Mycroft, Its 5am.

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Blake sat on Alice's bed and watched her run around her bedroom looking for the right dress to wear.
"So a second date, huh?"
"Its not a date, its two friends having dinner."
"Uh-huh, then why are you making this much of an effort? Curled hair, you only wear red lipstick if its important and your wearing contacts so you can wear fake eyelashes."
"This guy is important to you."
"Of course he is...we're friends." She insisted with a pout.
"What about this one?" Blake held up a white and silver metallic caging bodycon dress.
She put it on and asked Blake to zip it up.
"Okay are next, I guess my black ones?"
"Oh god no."
"What? Whats wrong with them?"
"You wear them everywhere."
"I guess your right. Well, what do you recommend?"
"You already have a pair of silver heels with a ankle strap that match the dress.
"Oh." She picked up the shoes and put them on. There was a knock on the front door.
"Thats him." She stood up and grabbed her coat and clutch.
"Okay, be good, I left money for pizza and your girlfriend can come over but she can't sleep over."
"Yes ma'am." He did a mock solute. She walked down the small hallway to the sitting room/kitchen to open the door. Mycroft was waiting on the other side of the door, throughly examining his suit to make sure everything was in place, when she opened the door he felt the breath leave his body, she was a stunning vision in white and silver.
A small laugh left her lips. "Mycroft? Are you okay?"
He blinked and cleared his throat. "Yes, yes I'm fine. You look beautiful."
"Aw, thank you. I had help, Blake is better at fashion then I'll ever be."
"Ah, I see, well, shall we?" He held out his arm and she took it.
"Be good Blake." She reminded him. "Stay out of my liquor cabinet!"

"That reminds me of this one time when Sherlock and I were studying chemistry, I was absentmindedly twirling a stirring rod in my hand and I don't know what gave him the idea to copy me, but he tried and he broke it."
She paused to let Mycroft laugh before continuing, stabbing a piece of spinach as she did so. "Our professor was pissed."
"How exactly did you become friends with my brother."
"Oh, God umm." She huffed and thought about it for a moment. "I guess it was the first day of term, no one else would pair up with him for labs, we were stuck together at the beginning but we came to realize that we had similar minds, well I mean I'm not that great at deductions as he is, well I mean I'm an observer but I can't do what you and Sherlock can. However I do have one thing over you both."
"And what is that?"
"I'm capable of human emotion." She teased, she took the moment to sip her wine.

Mycroft suggested they share a dessert on account that he's on a diet.
"A diet? But you're not overweight."
He smiled at her, "well, thank you."
"If it makes you feel better I used to be quite chubby in high school."
"Yeah, I was that weird science kid in the corner with bright coloured hair, glasses and braces."
"You had braces?"
"I was quite overweight too as a child, Sherlock however was slightly."
"Sherlock needs to gain weight, he's underweight for a grown man of 6'0."
"He doesn't eat on cases, he thinks digestion will slow him down."
Alice dug into the slice of cake in front of them.
"He's an idiot. You know he is both one of the smartest but one of the stupidest people I've ever met. I mean how does he not understand how the solar system works? We were taught that in grade school."
"He thinks it to be useless information."
"Oh I know, 'my brain is a hard drive, bleh bleh bleh.'" She said in a really bad Sherlock impression.

Alice woke up Monday morning with a pounding headache. "Oh God." She whispered but crawled out of bed, and walked into the bathroom. Walking into the kitchen she was greeted by the smell of coffee. Blake was standing there making breakfast, and by breakfast, it was cereal, his uniform was haphazardly put on and his curly hair was an absolute mess.
"Fix your shirt and tie."
"Yeah, yeah. I will, don't worry." He handed her a travel mug of coffee.
"Good, because sometimes you forget." She sipped it before grabbing her satchel and car keys. "Have a good day." He grunted in response.

"Good morning. I hope you had a good weekend, as you can see I have a tub in front of me as well as dissecting pans and tools. I know that last year you dissected a frog, this year its a pig." There were a few little gasps of shock.
"If you feel that you can't do this I have a booklet for you to do instead, but keep in mind that the booklet will be worth half the marks." She paused, the awkward shuffling stopped. She sighed and opened the lid and put on some gloves.
"Okay, pair up and come get your pig."

"What are you doing?" Blake asked when he got home.
"Oh, how are they doing?"
"My physics and biology classes are doing better than my chemistry."
"What do you mean?"
"Not to be an arse or anything but my chemistry class just isn't applying themselves."
"So they're..."
"Ah." Blake went into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of pop. "You want some?"
"Yeah, why I was thinking about Chinese takeaway for dinner."

Letting out a long sigh she checked the message on her phone, why was Sherlock texting her at 5am? But it wasn't Sherlock.
(Coffee? -MH)
(Mycroft, its 5am. -AJ)
(Come into the kitchen. -MH)
Groaning she rolled out of bed and walked outside.
"Good morning." Mycroft greeted. Alice stopped and did a double take.
"How did you get in here?"
"Your brother let me in."
"Oh...okay." She crossed her arms over her chest, forgetting that she wasn't wearing a bra.
"Its still really early."
"My apologies, I wanted to see you before work."
She smiled a little. "Busy day?"
"I'm always busy."
"Just not when it comes to me, right?"
Mycroft couldn't find the words to say next so he just nodded. Alice giggled a little at his confirmation, she felt like a school girl again. "Well thank you, for stopping by...should I make the coffee?"
"Yes, I cant seem to figure out how this works." She laughed and traded places with him. Mycroft sat at her kitchen table and watched her work. 'So this is what she looks like when she rises.' He thought to himself. She was beautiful even in a button up sleep shirt, messy bun and makeup-less face.
She felt him staring at her, she smiled and steeped the tea for Mycroft and pressed the start button on her keurig.
"Your staring."
"No, no its okay, I don't mind." She smiled reassuringly and sat down with the two mugs.
"So did Blake let you in?"
"Yes, he acted quite odd about it."
"He thinks we're dating."
"Does he?"
"Yes...isn't that right Blake?" She said when he came out of the hall. He groaned in response.
"I bought you more of those cups you like, he doesn't drink the same coffee as I do."
Blake turned around and eyed the couple.
"So Mycroft...what are your intentions with my sister?"
"What are your intentions with my sister? Isn't that something I'm supposed to ask?"
"Yes, when your sister is dating but we're just friends."
"Mm-hm." He said in a disbelieving tone. He took his coffee back to his bedroom.
Alice sighed and sipped her coffee.

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