chapter eight

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Bill rode on his bike with Alice as they did the day before, but this time they didn't really talk. After what happened at Ben's, they all decided to part ways and meet up again the next day to just hangout.

"Thanks for giving me another not-lonely ride home, Bill." Alice said as they'd gotten to her house, her hopping off of her bike and lifting it up, putting it on the sidewalk. She put the kickstand down, turning to Bill.

"You're w-welcome. I'm h-here if you ever n-need anything Alice." Bill said, letting go of his handlebars as he rested his feet on the ground. The same way he did yesterday.

Alice leaned in, giving Bill another hug. This hug lasted way longer than the one the day before, and Alice and Bill both appreciated it. After taking a deep breath Alice pulled away, smiling once before turning and kicking her kickstand up, wheeling her bike inside.

After getting it inside the gate and closing the gate behind her she did the same thing as anytime she used her bike- walked it to the side of the house, resting it against it with the kickstand down. She walked around the front and up the porch, taking one last quick look at Bill as she went inside.


By the time it was nightfall, Alice didn't even bother to try to sleep. She felt as if she tried to she wouldn't be able to, and if she did she wouldn't hear when Stanley came up to her window- since they've both agreed to spend another night with each other since they've both had terrifying experiences.

She was sitting in her bedroom, working on finishing the drawing of Richie and Eddie. She'd already finished drawing, outlining and painting the one of Bill and Stan, but she decided she'd never finish the one of Richie and Eddie if she didn't try to work on it some now.

She planned on drawing Ben and Beverly after, since they're some of her new friends she'd recently made too, but she'd rather go ahead and finish this paper first before going and starting on another one.

As she sat at her desk and got her paints out, along with a cup of water and everything else she'd need, there was a light tap on her window. Walking over, she opened it to see nobody there. 

"Hmm, that's weird. Must just be hearing things." Alice told herself, shutting the curtains and going to turn back to her desk. 

She stopped right in her tracks, her eyes wide and mouth open slightly. There was a bright red balloon just floating inches from her face. Alice's hands started to lightly shake, she was scared to do anything. Blink, move, stay still, anything and everything.

Her breathing got jagged, as she heard light laughter. "We all float down here, Alice. Come float with us."

Frantically, she looked around, not seeing anything different except for the red balloon in front of her. Before she could realize what she was doing, she punched the balloon away (with it not helping much since it was a balloon) and turned, making her way quickly out of the window.

As she threw the curtains open and unlocked the window, opening it, Stan had approached her house on his bike.

"Alice?" He asked, worry in his voice as he hid his bike in the bushes and jumped the fence, running toward her window. As Stan made his way toward the area he used to prop himself up to the second floor, something grabbed Alice, throwing her back.

She screamed lightly, tears filling her eyes and falling down her cheeks. "Stan!" She called as best as she could, it coming out choked out. 

The clown was standing in front of her. He was so much bigger as he was close to her, his giant forehead and bright hair covering the light of her room. His smile just got bigger as he headed toward Alice, but before he could get to her Stan flung himself through the window, making the clown disappear.

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