"Could it be that you love Suga-hyung?"

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Hey guys how did you like the story so far?

honestly i really liked the last chapter, i was really proud of it but i'd like to hear your thoughts.

how was the interaction between jungkook and his mom or his brother or yoongi...?

I tried to make it as less awkward as possible and i think i succeeded but i'm not sure.

Sorry for the wait. i hope you still like this story.
Please don't forget to comment which ship you're rooting for and why... or any type of comment really.
I'm a sucker for feedback :)

Realizing the reason behind his actions you'd think jimin's behavior will improve, if only towards the other members.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

If anything it has gotten worse.

Jimin knew he had a temper, but he didn't realise he could be so selfish.

Honestly he blames it all on stupid youtube .

It all started out good. He posted a selfie with yoongi on the background and army loved it as always. As he was cruising through the comments he noticed that a lot of yoonmin was mentioned.

He figured it was the ship-name for him and yoongi.

He didn't know what possessed him but he decided to check it out.
It wasn't that odd a thing for him to do really.
After all he is used to googling his own name, so this isn't that far off from that.

At first it was going really well, and it was helping him get in a better mood.
The more videos he watched the happier he got.

That is until youtube decided to suggest other videos.

He doesn't understand. If he spent the last week watching yoonmin videos, that meant he was interested in yoonmin, so why the hell would youtube suggest videos of other ships?!

and why did it have to be Suga and the other members?
Did the stupid website have a problem with jimin?
Is that what this is about?!
Why would it suggest a video that broke jimin's fantasy and reminded him that he wasn't special to his Hyung? that he wasn't the only one close to his Hyung?!

He came to youtube to relax a little and lose himself in la la-land but the stupid site wouldn't let him have that.

Despite having his mood sour just from reading the title, jimin still clicked to play the video, he was after all a fool.

Which turned out to be a VERY bad idea.

Now that he saw that, he got possessive.

Honestly it's stupid.

He knows how foolish he's being by acting possessive of his Hyung towards the other members, especially when his Hyung wasn't actually HIS, wasn't queer and had a girlfriend.

But the fear, that his Hyung could fall for one of them was still there and jimin wasn't up for taking chances.

At least he can ignore yoongi's girlfriend's existence since he doesn't have to meet her or anything.

But if by some curse his Hyung did fall for someone in the group, jimin won't be able to survive that.

And that's how he got into this situation right now...

Jimin doesn't know how his band members are still putting up with him honestly. Especially with the kind of shit he's been pulling out lately.

The other members have been really patient with him, dealing with his outbursts and all.

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