Jimin tends to fuck up on the regular

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Jimin hates himself.

Why the hell is he this flustered?

This is not something to blush over, but does his body listen? No!

Yoongi must think he's weird.

Before his Hyung decides to start teasing him, jimin tries to get back to business and asks what Yoongi needs his help with.

The younger swears he sees stars flickering inside Yoongi's dark eyes as the elder moves to take his seat beside him.

He opens a file, and suddenly slow music starts flowing from the speakers.

To say Jimin was surprised would be an understatement.

He didn't expect this kind of music from his Hyung's mixtape.

The way the piano and cello blended into the sweetest melody is enchanting. But Jimin could feel this is going to be a sad song.

The producer also used some special effects, and there were some moments where he used the silence which captured jimin more and kept him on his toes with anticipation.

By the time the electric guitar was introduced Jimin was already in love with the song.

The instrumental was beautifully melancholic, and Jimin found himself understanding for the first time what poets meant when they talked about the charm of sadness.

But at the same time, he's terrified, because he can only imagine what kind of lyrics Yoongi has written to accompany this piece.

He's not sure he'll be able to handle it if he's honest.

When the instrumental ended, Jimin needed a moment to put his thoughts in order.

A while passed, yoongi giving him the time he needed and just kept on patiently waiting for his reaction before the singer could utter a word: "wow."

-"What do you think? do you like it?" the elder asked casually, but Jimin could detect a glint of insecurity in his voice.

-"I don't just like it Hyung; I love it! I didn't expect this. This piece is hypnotic!

Are you sure you want ME to help you with it though?"

Yoongi looked at him questioningly before he muttered:

-"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure. You know how much I love your voice and I'm sure it's easier for you to understand what I'm looking for.

I asked You for a reason, and I think we'll be able to record the guide in a fair amount of time if you're the one singing."

He then reached out for his messy open notebook and pushed it into Jimin's lap.

Jimin looked down to find it open on the page of the lyrics to the song, and he didn't know what to say.

The lyrics were sad, but at the same time, they were full of hope.

Jimin could tell they were written from a dark place yet anticipating the crack of dawn.

His only solace was the fact that the lyrics seemed to portray past-Yoongi and he hoped Yoongi has already reached the light by now.

After that, they didn't waste time and went on to record the guide.

Yoongi had already recorded his part when he and Jimin had their fall out, so jimin only had to sing the chorus and they'll be done.

They spent the afternoon there, Jimin inside the booth singing the same part again and again, and Yoongi giving him pointers from time to time.

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