chapter nine

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not edited

Alice, Stanley and Bill sat inside Bill's room, the door shut and locked so that way Mrs. Denbrough couldn't see the other two kids, and if someone tried to come into his room he could easily hide them. Alice sat at Bill's desk, working on her painting. Bill watched from his bed, Stanley sitting next to him.

"You know, she really likes you." Stan said, watching as Alice stuck the tip of her tongue out of the corner of her mouth in concentration, making sure she didn't mess up on the drawing. "What?" Bill looked over at Stan. They were talking so quietly, and Alice was so concentrated on her picture that she had no idea what they were mumbling about, she could barely hear them.

"I mean obviously I know that you like her and all Bill, not only is it obvious but the others and I have talked about it, and you've even pretty much admitted it to me and Beverly. But she thinks of you the exact same way. She has a soft spot and is nice to pretty much everyone, but you? She has an even bigger soft spot and she looks at you the same way you look at her." Stan explained, watching as Bill looked back at the smaller girl.

Alice yawned, setting her things back into her backpack and turning to the two boys. "I think I might fall asleep soon." She rubbed her eye with her right hand. Bill scooted toward the middle, patting the side to the left of him. Alice crawled into the bed, getting under the blanket and wrapping her arms around Bill's waist, resting her head on his stomach. 

She shut her eyes, trying her best to not thing about the horrific things that have happened that night, and before she knew it she was asleep.

"See, told you." Stan said after a good fifteen minutes of them sitting in silence. "Shh, sh-she still might be awake." Bill said, looking down at her. "Nah, there's no way. She's lightly snoring if you listen closely, she fell asleep like right as she laid on your stomach dude." Stan rolled his eyes. 

Bill didn't say anything, instead just lightly ran his hands through her messy, knotted hair. She hadn't brushed it before coming over. After what happened at her house before Stanley showed up she didn't really care what she looked like at the moment, she just wanted to feel safe. And Bill made her feel that way.

"Didn't even bother warning you or asking, just plopped right into your lap. Kinda cute." Stan said, "And if you think about it, that's coming from me. Stanley Uris. The boy who doesn't give his opinion on anything really."

Bill thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he knew Stan was right. Stan hardly said much, gave his opinion on anything, unless it was something completely out of the ordinary or stupid or just outrageous. So he must be right about Alice.

"I think we should at least get a little sleep though, all three of us has had it rough recently, and Alice and I gotta sneak out of here in the morning before my parents notice I snuck out and your parents notice. And I'm sure Alice will want to leave early to shower and stuff." Stan said, sinking into his spot. 

He pulled the giant blanket over him, shutting the lamp off which left the room in almost complete darkness. The only light shining in the room was the light glare of the moon coming in through a crack in the curtains. Bill slowly slid himself down, doing his best to not wake Alice up seeing as she was actually sleeping well for the first time in what seemed like a long time.

Once he'd got situated under the covers, Alice had cuddled even closer to him as if he was a stuffed animal, burying her face into the crook of his neck. He smiled, trying not to giggle as her small breaths tickled his neck. He listened, and finally heard her light snores that Stanley had mentioned and thought they were one of the cutest things he's ever heard.

After he knew Stanley was asleep, the way he started breathing deeply, he kissed Alice on the top of the head, mumbling 'goodnight lovely' before shutting his eyes himself.


The next morning Stanley was the first one up, not because he'd had a bad dream or anything, but because he wanted to get out of the house early before he got Bill in trouble, and before he got in trouble himself.

Alice had woken up after Stanley nudged her a few times, and she couldn't help but grow red as she noticed that she was cuddling with Bill even more than she was the moment she laid down to go to sleep.

Stan smiled a small smile at her, reassuring her it was okay they cuddled. She slipped her shoes on, deciding not to change into the clothes she'd brought so that way she could shower once she got home, and kiss Bill on the forehead before leaving him a note telling him that her and Stan left.

By the time Stan biked her home and she got to her house, her father was already gone for work and her mother was working outside in the garden.

Her mother didn't even bother to acknowledge her, just let Alice drop her bike off then go inside where she went straight upstairs into her bedroom. It lightly concerned Alice that her mother barely even notice that Stan dropped her off- a boy, when she was supposed to be staying the night at Beverly's house the night before.

After her shower and getting ready for the day, she'd suddenly heard loud footsteps running into her house and up the stairs, into her room.

"We gotta go." Bill had said, slightly out of breath. "What's-" Before she could finish, Bill linked his fingers with hers and drug her out of the room and out of the house, where she said a faint goodbye to her mother who didn't even react.

She didn't even get a chance to get her bike, but rode on top of Bill's handlebars. He was out there with Stan, Eddie, Richie and Ben, whom weren't saying anything but following Bill to wherever he wanted them to go. It surprised her she was able to stay on top of the handlebars, considering she'd always rode on the pegs.  

As she sat on the handlebars, she lightly leaned back against Bill to make sure she felt a little bit safer since she wasn't used to this. Bill liked it, but was more worried about getting to his new friends Beverly's house since she'd called him this morning waking him up, telling them to get to her house as soon as possible.

Alice kept her hands to the sides of her thighs, gripping onto the handlebar for support. Her pinky's brushed against Bill's pointer fingers and thumbs, making her face grow slightly pink at the thought of their hands touching. 

Soon enough, Richie started making remarks and Bill kept explaining to the poor kid that he didn't know what it was, but Beverly said it was really important and she needed all of the kids from the group.

Once they pulled up Beverly was sitting outside, and she jumped up, throwing her cigarette she'd been smoking to the side and running down the bunches of steps, immediately wrapping her skinny arms around Alice.


this is a sort of bad way to end this and i'm sorry

but i'm really trying to update as much as possible



and i technically didn't start crying so hard until stan was saying "you guys aren't my friends, you left me alone" and stuff and fUCK

then i cried again when bill found georgies jacket and started crying and they all hugged him. 

but, i'm fr updating every day, maybe even more than once a day, and i'm thinking of posting a stan fanfic bc i have a really good idea for him, and a eddie fanfic bc i also have a good idea for him. but i'm debating on waiting bc i wanna finish this and i wanna finish some stories first but i'm doing really well on this.

i'm also thinking about making a jaeden fic, finn fic, jack fic, anD MOST DEFINITELY A WYATT FIC BC WYATT IS LITERALLY THE LOML

ok authors note over enjoy this chapter pls

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