25. Feelings

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an: ur too young if u don't know who these big boiys are 🤧🤤😫😍

so uh i made one of those random books,, it's just full of random shit so if u like that go check it out

john pov

(an: oooohh been a while since we went on john's pov)

Alex. Alexander Hamilton. A guy who I talk with almost every single day. Someone who I'm very close to. I've never been this close to someone, this open. I've known Alex for only a few months, but I feel like I've known him for years. He's such a great person. He makes me happy.
Ever since he got me that camera, I felt that feeling. The feeling where you can't stop thinking about someone.
That feeling where you constantly wonder how they feel about you.
That feeling where you want to be with that person all the time.

I want to see Alex, in person. So fucking badly. I just wanna be able to look at him properly, without us being in separate locations.
So what am I trying to say exactly?

I am trying to say that I have feelings for Alexander Hamilton.


alex's pov

"I'm so excited for prom!!!" Peggy squealed.

"Eh." I shrugged.

"Oh my god Alex, stop hating everything." Laf complained.

"Prom is just gonna be like the dance. Except it's more expensive." I stated.

"You're just salty because you don't have a date." Burr smirked.

"Yeah that's exactly it!!" I throw sarcasm.

"Date or not, we're all going together. We're like a family." Laf stated.

"Aww." Peggy leaned on Lafayette's shoulder.

"So who are your dates??" Angelica questioned.

"No surprise, me and Laf are going together." Hercules shrugged.

"I'm going with Theodosia." Burr looks away, blushing.

"I'm going with my girlfriend, Maria!! She's ditching her school prom for ours! She's so sweet." Peggy giggled. I gag at all this lovey-stuff.

"Sadly, I have no date. Yet." Angie winked.

"Eliza, you've been quiet. Who's your date?" Laf asked.

"Oh um, I don't have one." She spoke softly.

"What?! Didn't like, 5 different guys ask you to prom, like, last week??" Laf waved his hands.

"Well, yeah, but.. they're just not the one for me.." She brushed a strand of hair, that was sticking out, behind her ear.

"Shame. You'll find "Mr. Right" soon." Laf said with air quotes.

"Mmhm.." It sounded like she wasn't listening.

Everyone continued to ramble on about prom except Eliza and me.

I walk over to her and said, "It sounds like something's on your mind. Are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." She nodded.

"Okay, I'll just-"

"Actually, there is something on my mind." She looked straight at me.

"I need to tell you something. Later, come to my house around, 6-ish." she said.

"But why can't you just tell me now-"

"Just do it." She place a finger on my lips to shush me.

"Right.." I remove her finger off my lips. I was confused. What's so important that she has to tell me at 6??

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