chapter four

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They finally made it to the drug store, where the boys left Richie and Alice with Ben so they could go get some supplies to help Ben

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They finally made it to the drug store, where the boys left Richie and Alice with Ben so they could go get some supplies to help Ben. It took them forever, seeing as they realized they hadn't had enough money and needed to find a way to get the supplies out of the store without Mr. Keene noticing them.

Mr. Keene is Greta Keene's father. Alice found him a little creepy, considering it was very easy to sweet talk him and distract him.

"So you and Bill huh?" Richie asked Alice, coming up with the conversation while the others were gone.

"What are you talking about?" Alice asked, looking up at him. Her green eyes were still very dull, but you could see just the tiniest spark when Bill's name was brought up.

Her cheeks were red, from it being hot outside. Luckily her pony tail was still up and looked perfect, and her knee was red around the area it'd been cut.

"Oh come on, I saw you guys holding hands in the sewers. The way you look at him, all googley eyed." Richie taunted the girl, and she just made a face.

"We held hands for no more than a moment, Richie, I don't look at anyone in any certain way." She argued, and they both got quiet as the rest of them showed up, Standing next to Bill was Beverly Marsh.

Alice didn't say anything, didn't even smile the way that she normally would. Stan furrowed his eyebrows, looking between Bill and Beverly, before looking over to see Alice.

Her eyes were even duller than before, a dark green. They were normally a light, shiny green that shined, but they looked so much different. He knew something was up and sighed lightly, walking over to sit next to her. 

As Bill thanked Beverly for helping, and Eddie and Richie argued while Eddie helped fix Ben up, Stan looked over at Alice. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," She said, although it was obvious that something was definitely wrong with her.

"Come on, Alice. We haven't known each other for very long, but I can see right through you. Is it Bill and Beverly?" He asked, noticing her face soften as he asked.

"Kind of." She admitted, feeling her face heat up. "I mean, Richie thinks we like each other. I kind of like him- have for a while now. I mean not like like, because I haven't talked to him very much but I find him very cute and I just- I don't know." She stopped, grabbing a pebble and throwing it.

"Yanno, he likes you too. They're just standing next to each other, there's nothing going on between them," Stan said.

"I know she's just- she's really pretty is all." Alice said, not noticing the look on Stanley's face when she said that.

"But so are you! I mean look at you A, lots of people like you at the school." Stanley gave her a nickname, frowning lightly.

"I guess so." She said, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

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