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Has this ever happened to you? You're playing the sims, building the perfect town when all of a sudden, your computer crashes and its gone...the town is gone...the town you've spent three days on...all gone...

Anywhozies, I think I need an intervention, I just bought two copies of The Phantom of the Opera because I liked both the covers and I couldn't choose which one I wanted

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Anywhozies, I think I need an intervention, I just bought two copies of The Phantom of the Opera because I liked both the covers and I couldn't choose which one I wanted...so I bought both...I have three copies of the story now..three...oh boy oh boy. But I have one copy that's especially my favourite, one side is black and the other is white and on the front it says "I am built up of death." And on the back it says "I am dying of love."
The many copies of the same story  isn't much of a shock to those who actually know me because I own many Sherlock volumes that no doubt have duplicate stories. Oh well, anyway, chapters twenty-two, twenty-three and twenty-four, will be up sometime next week, probably Wednesday or Thursday.
But in the meantime if you'd like too, I have another story that I recently published, it's going rather slow right now but it should pick up around chapters ten. Not to pressure or anything, that's the last thing I want to do, no one is obligated to check it out and read it, but it would mean a lot if you did. It's called Shattered and it has a few chapters up right now and should have another in a little while, once I get around to editing it. 🙂

I'm not a Goldfish, Mycroft Holmes Where stories live. Discover now