chapter one

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The town of Derry, Maine wasn't like any other town

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The town of Derry, Maine wasn't like any other town. It was different, how, you might ask? Well, first of all, every twenty seven years for a period of about twelve to sixteen months or so, kids go missing. And not just the usual one kid missing every once in a while, but dozens, just gone. And the parents? Well, they don't spend too much time looking for their children, having hope that their kids could still be alive, no. They sit around, moping all day, neglect or maybe even abuse the kids they have now. Derry isn't like any other town, and not in a good way, either.

You'd think almost everyone has it bad. Well, that's not entirely true. A young teenage girl who goes by the name of Alice Bell doesn't seem to. Alice was a normal girl, except for the fact she didn't have any friends. Well, that wasn't entirely true either. 

She was nice to everyone, and everyone was nice to her. She was well liked, even by the horrific Henry Bowers and the rest of his gang of friends. Alice was well liked by Greta Keene, by Beverly Marsh, by the new kid Ben Hanscom and by the losers club. Especially Bill.

Alice wasn't exactly friends with anyone, she'd say. She talks to people yes, but she has nobody to hangout with after school or on weekends, nobody to have sleepovers with or to tell her secrets to. She was really lonely, especially because the only people she had to go home to was her parents.

Her relationship with her parents wasn't all bad, just her dad working all day while her mother did cleaning or gardening or something to keep herself entertained. She didn't spend much time with them, more of spent time in her room painting, or drawing.

Alice walked through the school on the last day of school, saying hi to whoever looked her way or said hello to her first. She sent them her million dollar smile, with a dazzle in her emerald green eyes. Her hair was half up and half down, how she had it most of the time. Well, on school days she had it like that. On the weekend she let it down, or put it in a pony tail. She found her way to her locker, putting the combination in and opening it.

"Hey Alice." A voice said, and she looked to her left to see none other than Henry Bowers, a small smile on his face.

"Hello Henry." She greeted, not wanting to be rude. She didn't feel like talking to him, but she's seen how he's gotten with other people, and didn't wanna be in a situation like them.

"I saw you drop your paper, thought I'd give it to you." He held out the packet she'd accidentally dropped out of her binder while walking into the school.

"Thank you Henry, I appreciate it. I need to get to class." She said after lightly taking the paper out of his hands and shoving it in her arms along with the textbooks she needed to turn in.

"You're welcome." He quietly said, as she shut and locked her locker, walking the opposite direction. She didn't realize that as she was walking, a group of four boys all had their eyes on her.

Richard Tozier, Stanley Uris, Edward Kaspbrak and William Denbrough. They all watched her confrontation with Henry, in awe as he didn't threaten her or hit her. It was amazing to see him actually show respect towards someone for once.

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