14. Christmas

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Christmas. My favourite holiday. Everyone is coming over to my apartment to celebrate it. Hercules, Laf, Eliza, Angelica, and Peggy.

I bought everyone gift that I think they might like. *cough* but I'm like *cough* broke *cough* so I got gifts from the dollar store and Walmart. But uh, mostly the dollar store.

Knock knock knocc

Ahh, I think that's Herc and Laf. I get up from my spot in the couch and walk over to the door. I open it and Hercules and Laf are standing there. Lafayette was holding two presents in his hands and Hercules had a..garbage bag?

"Merry Christmas!" They both shouted.

"Merry Christmas." I grinned.

They followed me inside. Laf places his presents under the tree and Herc sat on the couch with his garbage bag still in his hand.

"Y'know herc, I thought my gifts were pretty shitty but now that I'm seeing yours.. knowing that you're only giving away your garbage for Christmas.. But hey! It's the thought that counts! I guess." I did finger guns.

"Wha? No, dumbass. The presents that Laf and I wrapped are in this bag." He opened it up for me to see.

"Ohh. Well, kay then."

Knocccc knok knock

"Ah, brb." I say.

"Alex. I don't want to hear you say that again." Lafayette sounded annoyed.

"O-okay.." I looked back at laf as I was walking.

I open the door, "Merry Christmas!" Peggy and Eliza shouted. Angelica didn't seem too thrilled to be here,... again.

"Merry Christmas! Come in!" The 3 stepped in and slipped off they're boots. Then walked over and placed their gifts under the tree.

"Hello!" Eliza greeted the gAy couple in the living room.

"Hi!" Laf waved.

"So, shall we open gifts?" Peggy suggested.

"Of course. Alex, since it's your home we're gonna open your gifts to us first." Laf said.

"No but I-"

"Yes. Come on now."

"F-fine." I grab all the gifts I've wrap from under the tree, handing each gift to everyone.

Everyone opened at the same time then looked disappointed from the results.

"A bar of soap?" Herc questioned.

"Sometimes you really stink." I crossed my arms.

"Maple syrup?" Laf held up the container.

"You're always all over France, how about Canada for a change?"

"Well I like my gift." Eliza smiled.

"What is it?" Laf looked at her.

"A blue candle. My favourite colour."

"He got all three of us candles of our favourite colours." Angelica pointed out, sounded disappointed.

"Look, I'm sorry okay?! I spent most of my Christmas gift money on something else.." I crossed my arms looking away.

"Wow. You spent most of your money that is supposed to be gifts for us, for something for yourself." Laf yawned.

"N-no! It's not like that I- you know what? Forget it. You wouldn't understand. Be happy I at least got you guys something."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, Everyone! Now open me and Herc's gifts." Laf clapped his hands.

I groan. They should be more grateful.


Everyone was gathering around the table. For Christmas dinner. I was looking out the window thinking.

I saw all the snow, flowing through the city. It was beautiful.

"I wonder if it came in time.." I mutter.

"Alexander Hamilton. Get your ass over here or else you're not gonna get any turkey!" I hear Laf scream.

Ugh, guess I gotta get up now. Ughhh.


John's pov

I was home alone, on Christmas. Again. My dad is probably off somewhere getting drunk and my brother is living his perfect life. Lucky. I wish I was old enough to move out. Life at home was better with mom around.. She was able to help dad with his addiction.

ding dong

The door bell? Who is here to actually see me on Christmas. I go over to open the door.

"Hey there. I got a package for you. I just need you to sign here." The mailman says.

A package.. for me? Who could possibly send me anything. I'm literally a nobody. A loser..

"Oh, yeah. Sure.." I write down my name. I think I have pretty good hand writing for a guy. Well, I know someone with better...

"Here you go. Merry Christmas!"

"Um, Merry Christmas." I close the door.

I open the book and the first thing presented to me was a card.

The card was tacky, but it'll work.

Dear John,

I know you're probably not expecting this but that's the point of a surprise, right? Anyway, I was Christmas shopping and I saw this gift and thought that maybe you would like it. Since you like turtles and art. Enjoy!

Alexander Hamilton

Alex sent me a gift. It makes me really happy that he thought of me. Or even really getting me a gift. I slid out the gift and it was a camera. Huh, I actually really really like this. But why did he get this for me? I mean I always told the Schuylers that I wanted to practice photography but, how'd he know to get this for me and not some plain sketchbook or something?.. He spent all this money just for me? Hmm.

How sweet of him.

An: merry late christmas!! I was lazy and didn't know what to write. AlSo I'm not editing this sorry if there are spelling mistakes and stuff. I'm gonna do a Few more chapters then Act 1 is over

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