycroft sat in his office and thought about what she said to him, 'I'm not a goldfish, Mycroft Holmes.' Leaning back in his chair he smiled a little. He only knew her for a short while, 3 months at most, yet he already felt a deep connection towards her, perhaps it was her brain that drew him to her.
She definitely was not a goldfish, she was a mermaid, beautiful with her pale skin, golden hair, sea blue eyes and red lips, she was alluring, charming, and like the men of legend, he desired her, but catching her would be difficult, damn near impossible, she was so sure of herself, a woman who knew what she wanted, and he was so sure it wasn't him. He knew in his mind he should stop this, keep things friendly but his heart, assuming he had one, wanted something different. He wanted her, but she was to beautiful for him, she'd never accept him as anything more than a friend.
His thoughts were interrupted by Anthea telling him he had a meeting to go to.
Throwing away all his self-doubt, he sent her a text which simply read,
(Dinner? -MH)
His head screamed at him not to send it, but he did, and now he sat in the boring meeting, anxiously awaiting her reply, and he got it.
(Sure, pick me up at 7. -AJ)

She walked out of her flat dressed entirely in red, her dress was a red bardot wrap front body-con number, paired red stilettos and red lips. Her gold hair was curled and pushed to one side. Her coat was white and she held a clutch in her hands. Mycroft felt a lump form in his throat and he had the feeling that something was fluttering around in his abdomen. She slipped into his car, she smelt like roses and something else he couldn't detect, something sweet.
"I wasn't sure how dressed up to get, I'm not even sure where we're going." She pushed her glasses up.
"You look beautiful."
"Um..thank-thank you." She laughed nervously. "So...why dinner?"
"Well I thought it would be a step up from coffee."
When they got out of the car, they stood outside the most expensive and luxurious restaurant in London.
"Oh Mycroft...I feel underdressed to be going in here."
"Trust me, my dear. You look perfect."
She smiled shyly and followed him inside.
"Reservation for Holmes."
"Right this way."
They were sat at a table and were handed menus.
"Should we start with wine?"
She smiled and nodded, "I like rosé, is that okay?"
"Its fine, you can have whatever you wish."
He smiled at her and waved down a server.
"Have you decided on something to drink?"
"A bottle of Château d'Esclans Rosé."
"Of course, Mr Holmes."

Dinner went really well, they swapped embarrassing stories about their little brothers, they were enjoying desert and half way through their second bottle of rosé.
"When Blake was little he had this thing where he would go up to strangers and just hug them. We never knew when he would run off until there was some unsuspecting adult standing there with a toddler strapped to his or her legs. He was a very affectionate kid. And honestly he'd kill me if he knew I told you that, you know, teen angst and all that."
Mycroft smiled. "He's graduating this year isn't he?"
"Yes, and then its off to university in autumn."
"Has he applied to any yet?"
"A few, he's been accepted to all of them but I'm having a hard time telling him that I can't pay for either of them, even with his part time job, its not enough."
"Where has he been accepted?"
"Um, the Royal Academy of Music, Oxford, UAL, and Regent's. And I can't pay for either of them."
"Well where does he want to go?"
"He's torn between the Royal Academy of Music and UAL, he's an artsy kid like I said."
Mycroft thought for a moment and came up with a solution. "Well, if he could pick one I would be more then happy to pay his tuition."
Her jaw dropped and she covered her mouth with her hand.
"Well naturally, yes."
"Mycroft I...I don't know what to say..."
"Let me take you out for dinner again."
"Yes! Yes, absolutely, yes." She reached to grab hold of his hand, he tensed for a moment but softened when she rubbed her thumb across the back of his hand, somewhat enjoying the slight scratch of her plum painted nails.
"Thank you, Mycroft."
"Your most welcome, Alice."

When she got home she went into Blake's room.
"Blake, wake up."
"What?" He rolled over and tried to blink the sleep away.
"Your going."
"To Uni."
"But I thought you said we couldn't afford it."
"We couldn't but I have a friend of mine who wants to help."
Blake smiled, "a guy friend?"
Alice rolled her eyes.
"Yes a guy friend."
"Well its good that you're getting out there again."
"What do you mean?"
"Alice, you're 33."
"You haven't had a boyfriend since you were 25."
Alice scoffed, "Mycroft is not my...boyfriend."
"Weird name."
She stood up and picked his phone up off his bedside table she dialled a number and threw the phone at him.
"Talk to Mycroft and tell him that you're thankful that he's giving you this." She left his bedroom to brew coffee and grade tests.

I'm not a Goldfish, Mycroft Holmes Where stories live. Discover now