chapter eleven

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not edited

As Alice focused on the road ahead of her, she couldn't help but feel sad. She couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Bill. She shouldn't ignore him because he likes Beverly, it's not his fault he's got feelings for the red head. 

Just like it's not her fault she has feelings for the Denbrough boy.

They arrived at Eddie's and Eddie walked in, before quickly coming out only a couple moments later, a paper bag in his hand.

"Let's go do this somewhere else because I don't want my mom to come out and freak out thinking we're not safe enough for me to hangout with you guys." Eddie told the other two, and Stan nodded as he put his feet bag on his pedals, pedaling into the direction of Alice's since it was the closest.

Luckily, her mother wasn't outside anymore, she was probably inside knitting that blanket for Alice, or getting dinner ready since her father would be home in an hour or two.

Stan stopped in front of the curb, Eddie hopping off of his bike and doing his best to help Stan get Alice off of his handlebars. She hopped on one foot over to the gate, opening it and letting the two boys wheel their bikes inside. She closed the gate right behind them, and they sat on her porch, Eddie sitting in front of Alice, Stan to her right.

"Go ahead and uh- take your sock and shoe off- so I can wrap it good." He awkwardly said. He was definitely washing his hands after this, because he could only imagine how many germs were on her feet.

He tried his best not to think about it as he rested her foot on his knee, wrapping the bandage tightly enough around her ankle to where it would help it, but also to where he wouldn't hurt her too bad. 

Stanley grabbed onto Alice's hand, noticing the pained look on her face. He hated to admit it to himself, but the more time he spent with her, and the longer he looked at her- the more he fell for her. He knew it was wrong, considering the way her and Bill look at each other but he couldn't help it. He never planned to start getting a small crush on her, just the way Bill never planned to either.

Stan thought about it for a bit. He remembered when they had the play that Bill and Beverly kissed each other, Bill had giant feelings for Beverly back then. Hardly sent Alice a glance. Stan had gone to the play not only because he was supporting Bill, but because he knew that Alice would be there to see it. Alice went to all the plays, shows and pretty much anything to support the school.

"There, all fixed up." Eddie smiled a small smile, bringing Stan out of his thoughts. "Thank you Eddie, I appreciate it." Alice slipped her hand out of Stan's, leaning forward and giving Eddie a hug.

Even though he normally hated contact, he still hugged the girl back. He noticed she smelt like cherries, and Hubba Bubba bubblegum and couldn't help but smile. Alice pulled away, sitting back. 

"If you guys want to go ahead and go home you can." Alice mumbled, resting her foot straight, grabbing onto her sock and shoe as she propped herself up, standing up.

"I probably should before my mom throws a fit. I'll stop by here tomorrow since you don't live so far away, Stan you wanna meet here too?" Eddie asked, and Stan nodded. "Yeah, see you tomorrow Eds." 

Eddie pursed his lips, going to scold Stanley for calling him that but decided against it. He just waved, gathering his things and standing up, grabbing his bike before walking out and throwing one leg over, pedaling into the direction they came from.

"I think I'm going to ask my dad if I could stay the night at Richie's." Stan stood up, brushing the back off his pants off. "But I'll stay here instead. That way I don't have to actually sneak out." 

Alice nodded, "I'm going to go inside, I'll meet you by my window soon." She hopped up the last step, and Stanley helped her over to the door. "I'll be here as soon as possible." He smiled lightly at her, and she couldn't help but feel a funny feeling in her stomach.

She watched as Stanley went down the steps, grabbed his bike, and left. The feeling she got in her stomach was the feeling she normally felt with Bill, until she saw that Bill liked Beverly. Were her feelings changing?

Sighing as she wobbled into her house, her mother looked up at her. "You alright Alice?" Her mom asked, sitting up slightly. "I fell when I was hanging out with my friends. Sprained my ankle. But my friend Eddie helped me bandage it up." Alice replied, lifting her foot up lightly.

"Are you hungry? Dinner's on the table." She said, "You should probably eat then go get rest." Alice nodded, making her way slowly to the kitchen.

She saw her plate of food on the table and sat down, starting to slowly eat it. 


Her eyes shot up, noticing her mom was just in the living room, knitting as if she didn't hear someone call her own daughters name. Alice looked back down, her eyes widening.

The spaghetti looked different. It was moving to the sides of the plate, even though nobody was touching it.

One noodle stayed in the middle, turning into the shape of a balloon.

We all float down here, come float with us, Alice.

"No." She mumbled, pushing her chair back quickly, hopping her way to the stairs. She did her best to get up to her room as soon as possible, shutting and locking the door behind her. She threw her sock into the laundry basket, before sitting in her desk chair and taking her other shoe and sock off. She put the other sock in the laundry too before putting her shoes up neatly, a knock on the window scaring her.

Alice stood in her spot, scared it wasn't Stan.

"Alice it's me." She heard Stan's voice say, and she slowly made her way over, sighing in relief when she saw that it really was Stan. She quickly let Stanley in, locking the window behind him.

She hugged him, which he immediately hugged her back. "Did something happen when I was gone?" She nodded her head, "I was t-trying to eat dinner and it turned my spaghetti into a shape of a balloon and kept telling me to come float." She cried, tears spilling out of her eyes. "Today just isn't my day."

"Shh, it's okay." Stan said, before pulling away to set down his backpack. "Maybe we just need some slee-"

"No! Stanley I don't need sleep! You might, but I don't. I don't know what it is I need. I sleep, I have nightmares. Last night was the first night I haven't had a nightmare, and I don't know why. All I see and hear is the clown. Bill likes Beverly and-"

"What? You think he likes Bev?" Stan cut her off, furrowing his eyebrows. "I heard them talking inside her place. Talking about that stupid play they kissed in and I just- I thought he liked me but he doesn't and it hurts. Then all of this Henry shit and the fucking clown." Alice said angrily.

She ran her hands through her hair. "Alice, he likes you. I don't know why he was getting super close to Beverly, but we're about to find out." Stanley decided.

No matter how much he was starting to like the girl, he needed to step out of it. He didn't want to see her hurt, and he wasn't going to be the type of dick to take advantage of her and try to get with her when she thinks his best friend doesn't like her.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked. "Tomorrow you're going to pick Bill up, before we all meet up. I know Eddie's coming over but I'll meet at his house before he has the chance to come over. Let's just please try to get some sleep. Okay? I sleep better when someone's around, and I know that I'm not Bill but I still want you to try." Stan replied.

Alice finally nodded, grabbing pajamas and changing into them. She knew Stan was in the room, but he'd already seen her in just her undergarments before so she didn't see the problem, and it's not like he was staring at her anyway.

They'd laid down in her bed, Stanley making sure Alice fell asleep before finally falling asleep himself, feeling sad that he wasn't the one she liked, but pushed that feeling away as he finally drifted off into sleep.


this was more of a filler yikes im sorry

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