chapter sixteen

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"Mrs. Kaspbrak-" Alice started, but she just sent Alice a look before looking at Eddie. "And just where do you think you're off to?" She asked, stepping in the way of Eddie from leaving.

Alice looked over at Eddie, slightly leaning into his side. If anyone scared her, it was Eddie's mom. 

"I'm going out with my friends." Eddie answered, slightly more confident than normal. "No, sweetie, you're not allowed to go, remember? You're getting over your sickness." She replied calmly. 

"My sickness?" Eddie asked, glancing over at Alice before looking back at his mother. "What- what sickness mom?" He reached into his fanny pack, getting the placebos out of it. "You know what these are?" He held them up, and his mother glanced at them.

"They're gazebos! They're bullshit!" He threw the bottle down, and Alice squeezed her eyes shut. For one, they're placebos, she wanted to correct him. And two, him overreacting like this was starting to scare her for some reason. Eddie was always so fragile, and nice, and that was something that Alice loved about Eddie.

She knew Stan and Richie and Bill blew up on each other when she was unconscious, which scared her because she hated when people yelled, she even scared herself when people yelled. But Eddie? It wasn't like him to yell.

Mrs. Kaspbrak just looked down at the now spilled contents on the floor, before looking back up at Eddie. "I'm going and hanging out with my friends, whether you like it or not. You made me turn my back on them when I needed them the most, and when they needed me." He said, before gently grabbing Alice's hand and pulling her out of the house.

Mrs. Kaspbrak followed behind the two and yelled at Eddie to get back into the house, but Eddie ignored her as he jumped onto his bike. Alice grabbed hers, looking back at Mrs. Kaspbrak one last time before jumping onto her bike and following suit behind Eddie.

They biked their way to the house on Neibolt Street, it being silent between them. When they finally got there, they realized they were the last ones there- probably because Eddie's mom got in the way.

"Alice!" Bill said, rushing up to the girl and hugging her. She didn't hug him back, which he pulled away with a sad face.

"Why the fuck haven't you talked to us?" Richie asked, punching her on her good arm. "I just haven't." Alice curtly replied, looking at the ground.

"Anyways." Bill cut in, "We need s-sharp things." The others got together sharp things they could find, Richie breaking a glass bottle just to find out it wouldn't work.

Alice looked around, the only thing she was holding that was useful was the flashlight Stan had handed her when they walked up.

Come float, Alice

"Fuck." Alice mumbled, shaking her head lightly. "Never." 

Time to float Alice

Bill looked over, noticing the girl breathing heavily. As the others continued gathering things, he walked over to her, resting his hand on her shoulder. "W-what's wrong?" He asked her. "I hear it again." Was all she said, pulling the beanie down to make sure it hadn't gone above the bandage.

"Why-why are you w-wearing that?" Bill asked. "Nothing- it's nothing. I don't have anything sharp." Alice changed the subject, and Bill handed her a pole before going to the front of the house.

They walked in, Stan staying outside of the doorway. "Come on, we h-have to stick together. B-Beverly was r-right. If we split up th-then it will kill us one by one." Bill said, and Stan looked at Alice.

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