chapter thirteen

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Alice screamed, along with Eddie. 

"ALICE!" Bill screamed back. He'd just gotten Richie out of a room he was locked in, and turned to see three doors. One door said not scary at all, the next said scary, and the other said very scary. They ran to the not scary at all door, opening it and turning the light on to see Betty Ripsom, with no legs.

Bill screamed and shut the door, while Richie yelled 'WHERE THE FUCK WERE HER LEGS?!' "It's not real, it's not real." Bill whispered, before opening the door again and seeing nothing there. They ran out and down the stairs, and into the room seeing Alice covering Eddie so he wouldn't get hurt.

Pennywise had his hand wrapped around her throat, and he could easily snap it in one quick movement. 

"Alice." Bill mumbled, tears coming to his eyes. He could see Eddie hugging her with one arm from behind, as if that'd stop the evil clown.

"Get a-away from her." Bill said, anger coursing through him. "Am I not real? Is this not real enough for you Billy? It was real enough for Georgie." The clown smirked evilly, as Bill got even more angry.

Pennywise, who'd been holding on tightly to Alice, threw her across the room and out of Eddie's grip, where she hit the wall and fell to the floor after hitting her head on a corner. The clown quickly turned and made its way toward Bill and Richie, but before he could get to the two boys someone shoved a post through its head.

To the left, Beverly stood there breathing heavily, and they all made their way toward the area where Alice and Eddie were. It started to make its way to the group, all of them cowering next to Eddie, minus Alice who was still laying on the floor unconscious. 

Before It could get to them, it turned, slashing Ben in the stomach and making its way out of the room, where Bill started to follow the clown. "We can't let It get away!" He said, as Beverly went over to Alice, while Richie tried to put Eddie's arm back in place.

"Don't you touch me- do NOT fucking touch me!" Eddie screamed, but Richie didn't listen to him and popped it back into place anyway. 

"G-guys." Beverly stuttered, shaking Alice. "Alice isn't waking up." Bill turned, his eyes widening. 

"Does she need to go to the hospital?" Eddie said, "Maybe my mom can take her."

"You need to get to a hospital too, let's get out of here." Stan said, walking over and lifting Alice up. They all walked out of the house and down the steps, grabbing their bikes and going to the street. 

"How are we going to do this?" Stan asked, as Mike sat on his bike, holding his bike to his side while Beverly held Alice's. 

"I can hold Alice's bike, walk with them both." Beverly said, as the others got on their bikes. "I'll hold yours, just worry about carrying Alice for now." Mike said, and they found their way to Eddie's.

To say his mom was furious was an understatement. She went off, shoving Eddie into the car, rushing to get the keys. She dropped them and Beverly bent down to help, but she stopped her.

"I've heard the rumors about you, Beverly Marsh. I don't want you touching my son." She said, before making her way over to the other side of the car. "You're all monsters! I don't want you near my son again, you'd be lucky if that poor girl over there gets to see you again, either." She motioned to Alice, who was still in Stan's arms.

Eddie let a couple tears fall, mouthing to Richie to stay with Alice, to make sure she was okay. He nodded and Mrs. Kraspbrak drove off, leaving the others alone.

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