4. Schuylers

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I'm afraid I haven't had any crazy relationship experiences. I know, I never had a girlfriend/boyfriend before. Now that I think of it, I never had a crush before. I'm not sure about first kisses. My mom pecked me when I was younger. Does that not count? Does first kisses have to be with someone who isn't your family and kisses you romantically? Hmm. I'm not exactly an expert in romantic stuff. Especially dates. Where do you take your date? If I ever get a date, I wouldn't want to do anything cliché like dinner, movie, picnic, etc. I would like to take them somewhere I enjoy. Or somewhere we can both enjoy. Example, if I get to choose, I'd take them to the zoo. Wait, no. Forget that. I wouldn't want to take my date to a bunch of caged animals that should be released to the wild. Back to their normal habitat. Maybe a petting zoo? Is that any better? Petting zoos are filled with farm animals, I think. Herc told me about his 3rd grade petting zoo experience. Wanna read it? I'm just gonna assume you do.

So Herc said that he was super excited to go to the petting zoo on his 3rd grade field trip. He loved animals. When they got there, they got to pet a bunch of animals, cows, horses, donkeys, sheep, goats. But the one he was really excited about was the pigs. He doesn't know why he loved pigs so much at the time, he just did. So when they were going to the pigs, everyone raced to the gate, so they could pet one. Herc was trying to push through the crowd of 3rd graders, but they weren't moving. He decided to find a different spot. Without his teacher acknowledging, he went over to the gate. He leaned on it, wave his hand, telling the pigs to come to him. But the gate suddenly swung open. All the kids gasped. He fell in a huge pile of mud. He was filthy. But all Herc did is jump in the mud again, rolling around in it acting like a pig. The other pigs began to join in with Herc.

For the rest of the trip Herc wasn't allowed to touch a single animal. Once they got back to the school they gave him detention. He had to stay inside all three recesses the next day and write on a piece of paper over and over again, "I am not a pig."

Okay yeah. I know that story was weird. It actually sounded better when Herc told me it. Anyways, till next time,

"Aaandd.. done!" I placed my pen to the side.

It is Sunday today. I'm in the coffee shop finishing up my letter and enjoying my morning. Washington is letting us make our letters outside of class and he said we can bring it back anytime. He made us mini mailboxes so when we get to class, we can check if we got our letters back.

I've really been enjoying writing to John. He's seems like such a cool and friendly guy. Unlike me. His life is filled with excitement and mine is just boring.

I took a sip out of my coffee cup. The steam was twirling around in my face. I look out in the window. I admired the Autumn scenery. The leaves falling off of the trees when the wind passes by. The bright warm colours of the leaves. I sigh. I wish someone was here with me right now. So I can talk to them instead of saying words out loud on my head.

I finished the rest of the coffee in my cup. I hop out of my chair. I grab my backpack by one strap and swung it around my back. I grabbed my letter and held it in my right hand. I then walk over to the garbage.

"Be gone, cup." I said in my head. I throw the cup in the garbage. I push open the doors, into the cold autumn air. The wind blows, it gave me chills. The wind started to get stronger and my letter slips out of my hand. It starts to fly away, taking itself with the wind.

"No!!" I chase after it. The letter was flying away fast. I sprinted. When the letter was low enough for my reach, I took my chance and leaped into the air to catch my letter. I successfully snatched the letter in the air but ended up bumped into someone when gravity pulled me down.

"Ouch!!" The girl rubbed her leg.

"Jesus, I'm sorry!" I held my hand out for her to grab.

She grabbed my hand and I pulled her back up. She dusted off the dirt on her pink dress.

"Ugh. I accept your apology but PLEASE watch where you're going next time." She turned her head.

"I will! Promise." I scratched the back of my head.

It was an awkward silence. I tapped my foot thinking on what to say.

"Can I get something for you? Like a coffee or something?" I offered.

"I'm not interested." She stated.

"N-no! That's not what I meant. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like I'm asking you out. I was just offering because I feel bad." I explained.

"Oh, I appreciate your offer. But I have to decline. I'm sorry. Good day." She walked past me and continued on with her day.

Groan. I suck. At least I tried to make it up for her.

~ (few days later)

I walk into English class. I check to see if John's letter came in yet. Yes, a perfectly placed envelope in my mailbox. I slid it out. I sat at my desk, tearing open the envelope to get to the letter.


You NEVER had a relationship before? Damn. I don't mean to be rude but come on. Not even a crush? And I get that you don't want to do anything cliché but please, don't take a date to a petting zoo. Especially for a first date. Maybe if you know that person well then, yeah. Go ahead. Also, about your friend Hercules with the pig thing. The teacher is an idiot. Let kids be who they want to be. "I am not a pig.". Bullshit. If a kid wants to be a horse, let the kid be horse. Chicken? Go be a chicken. Goose? Why the fuck not?

I'm sorry. I'm treating it like the teacher is homophobic or something. I'm just... upset. The Schuylers recently moved without letting me know. They literally told me the day they were moving. You don't understand how heartbreaking this is for me. They are my BEST friends. And now they're gone. I feel like I have no one. My dad is an asshole, so are the guys at my school. I know we only been writing to each other for not that long but.. I wish you were my friend. Like in real life. You seem like such an understanding person, it's like you get me. I wish I was at your school or you're at mine. Wow this sounds stupid. Upset that my only true friends are gone and wishing for a guy I barely know to be able to stand with me right now. I know, I'm pathetic.


This makes me upset. I feel so bad for him. Why didn't they tell him sooner? He's alone now, can't they see? I feel terrible. But all I can do is be there for him. I'm his...friend. Yeah, friend. Friends be there for each other. Jesus I'm so happy that I made a friend that I haven't even met in person but I'm also sad at the fact that he's alone. Class is starting soon, I'll write to him later.


I was packing my bag in my locker when I see a crowd of people following three girls. Who the fuck are those girls. Are they new? And how the hell did they get so popular?

The girl on the left had dark hair, light skin and was wearing a blue dress. The girl on the right had brown hair, tan skin and was wearing yellow. Then the girl in the middle.. she looked.. familiar. Dark hair, dark skin, wearing pink.. Oh my god. That's the girl who I bumped into. She's a high school student? Jeez she looked like a college student to me.

When they walked past me, I noticed that girl wearing pink, eyes widened. She probably recognized me as well.

Herc and Laf walked to me. They noticed that I was staring.
"Yeah, I know. They're flawless." Laf looked at them.

"W-who are they?" I stuttered.

"Well we don't really know their exact names but they go by The Schuyler Sisters." Herc rolled his eyes.

"S-Schuyler sisters?"

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