chapter ten

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The others just watched as Alice took in Beverly's embrace. "You guys need to come up to my place."  Beverly finally pulled away, pointing to the stairs she'd just come from.

"W-what happened?" Bill asked. "I can't explain, you just need to see it. Someone needs to stay though, watch for my dad because if he comes back and sees a bunch of guys in my house, he'd flip." Beverly said.

"R-richie." Bill voted as the others all descended up the stairs. Bill followed right behind Beverly, Ben right behind them and Eddie following suit. Stan was in front of Alice, who was last. 

"Wait what am I supposed to do if her dad comes back?!" Richie asked, his hands on his handlebars. 

Stan abruptly stopped in front of Alice, turning to face Richie's direction. "Do what you always do, start talking!" He said, before looking down to see Alice looking at him.

"I mean, it is a gift." Richie mumbled, looking down as he rested himself as comfortably as he could on his bike. 

Alice and Stan looked at each other for a good ten seconds before Stanley finally smiled at her. "What?" He asked, and she just shook her head, motioning for him to go up.

They got inside, seeing the others crowded in front of a room- glowing a light red. As Alice and Stan approached, Alice couldn't help but gag- just like Eddie was. The entire bathroom was filled from top to bottom with thick, dark blood, and it made Alice want to faint.

"Can you guys see this?" Beverly asked. "Yes." Alice replied. Bill looked around the room, before turning his head to the others. "W-we can't leave it like this." He said, before Beverly walked away, to get some cleaning supplies.

Bill made eye contact with Alice, who just looked down. She wasn't necessarily mad at him, she was just upset. I mean, she cuddled with him last night, and made it very obvious that she likes him, but from the moment they've gotten here he's only paid attention to Beverly.

Well yeah, Beverly had something going on but he just left her, didn't even walk with her. Just walked with Beverly and has stayed by her side since they've gotten there. 

She doesn't blame him though. Beverly's beautiful. She'd like her, too.

They spent the next hour or so cleaning the bathroom, scrubbing as hard as they could. Alice looked over, noticing Eddie cleaning while holding his inhaler in his mouth. She giggled, catching his, Bill's and Stan's attention.

Eddie's face heated up, taking the inhaler out of his mouth and putting it back into his fanny pack. Stan smiled, admiring the young girl while Bill just looked sadly at her, wondering why she was being distant away from him.

Soon enough they'd gotten pretty much all of the blood cleaned, and the others started exiting the bathroom, Alice being the last besides Bill and Beverly.

She stood right outside the bathroom, leaning her back against the wall. Alice watched as Ben looked at her room, before turning and starting to head back to finish taking the trash out. He stopped, looking into the bathroom.

Ben likes Beverly.

Alice made sad eyes at him, him smiling gently at her before finishing his way downstairs to take the trash out.

"You know the rumors aren't true right? The one's about me." Alice listened to Beverly's smooth voice. "I know, I figured they weren't." She heard Bill reply. "I've only kissed one boy, in a school play. He wasn't so bad either." She said to him, and Alice immediately remembered the play that both Beverly and Bill had been in.

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