chapter fourteen

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not edited

The two boys explained everything that happened the moment he threw her to the side and knocked her out, and she'd gotten her things together as they walked out to her car. 

"Your fucking neck Alice." Richie commented, moving her hair back. She stopped in her tracks, feeling Richie's warm fingertips and Stan's cold fingertips move around on her neck. "He got you good." Richie added, finally pulling away.

"What? What happened?" Alice asked, her eyebrows furrowing. "There's a giant bruise all over your neck, from his hands." Stan said, rubbing one of the bruises from the fingers. "Fuck." Alice mumbled, moving Stan's hand and covering her neck. "What am I supposed to do?" 

"I don't know." Richie said, "But we better get out of here soon. Hospitals are creepy as fuck and we don't wanna keep your mom waiting, she's been a happy camper about this."

The three walked out and into the car, Alice sitting in the passenger seat while Stanley and Richie sat in the back. Alice made sure her hair was forward, covering the bruises as best as she could. She noticed her arm was wrapped up, and they rewrapped her ankle also. When she looked into the mirror on the side of the car, she'd noticed her head was wrapped up too, making it look like she was wearing a really ugly white hat. She sighed, just wanting this car ride to be over.

Soon enough it was, and she said goodbye to Stanley and Richie, who left and Alice put her bike away before running inside and upstairs. After a couple of hours of waiting, and visiting with Ben and Mike who came to see if she was okay, she decided to call Eddie and see how he was.

 She grabbed her phone, dialing Eddie's number.

"H-hello?" She heard Eddie's light voice asked, and sighed in relief as she knew he was okay. "Eds, you're okay." She breathed. "Alice! You're awake!" He said, "I thought you were seriously hurt you wouldn't wake up and who knows what would've happened if anything got infected." 

"I just bumped my head and cut my arm. Although I'm bruised, and they rewrapped my ankle although it was healed minus the bruising on it." Alice explained, twirling the cord in her fingers. "I'm sorry if you got into a lot of trouble for breaking your arm, I turned away for one second and-"

"No it's okay. I'm glad you didn't see it because if you did and have tried to stop me from falling you couldn't gotten hurt way worse than you already did. We're both beat up pretty badly, at least it's over." Eddie cut the girl off, "I mean, my mom was pissed. But you're the only one she'll allow me to hangout with still."

"Really? Why me?" Alice asked, curiosity clear in her voice. "Well, you were knocked out when she saw my arm. She saw that you were beat up just as much. And she knows you, knows your mother. She knows you're not the type of girl to put someone in danger like that. I mean it was Bill that did drag us all into that." Eddie explained, "She's also never heard any bad rumors about you. How'd your mom take it?" 

"Well, from what Richie and Stanley said, she took it well. She wasn't mad, they said we were all playing and you and I fell around Kissing Bridge, and you broke your arm and I got cut and hit my head. They didn't even notice my neck." Alice said, lightly touching her neck with the hand that wasn't holding the phone.

"What's wrong with your neck?" Eddie asked. "Well you know when the clown was holding my neck? When you were sitting behind me and I was in front of you and you were holding onto me with one arm but his hand was like on my neck? Well he was holding really tightly, I remember that. But when we were leaving the hospital Richie noticed my neck." Alice said, "Him and Stan said it was bad so I covered it with my hair and when I got home I looked and they are pretty deep. I'm going to have to sneak into my mom's makeup to get something to try and cover it." 

"I'm sorry, Alice." Eddie said, "Hey, maybe we should hangout. Like soon. Since you're the only one I can really see. You'd have to come over here though, my mom won't let me out of the house. She's watching me like a hawk." 

"That'd work! I mean, I guess I could come tomorrow. I know Stan's bar mitzvah is coming up and Richie and I both promised we'd go to that, and I owe Stan my life for taking me to my mom and carrying me and stuff. He's a really good friend." Alice said, smiling slightly.

"Do you like Stanley?" Eddie asked. "No, not like that. We all know who it is that I like. But let's not worry about that, nothing's ever going to happen anyway. He doesn't seem to care." Alice got sad, thinking of the fact that Bill hasn't even contacted her since the entire thing happened.

"Why not?" Eddie asked, "Bill cares a lot, you know."

"I guess he does." Alice grabbed the entire telephone, walking from her desk and sitting on her bed. Luckily, it was a really long cord. "I mean, I was in the hospital for a while, from what Richie and Stan explained he doesn't even care. I mean they got into a fight after your mom took you away, Bill punched Richie. He wanted to go back to the house and find It." 

"What the fuck is wrong with him?" Eddie asked, frustrated. "I don't know, but like- what if I did die? Who knows what could've happened. The doctor said if I hit my head any harder, I could have died. I mean I get he wants to find Georgie, but what are the odds?" Alice replied, "And the only people that have bothered to call me or come by to see if I'm okay was Ben and Mike. They came by a couple of hours after I got home, I waited for anyone else to call and nobody else did. I mean I didn't expect Stan or Richie to because they were with me and know that I'm okay, but you know? Kinda hurts. I thought Bill and Bev were my friends." 

"I'm sorry, Alice. Maybe give them a bit to think about things. I mean if Stan and Richie explained things to you, maybe Bill thinks you hate him? I don't know. I'm not the right person to come to for something like this. I gotta go, my mom's coming down. But we can talk on the phone tomorrow if you can't come over, okay?" Before Alice could reply, Eddie had hung up.

She sighed, going and putting her phone back on her desk. She noticed the painting of Stan and Bill on her desk and lightly ran her fingers over Bill's face, shaking her head and walking toward her dresser. She got out some pajamas, changing into them and putting her laundry in the laundry basket.

"Maybe tomorrow I'll visit Eddie, or maybe I should wait and stay home for a few days." Alice decided, getting into bed after making sure her nightlight was on. She shut her lamp off, starting into the nightlight that lit her room up with glowing stars.


filler lol ik i said i was gonna read then start a new fanfiction but i ended up starting to read and getting only a little farther than i was when saw something i could watch IT on, so i watched it with my mom since she hasn't seen it then i got to watching youtube and writing another chapter lmao oops

i'm about to post a jack dylan grazer fanfiction though sooo check that out pls

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