The most embarrassing day to date

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Today was a good day, and jungkook is still only having breakfast.

The whole group was sitting at the table and jungkook was sitting right across Suga giving him the perfect view of the still half-asleep Hyung.

Yoongi's naturally narrow eyes were half-open and his commonly pouty lips were more so as his Hyung wasn't awake enough to have the awareness to regulate it as he usually did.

To say jungkook felt blessed would be an understatement because Jungkook always felt blessed just by being by his Hyung's side.
You see, usual Yoongi was cute, BUT sleepy Yoongi?! Jungkook felt like he was going to combust from cuteness overload.

The other members were bickering together and Yoongi was still dazed, which gave Jungkook the opportunity to bask on his Hyung's cuteness and internally coo at how vulnerable, open and comfortable his Hyung seemed right now.

The fans always compared Yoongi to a cat and watching him now Jungkook can't help but agree.
His Hyung did look like a cat, a cat he wouldn't mind letting eat the Bunny that was himself...

Okay, his thoughts are slightly turning NSFW lately, but can you really blame him? He is a teenager, Jungkook blamed it all on his hormones.
Jungkook flushed and took a look around to see if somehow by some miracle one of the members suddenly developed the ability to read minds and witnessed Jungkook's moment of weakness.
Fortunately, all the other members were still busy with each other and Yoongi was still in his half-asleep haze, so Jungkook went back to boarder-line creepily staring at admiring his Hyung.

That was until he was rudely awakened from his enchantment by the words "Sarang" and "Suga" being spoken in the same sentence.

For someone who claimed indifference to having his feelings found out, Jungkook's eyes widened quite comically and his brain went into panic.

Was this finally it, has he really just been outed and in front of Suga no less?

No way, who would do that?
Taehyung, his brain helpfully provided. That was without a doubt Tae's voice.

Jungkook almost got whiplash from how fast he turned his face towards his other Hyung but to his surprise, tae wasn't paying him any attention.
In fact, no one was.
All of them were concerned about Jimin's choking.
What the hell did he miss when he was appreciating his Hyung?
Did he just mishear? Was he getting paranoid?

Whatever, he didn't know.
One thing he was sure of now though was that he wasn't really keen on letting his feelings on the open just yet.

Jungkook knew he has a chance with Yoongi. He didn't know where he got this conviction but he was sure. It's just that it wasn't the time yet.
All he has to do is be patient and play his cards right and at the right time.

He really wished his Hyung believed in superstitions cause maybe, just maybe then he'd see the signs.
The fact that jungkook is always the one chosen to harmonize with Yoongi means something right?
The fact that jungkook's voice is the one that compliment's yoongi's the best has to mean something right?
The fact that Jungkook is the one mostly chosen to be paired up with yoongi has to mean something right?
The fact that Jungkook is the one who understands Yoongi best has to mean something right?
The fact that Jungkook gets Yoongi's humor like no-one else has to mean something right?
The fact that yoongi talks to him about his dreams DOES MEAN something, right?
The fact that Jungkook, the one who understands yoongi best and has been there for him all along, thinks Yoongi belongs with him has to mean it's true, right?

And so jungkook will be sitting, waiting, wishing for Yoongi to be his.
It'll happen, just not now.

And for that to happen he realized that maybe he should make an effort to keep his feelings hidden.
Timing is crucial in his situation and he can't afford to be outed when it still wasn't time.

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