chapter twelve

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After waking up and showering, Alice got ready for the day before hearing her doorbell ring. It'd been a week or two since Stan last stayed, and to her luck she hasn't seen the clown since. She walked downstairs and opened the door, seeing Beverly there with a small smile on her face.

"Ready to head to Bill's garage?" The red head asked the shorter girl, to which she just smiled and grabbed her backpack before running out and grabbing her bike. 

The two girls biked to Bill's, Beverly's eyes scanning Alice repeatedly. She looked different than the last time they actually hung out, which was about a week ago at the Fourth of July celebration. When they all admitted they'd seen something, and when Richie admitted to the others that he was afraid of clowns.

She noticed Alice's ankle was out of the bandage, and it wasn't swollen anymore. It was still bruised, which made Alice feel really insecure because you could easily look down and see the ugliest purple bruise all around her ankle. 

They approached Bill's, all of the others were already there. They dropped their bikes off with the others', and walked inside Bill's garage where he had a map of Derry hung up, along with a projector set up.

"What's this?" Alice asked, as Eddie grabbed a chair and took a seat in front but next to the projector. Ben sat in the same area, but on the other side as Bill stood behind it with Beverly sitting next to him. Stan and Richie sat behind Eddie, with Mike behind them as Alice stood next to the closed garage door awkwardly. 

Eddie noticed, turning and waving her over to him, which she gladly shared the chair he was sitting in. Even though Stan's plan was to figure out why Bill was spending so much time next to Beverly, Alice never went through with it. She ended up just staying home for a while, until Eddie finally came to her house asking to go to the Fourth of July celebration with him and the others, where she found out that her and Stan weren't the only two seeing things. 

Bill started talking about how everywhere that things happen, they all connect through the sewers. As he proceeded to talk, them figuring out that the well house was the creepy house on Neibolt Street, Eddie's breathing started to get heavy.

"Are you okay Eds?" Alice asked, and Eddie just shook his head, before standing up and angrily walking over to the map hung up on the wall. "I'm not doing this! That's where I saw it!" He said, ripping the map off of the wall.

"What the hell, put the map back!" Bill asked, earning a look from Eddie. Eddie pursed his lips, shaking his head as he dropped the map from his hands. "Nuh uh." He said, and before anyone could say anything else, the photos on the projector switched. 

Eddie's eyes widened and he turned, seeing photos pop up on the wall. The photos got faster, and it went from a family photo of the Denbrough's to Bill's mom, but it wasn't Bill's mom in the photo.

It was the clown, and he was smiling an evil smirk, and Alice gasped.

"That's- that's the clown." She mumbled, standing up and knocking the chair her and Eddie had been sitting on in the process. 

"What is that, what the fuck is that?!" Richie asked, grabbing onto Eddie. They held onto each other, as the clown's face came into perfect view. Alice's breathing got heavy, and she heard Beverly yell at Bill to turn it off. Mike quickly kicked over the projector, lots of the photos coming out in the process. 

Stan was standing by the screen, and stared at the screen with wide eyes. "Stanley!" Alice called, running and grabbing onto his arm. She pulled him back and away from the projector, as the clowns blurry face disappeared from the screen completely.

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