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It took several days for jimin to be convinced that taehyung wasn't, in fact, trying to sabotage him or anything, and he really wasn't interested in Yoongi.

He was just a really shitty best friend who was a pervert that took pleasure in Jimin's chagrin.

But that didn't mean he was useful in Jimin's plan to pursue Suga.
His big Plan was to wait. Saying that good things come for those who wait.

But contrary to popular belief, jimin wasn't a fool. He knew for a fact that nothing comes to those who wait. Good things come to those who bust their ass and work for it.
That's how he got in Bangtan and that's how he's going to get Yoongi.

And so, as he can't rely on his best friend for help, he goes on to do his research.

And that's how Jimin ended up googling how to seduce a straight guy on his day off, with taehyung splattered on the bed beside him, mumbling about stupidity and not having faith on one's best friend, but jimin ignored him in favor of taking note of the things he found on the net.

What Jimin managed to gather was that men were sexual beings and he'll have to approach with confidence but subtly. Dropping hints without being pushy.
So he turned to his best friend acknowledging him, at last, to ask him what he found sexy.

Taehyung was startled, not expecting the question from his friend but he soon managed to pull himself together and asked why.
When jimin refused to answer, he just took a look at his notes and sneered.

-" You're really going on with this? I told you to wait. Hyung is dating Seoyeon right now so he won't acknowledge whatever it is you're trying."

-"I'll steal him away, I know him better than she'll ever dream of doing"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at that:
-"You think you can win against miss Korea?"

-" She's miss Korea? Ahh whatever, this article says I have to be confident so yes! I can take him away"

-"Wow, you really know nothing of Hyung's girlfriends do you?"

-" I just pretend they don't exist. It's easier that way. Anyways, what is considered sexy?"

-" I don't know? Curves? Flexibility? How would I know?"

-" I have both!" and jimin grinned" see, now all I have to do is make Suga-hyung notice it"

-"I still think it will be useless"

-" It'll work, you'll see!"

-"whatever, it's funny so do whatever you want I guess"

-"Shut up now, I need to make research on Hyung" and he pulled a youtube video of Yoongi's cute and sexy moments.

At that Taehyung just scoffed while muttering something about jimin saying he knew Yoongi best so he doesn't need to do research and how he's only doing it to thirst and nothing more.

Jimin as always toned him down while focusing on the video.

And that's when Jungkook stepped into the room looking horrified when he took in what the video was about.
Jimin was caught off guard and blurted out the first thing that was on his mind:

"I'm in love with Suga-hyung!"

Jungkook's eyes widened comically and jimin could hear Taehyung humphing yet again( he was doing that a lot lately) while mocking jimin and telling him if this was his strategy and he planned on confessing to Suga by letting him walk on him watching a video as well.

Jimin ignored him, as he did most of the time lately while blabbering to jungkook who still looked confused turning his gaze between jimin and jungkook.

_" I-I'm sorry kookie, I know you might find it disgusting and Hyung has a girlfriend and all I know, b-but i... I love him kookie, I'm sorry. I swear I won't let this get between bangtan but I love him. I'm sorry, I really am-"

He was interrupted by jungkook looking slightly angry:
-"Shut up, Hyung! It's not disgusting!"

-"i-it's not? You don't find me repulsive?" jimin looks so relieved he was about to cry

-" I don't." and jungkook looks a bit apprehensive before he looks like he made up his mind about something and carried on:" besides I'm in the same situation as you"

-" You're also in love with a guy?"

-"You and I are in the exact same situation Hyung"

And at that Jungkook was faced with the full eye smile as jimin cheered:
-"that makes us comrades!"

Taehyung couldn't believe what he was hearing! Jimin was on his case for weeks and declared war between them when he instigated he had feelings for Yoongi but when Jungkook does it he gets a smile?

He knew his friend had a soft spot for the maknae but this wasn't fair! He's his platonic soulmate for goodness'S sake. Until he realized that jimin wasn't taking jungkook seriously. He wasn't threatened by him and didn't consider him a threat to be a rival.

Jimin often babied jungkook so maybe that's why.

With a flickering look of understanding , he kept his mouth shut.
This was something between the two of them, taehyung isn't going to get involved.

Jungkook was confused if anything they were rivals, not comrades.
-"comrades?" he asked slowly and was faced with an enthusiastic nod and a firm, cheerful:

Maybe jimin was right, even if they were both in love with the same man, there was no need for rivalry between them. After all, Yoongi is already taken and even if he wasn't, he's probably straight.

They were in the same boat, faced with the same heartache so comrades did fit their situation better than rivals and so Jngkook muttered with a slow nod of his head and a soft smile being painted on his mouth:


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