a mess

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Now, when jimin told him he was going to seduce Yoongi, taehyung didn't take him all that seriously.
Especially after Jungkook confessed his feelings.

Jimin for one hated confrontation and always tried to conserve peace.
The image of him fighting not one but two individuals for his love interest was ridiculous.
And one of those individuals being their precious maknae? 
Yeah right!

Not to mention jimin actually seducing someone? 
How is he going to do that when he doesn't even know what is sexy or not.
Sure at recordings, he could seduce anyone with his gaze alone, but once the camera is out, he's just an awkward shy mochi who played with him and accompanied him in all his childish antics.

So color him surprised when the next week, as they were annoying the hyungs as usual; playing music and disturbing their naps, jimin throws tae a mischievous look when they approach yoongi and lifts his leg, strangles yoongi and proceeds to grind on him, giving him a lap dance!!!

Taehyung couldn't help but admire his best friend and feel like he just got to know him.
Messing with a sleeping yoongi was already terrifying, but what jimin just did? That takes balls!

Balls that probably no longer functioned, since not even a moment after jimin started performing his lap dance yoongi, lifted his leg, getting jimin where it hurts as he carried on sleeping as if nothing happened.
But that didn't stop taehyung from viewing his friend under a whole new light and gaining respect for him.

That respect didn't mean he didn't laugh at his friends' pain and tell him ‘i told you it won't work' while looking smug af.

Now, being faced with a painful physical rejection and the teasing of his best friend you'd think jimin would be set back.
But no, he just kept on going strong.

Just the following day, the moment yoongi joined them in the practice room, jimin started doing splits as part of his stretching routine while watching Suga. The later oblivious as usual, just minding his own business, not sparing jimin a glance.

Taehyung watching all of this just started snickering which caught jimins' attention and rewarded him a glare.

At this taehyung just doubled over laughing while mouthing told you so at his stubborn friend.

Which seemed to rile jimin up as he pushed himself up and headed straight towards yoongi while throwing a smirk at his best friend.

The moment jimin was standing in front of yoongi, suga finally looked at him and gave him a soft smile that jimin returned ten-fold.
Then he proceeded to tell him he'll help him stretch.
Yoongi was a little surprised but he's not about to complain. Stretching was boring so he's glad he got company.
Even though jimin was probably just going to tease him or mess with him.
He was acting more of a brat than usual lately.

Jimin then started bending over slowly while keeping eye-contact with Yoongi until he folded himself in half.
Then he went on talking about all the things he can do in that position, without breaking a sweat or straining his voice.
He looked comfortable.

Yoongi couldn't help but gape at him. And from the hollering sounds, he wasn't the only one impressed.

Then jimin stood up and told him it was his turn.
Yoongi just looked at him like he was crazy but jimin insisted saying 'it's not that hard hyung!'

So yoongi had no choice but to give up and do it, but unlike jimin, he couldn't even touch his ankles. It was physically impossible for him to bend that much. And that's what he told jimin Which got him a giggle from the younger so it wasn't that bad.

The Mochi was looking depressed lately before he started acting weirder than usual.

But even if he's acting a little weird at least he looks determined and lively now.
Yoongi can put up with weirdness and he's sure the rest of the group can too if that's what makes jimin happy.

Jimin developed a new habit lately that consisted of him nuzzling into yoongi's chest claiming it reminded him of his home. Yoongi wasn't even from Busan but if it helped with jimin's homesickness than he didn't mind the cuddling.

Taehyung watched all this skeptically, he even walked in on jimin convincing their stylist to dump his cute side and focus on displaying his sexiness instead.

So when they went home he asked him if he told jungkook he was going to seduce Yoongi, but the younger gave him a scandalized look. As if just the mere mention of seduction to the maknae was going to taint him or whatever.

Taehyung is sure that jungkook knows more about sex than any of them do. The kid had a girlfriend for fuck's sake. But jimin wasn't having any of that.

It wasn't his problem anyways and at this point taehyung just wanted to know where this mess was headed.
So he kept his mouth shut.

At least it's not his mess.

Im Not Sure Why Im still updating this but wtvr...

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