chapter fifteen

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The next couple weeks passed, Alice avoiding everyone. The only time she left her house was to go get her prescription from Keene's pharmacy for her head, or to go to Stan's bar mitzvah like she'd promised. Even then, she congratulated Stan and left, without another word to him or Richie.

Eddie and Beverly had called numerous times, Mike, Ben and Stanley even coming over, but she just wasn't feeling it. She didn't want visitors, so every time anyone would come over for her she'd have her mom tell them she's not expecting guests, which they'd just frown in return and leave.

Finally, one day, Eddie had enough. Alice was the only friend he was allowed to have, and the fact that she wasn't talking to him was getting to him. The day he was supposed to go get his prescription from Keene's he biked to Alice's house, not even bothering putting his kickstand up. Noticing only one of her parents were home, he found his way over to a window with light pink curtains- and immediately knew they were Alice's. 

"Fuck." He mumbled, realizing how hard it'd be to climb up to her window with a broken arm. He just let out a breath, taking his inhaler out and using it before shoving it back into his fanny pack and climbing up the side of her house. It took him a while, considering he couldn't use one of his arms very well but he managed, and tapped on it quickly and loudly.

Alice looked at her window, her eyes wide. It was either Stan or It, those were the only two that have ever knocked on her window before. She found her way over to the window, opening it to see neither Stanley Uris or Pennywise the Dancing Clown but instead it was Eddie Kaspbrak, clinging onto the window as if his life depended on it.

"Eddie! What are you doing here?" Alice exclaimed, opening the window and letting him in. She shut it behind him, turning to see him breathing heavily. "I'm going fucking crazy Alice! You're my only friend yet you haven't answered the phone or bothered to see me! Did I do something wrong?" He asked, using his inhaler once again.

"No, I haven't talked to anyone." Alice said, rubbing her arm. "Why not?" Eddie asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "Just a lot on my mind I guess. I've only gone out to get more fucking bandages or to Stan's bar mitzvah, but I left right after that. Only congratulated him." She replied, "I just- look at me, Eddie, I'm a wreck."

"No you're not." He said, finally noticing the giant bruises she was talking about. "Yes I am! I tried using some of my mom's makeup, nothing covers these stupid bruises. I fell down the stairs last night and yet again sprained my ankle! I have to keep a bandage on my arm and my head that way they don't get infected! Look at me!" She said, "I can't even- brush the top of my fucking hair because I might open the wound and do you know how disgusting I feel? My mom has to help me wash my hair. She has to help me shower." 

"That means nothing Alice. You got hurt, you're just healing." Eddie said, "No need to be embarrassed. Come on, just hangout with me for today, okay?" 

"Fine." She sighed, "I'll meet you out front in a couple minutes, if my mom knows you snuck in here I'll never be able to leave my house again." Eddie nodded, making his way to the window. Sure, he was scared for his life he was going to fall, but it was worth coming up here because he got Alice to finally leave her house.

She slipped on some Vans, brushing the parts of her hair that she could before grabbing her backpack and heading downstairs. Normally in her backpack she kept extra deodorant, her brush, and her drawing pad and pencils, but now that she's hurt she had to take out her drawing pad and pencils and put in bandages and all of her medical stuff. 

As she got downstairs, her mom was in the living room, knitting like always. "Where you headed off to?" Her mom asked, setting the knitting things down and standing up. "Oh, Eddie called and invited me to hangout at his house for a while. I have my medicine and all in my backpack though." Alice replied, repositioning the backpack.

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