chapter three

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After finally getting to the barrens, they dropped their bikes off and walked toward the entrance, Stan pointing everything out as poison ivy

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After finally getting to the barrens, they dropped their bikes off and walked toward the entrance, Stan pointing everything out as poison ivy. 

"Okay, wait what? What's poison ivy, this?" Eddie pointed at a random plant that clearly wasn't even poison ivy. 

"Definitely not." Alice turned away from Bill, smiling at the small boy. "You have nothing to be afraid of, poison ivy is further back that way, not here." She said as they approached the entrance of the barrens. 

She walked in next to Bill, staying a little close ever since the clown incident. Her knee was in lots of pain, but she brushed it off, trying to ignore the smell that the barrens had. Richie followed behind her and Bill, Stan and Eddie stopping at the entrance.

"Well I'm starting to get really itchy and-"

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Richie cut Eddie off, turning to the boy.

"Well, yeah, sometimes." Eddie replied, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Then you probably have crabs." Richie shrugged, earning a loud laugh from Alice.

"That is so not funny." Eddie said, crossing his arms.

"I'm- I'm sorry." Alice tried to stop her laughter. 

"Are you guys even going to come in? Or not?" Richie asked Stan and Eddie.

"No, no. Definitely not. Grey water. You're standing in grey water." Eddie said, pointing at the water the other three were standing in.

"What the hell is grey water?" Richie asked, a look on his face. Alice was still focused on the other boys, she didn't notice Bill walk a little bit away from her.

"It's basically piss and shit, so just telling ya, you're walking around in millions of gallons of Derry pee." Eddie said, holding his hands up in defense. Alice watched as Richie bent down, picking a disgusting stick up.

"Wait- what- what the hell are you doing?" Eddie asked, his eyes wide. Richie sniffed it, before holding it out.

"Doesn't smell like caca to me senor," He said, causing Alice to laugh once again.

Bill looked back, noticing how easily Richie made Alice laugh. He wouldn't admit it, but he was a little bit jealous. He loved her laugh- more than anything, but he wasn't the one making her laugh.

He just continued searching, as Eddie made a disgusted face. "Have you ever heard of a staph infection?" 

"Oh, I'll show you a staph infection," Richie said, and they got into another bickering argument as Stan just rolled his eyes, and Bill cut them off, turning to them with a white shoe in his hand.

"Who's shoe is that?" Stan asked, fear written on his face.

Alice made her way over to Bill, along with Richie. They stared as they saw B. Ripsom written on the inside. 

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