chapter six

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After Bill and Alice were done getting milkshakes they made their way to the quarry, Alice riding on Bill's back pegs

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After Bill and Alice were done getting milkshakes they made their way to the quarry, Alice riding on Bill's back pegs. Her arms were lightly wrapped around Bill, making sure not to hold onto him too tight but still be able to keep her balance on the bike. 

They finally got to the quarry, all of the others being there. Even Beverly, and Ben.

"Hey guys." Alice greeted, her eyes lingering on Stan more than the others. He looked better than he did the moment he stepped foot into her bedroom last night, but he still looked shaken up- just like she did. 

"So, who's going first?" Beverly asked, pointing her hand off of the cliff they were all standing on.

"Definitely not me." Alice commented, her eyes widening slightly, as the other boys stayed silent.

"I'll go, then. Sissies!" Beverly joked, taking off her dress and stepping back, running and jumping into the air.

Alice covered her eyes, knowing the height from the cliff to the water. She wasn't afraid of heights- she just hated the slight anxiety she got seeing people jump off of high things like that.

"What the fuck?" Richie said aloud, he couldn't believe his eyes. Then again, neither could any of the others. "We just got shown up by a girl!"

"You guys coming down or what?!" They all heard Beverly scream. The others slowly slipped their clothes off, Eddie and Richie jumping in together, followed by Ben and Stan.

"A-are you sure you want to go?" Bill asked the girl who was so much smaller than him. He looked down at her, trying to not stare at her body. It's not that he was glancing at her in a perverted way, but he just thought her body was beautiful.

Just as much as her personality and other looks he'd seen so many times before. This was the most he's seen of her, yet it was still just as beautiful as the rest of her.

"Yeah, yeah we can go. Just please hold my hand?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. Bill couldn't help but smile as he walked closer to her, locking his fingers with hers. Her nerves calmed down a lot, and she smiled as they stepped back, running and jumped off of the cliff.

Bill looked over at Alice, as her beautiful brown hair flew upward in the wind. Her eyes lit up, like they did before she ever saw that stupid clown. She had a giant smile on her face, and her cheeks were a dark red. 

Before they both knew it they landed in the water, their hands immediately separating the moment they went under.

Alice immediately swam up to the top, noticing the others splashing each other jokingly. She kept herself above the water, watching as they played chicken fight. 

She had the biggest smile on her face, until she saw Bill and Beverly looking at each other smiling like idiots. Furrowing her eyebrows, she pushed away the hurt feeling in her stomach as she swam over to Stanley, who just lost in chicken fight. 

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