I don't even have time to fear that we might have an awkward silence, like it is in the most of "first date" stories, because Alexey was on his top game. He asked me questions non-stop about my favourites and things that are important to me. As I answered, he always had the next question waiting, not needing to even think about it.
"Do you have a middle name?" - No.
"When is your birthday?" - February 9th.
"What is your favourite colour?" - Hands down, black and only black.
"What is your favourite book?" - I don't really have a favourite, but I have many that I enjoy dearly.
"What is the one place you would return again and again?" - Ironically, Paris. Even though I'm French, I still think Paris is one of the greatest places ever.
"What is your favourite food?" - French Fries.
The questions keep on coming and it almost makes me nervous, because it feels like a job interview. It makes me stop and laugh for a second and it earns me a confused look from Alexey.
"Did I say something wrong?" He asks, concerned. He probably worries that he'll mess up and I'll run away from our "date". I shake my head to comfort him and tell him how nervous he is making me with his questions.
Alexey laughs, but keeps on going with the questions.
"Do you like school?" - You can't really like school, unless you're really, really popular or a nerd. I'm neither one, so no, I don't particularly like school.
"What is your favourite subject?"
I feel my cheeks heat up. I feel like it is going to sound weird, if I say my favourite subject is English Lit. It really is my favourite, but since he's the teacher there, it feels weird to say it.
He looks at my blushing face and realises. "Is it English Lit?" His face lights up and an adorable grin appears on his face. God. He is so adorable and this is so wrong. I'm sure he understands it also, but I just can't. He is perfect. Literally perfect.
The only way we could ever be together was either a)when I finish high school, or b)if he gets fired/leaves. There is no other option here. It is making me sad, but I don't want to ruin our first date, so I suppress the feeling quickly and wait for his ongoing question flow.
Sadly, we've arrived at a sushi restaurant, so he doesn't ask me any more questions. He parks the car in moderately full parking lot and turns in his seat to look at my face.
"This is the best place ever." I say, smiling. My family and I come here, when we are celebrating something, so this place is especially special to me.
Alexey smiles warmly at me and takes my hand. Lifting it up to his lips, he places the softest and nicest kiss on my knuckles. Something in me shifts with happiness and joy. I can't believe this perfect human is right in front me and kissing my knuckles. How did this even happen?
"Let's go?" Alexey asks, his lips still brushing lightly at my knuckles. I nod and he gets out of the car. When I start to open the door, he makes a disapproving sound, which makes me freeze in my seat, confused. Did I do something?
Alexey quickly walks around the car and opens the door for me with a smug smile. "Chivalry's not dead, Adèle." He is so sweet and it makes me smile at him fondly. Perfection.
Alexey takes my hand and we walk towards the entrance. I am ecstatic, but then I remember that we're in a public space and there could be people we know. After all, this is not a very big town.
I stop suddenly and take my hand out of his. "What if someone from school sees us here? We both could be in trouble." I say.
He looks at me, concern clear in his blue eyes, but, after a brief moment of thinking, he puts his arm around my back and we go on. This way, we still look like friends, but nobody really knows why we're here. We could be just some pals, getting a late night meal after a bowling night of a movie.
The restaurant looks as amazing as it always does with it's beige/brown interior. I notice some more chairs added to the emptier places, but over all, it looks like it always does - perfect.
We take a seat in a booth, that is the furthest away and nobody really sits into. Also, only one of us can be seen while sitting there, so nobody will see us sitting together. Only one of us.
A brunette waiter comes over with two menus. She seems bored or tired, not really sure which one, but she talks quite slow and uninterested. "Hello, welcome to Sushi World. I am Anna and I will be your waiter today."
After placing the menus in front of us, she walks off as quick as she can, not even checking if we already know what we'd like to order or to drink.
"Do you have a favourite here?" I ask Alexey, as I open the menu. I know what I'm going to take, because it is always the same, but for no reason, I always open the darn menu to look like I'm checking something.
Alexey shakes his head and looks up at me, probably sensing, that I already have a favourite. He proves my assumption right, as he asks which one is my préféré. I tell him that my favourite is the Philadelphia Gold Maki and his eyes widen.
"That's the one I order the most, too." It makes me giggle, since it seems like such a cute thing to have- a similar taste.
After the waiter comes over again and takes our orders, I stare at Alexey. I'm starting to feel like such a creep for staring all the time, but, honestly... How could anyone NOT stare? I'm pretty sure that, if we didn't sit in a booth, there would be women oogling over him. He is just that type of perfect human to be stared at.
"So... Since you had your interview moment in the car, I think it's just fair for me to ask you a ton of questions now." Alexey smiles, places his hands under his chin and raises his eyebrows in response. So, he's ready. Okay.
What should I start with?
"Do you have a middle name?" - No, but in Russia, they address people by saying their name, father's name and then the last name.
I had heard about such thing, but it never occurred to me, that Alexey was also Russian.
"So, what is your "addressing name"?" - Alexey Victorovych Bogdanovych. What a mouthful in english, right?
We both giggle in agreement.
"What is your favourite colour?" - Black and white.
"How long have you lived in USA?" - Since I was 12.
"Do you visit Russia often?" - Yeah, every year at Christmas. I visit my grandparents and my mother, who decided to go back to Russia, after she and my father divorced.
"Is your dad American?" - Yeah.
"Do you use Facebook?" - Not really, because all my friends are off of it, but if you have a strong wish to stalk me for a bit, I can start to use it more actively.
It makes me laugh so hard. Alexey... You funny devil.
As I stare at Alexey's eyes, I forget what my next question was supposed to be. Hell, who cares, if there is such an amazing pair of eyes staring right back at you with such admiration and interest.
When the waitress finally brings us our sushi's, we are both laughing like crazy about one of Alexey's silly jokes. Who knew he had such humour in him.
We enjoy our meal, accompanied with nice chatter about important and not so important topics. The bad thing is, throughout all this, my liking for him grows stronger and stronger. It is almost killing me at the end of the meal.
Alexey looks at me worriedly, afraid that I am not enjoying myself. Actually, I am more than enjoying myself, but I just need to get THAT out of the way.
I take a few deep breaths.
"Alexey...I like you. Really, really like you."
Hey, loves! Thank you so much for waiting and reading this chapter! Please, don't forget to vote, comment and add this story to your reading list for updates, if you like it! :)

My Teacher
Teen FictionWhen Adèle returns to school after the Christmas break, she immediately has mutal sympathies with her new English Lit substitute teacher - Alexey Bogdanovych. From the moment that he sets his eyes on her, he is immediately attracted to her and she j...