it can't get worse

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Jimin was sitting on the floor of his room, legs folded in and hugging his pillow after he fought with all his might to rescue it from tae's grasp.

He's staring at tae's red, upsidedown, face, the latter's body is sprawled on his bed while his head is hanging from the side.

Jimin tried to save his bed as well, but he's no miracle worker, okay?
No matter how defined his muscles are, the laws of physics still apply to him, and tae is a giant while he's normal sized.

How he doesn't have a headache with the amount of blood that must've gathered inside his head is beyond him.

-"you're an idiot," tae says.

Jimin wants to retaliate, say something insulting back, because really? That's rich coming from someone hanging his upper body upside down. Instead, he bites his tongue and says:
-" tell me something I don't know" because he knows that he's behaving idiotically and his stubbornness won't get him anywhere.

-"like what?" taehyung mutters, too relaxed that jimin thinks that the blood might be getting to his head, but he doesn't say anything about it because it serves him. Who told him to lie down like this and take jimin's bed? Not to mention, he almost caused jimin's death the other day, so he doesn't particularly care about him that much at the moment.
Yes, he's still holding a grudge, sue him.

-"I don't know? How to make him like me? How to make him smile? How to get him to stop scowling the moment he sees my face?!" jimin is almost shouting out of frustration.

-" you had that down better than anyone of us before you fucked it up" taehyung counters, still nonchalantly talking like it's none of his business.

And technically it isn't, but didn't they say they were soulmates?! so if it affects Jimin, it should have an impact on him as well, right?

Jimin just sighs, dramatically, because he's well aware of that.

But taehyung just goes on, as if he's searching for where it hurts most, only to hit there more:
-" seriously chim, I was starting to believe in you. After serious consideration, I thought you might pull it off. Remember bon voyage? You caused him to go into that pond with you, and he still smiled at you right after when you two went into the bathtub. You didn't even have to apologize to him or anything.
The other members and I thought Hyung was incapable of being mad at you, but you still managed to do it, so I guess that's invalid now.
You really shouldn't have come for his lines chim."

-" I know that," he says, fixing taehyung with a glare but only gets a boxy grin in return.

-" have you thought about-" and he trails off in silence like he's still thinking about what to say. But jimin knows him, and knows the younger is only acting for dramatic effects"- I don't know, maybe like-" and he trails his eyes beyond jimin to get that far away look like he's lost in his thoughts. He then fixes his focus back on jimin and finishes" apologizing?".
He widens his eyes and lifts his perfect eyebrows, which jimin now wants to pluck out, up.

-" I don't want to apologize," Jimin mutters.

At that Taehyung finally shows a genuine reaction.
He looks surprised and finally intrigued as he rolls his body, supports his arms on the mattress with his elbows and places his head in his palms.
-" You don't? why not?"

Jimin watches as Taehyung's face slowly regains his normal color and sighs in relief, maybe he does still care about his best friend after all, but only a bit, he's not letting go that easily.
He ponders on how to explain himself before he decides it'll come to him as he speaks:
-" I don't think I should. I haven't said anything wrong, and my concerns are valid."

-" concerns? What concerns? That army's fantasy will upgrade from boyfriend to father of their child?" and he laughs.

Jimin wants to look angry but his pout betrays him, and he ends up looking like a sulky child instead.
-" Don't laugh! This is serious! what if his girlfriend gets the idea, huh?"

-" Jimin, I'm sure Hyung knows how to use protection." taehyung says exasperatedly.

-"What if she messes with the condom huh? What if she says she's on the pills and she stops taking them? ever thought of that?"

-" you've been visiting useless blogs haven't you?" Taehyung accuses.

-"they're not useless! and stop taking this lightly, those things happen." Jimin counters quickly.

-" they do," taehyung admits and jimin feels empowered for a second but his friend carries on " but I seriously doubt Seoyeon-noona would do something like that. She's busy and grounding a family is the last thing on her head for now. Besides, I'm pretty sure they'll break up soon if they haven't broken up already."

Jimin managed to look angry the moment Taehyung called yoongi's girlfriend Noona, because seriously? Who's side is he on? But that expression faded pretty quickly as Taehyung carried on talking, not acknowledging his friend's glares.

-" what do you mean? why would they break up?" and he wouldn't be able to hide the giddiness and hope from his voice even if he wanted to.

-" well, she's miss Korea."

jimin rolls his eyes at that.

-"so what? does she think she's better than Hyung now or something?" and his voice would drip in bitterness even if he tried to hide it.

-"What? No! She's not like that. She's nice chimmy, stop being bitter. Miss universe is starting pretty soon so she'll have to go, and you know Hyung doesn't do long-distance. He always breaks up before we go on tour. I don't think this would be any different.
So pull yourself together, make up with Hyung and pick him up before someone else does. This is your chance. You better use it."

Jimin just nodded at his friend, but he gave him a wide enough smile to convince him that he would be doing something about this.

Taehyung's always insisted that getting the right timing is the most important thing he needed to date yoongi.

And according to him, that timing is now.

Jimin's plan has been useless until now, just like tae predicted so maybe he knows his stuff.
Jimin doesn't have a choice but to trust him.

He's got nothing to lose anyway.
Yoongi's already ignoring him so it cant get worse.

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