"Ugh." I sigh as I faceplant my bed.
This has to stop. I can't even concentrate on the school stuff, because I'm becoming obsessed with Alexey.
And it doesn't go away. I would usually obsess over something, but it would go away in two to seven days. This time, it's not going away - it's becoming more permanent.
And the worst part is - I can't even tell if he likes me or I'm just a student he likes to fool around with (not in a sexual way, of course).
I sigh again and turn around to lay on my back and stare at the white ceiling.
Bub jumps on my face and starts to lick me, so I frown and cover my face.
"Bub, not the best time to lick me, buddy."
I stare into his deep brown eyes as my thoughts are whirling in my mind. It's a full-time carneval up there, so I can't even concentrate on a single thought anymore.
"Do you think I'm stupid for liking a teacher? I know it's bad, but he's a really amazing guy, who I can never be together with." I tell him and then laugh at myself for being so hopelessly in love, that I have nobody to tell about it. Except my dog, of course.
Bub growls lightly, bringing my attention to the fact, that he'd like to go for a walk.
"Alright, alright. Let's go." I get up unwillingly and go to the hallway to put my blue ugg booties on.
The cold wind hits me as soon as I open the front door and I don't want to go anywhere, but Bub is already rushing out the door, so I basically don't have a choice.
My insides are starting to hurt from the amount of trembling, that is happening, but I still decide to walk to a park with Bub.
There will be dogs and he can run around, while I can hang out at the big swings.
My phone vibrates in the deep pocket of my black jacket, so I slide my hand inside to take it, but I feel somebody bump into me, so I raise my head and see a young girl around my age looking at me apologetically.
I am taken aback for a second and all I can see is her blue hair. It's made into a ponytail, but it doesn't make it less noticable.
"I'm so sorry, I was in a deep thought and didn't notice you." She explains and tightens her ponytail.
Her soft features are apologetic and the apology in her light brown eyes looks truly sincere.
"It's okay." I smile.
"What's your name?" She asks me, becoming a bit shy.
The thing is - I haaate making people feel embarrassed or shy around me. I know it feels bad, so I always try to make it easier for them.
This time, too, I want to ease her shyness.
"I'm Adèle. You?" I smile at her and see relief slide over her features.
"I'm Safiya. Saf, if you like it better. I'm new in this region, so I don't have much friends yet." She tells me and I hear her voice shake a bit as she speaks.
Maybe she had a hard time at school and she is sad about having no friends?
"We can be friends." I wink at her and then giggle lightly, trying to lighten her mood and make her feel good around me.
She beams and I feel warmth pour into my heart. It's amazing how easily you can make someone's day.
"So, what are you up to today? Maybe you'd like to come to the dog park with me and..." I look around, searching for Bub and spot him peeing on one of the benches, earning an irritated look from a grandma sitting there."
She notices Bub and smiles.
"Is that your dog?" She seems excited about animals, which makes me like her even more. How can anyone dislike animals, anyways?
"Yeah, that's Bub." I say and Bub raises his head to look at me. Noticing Saf by my side, he gets overly excited and runs towards us.
The first thing he does as he reaches us is, of course, sniff between Saf's legs.
It always makes everyone a bit uncomfortable, so I immediately apologise, knowing it's annoying, that Bub does so.
"It's okay. And yes, I'd love to accompany you both." She winks and I smile back.
She seems like such a nice girl, that I can't believe she has no friends here yet.
While walking to the park, we talk about school, her previous home, family and pets, and some other things.
She tells me about her big family - two sisters, brother, three aunts and all four of her grandparents.
I envy her a bit, because I only have my mom, dad and godmother. Well, and Bub.
Everyone is already dead or has never existed.
She is very pleasant to talk to, because it seems like she, too, hates to make people uncomfortable and shy. She makes me smile and her sense of humour is fantastic, because we're laughing our asses off.
"Hey, can I get your number, Adèle? I'd really love to hang out with you more often!" My heart warms up again and I take out my phone to write down her number, too.
She's a real sweetheart and I'd love to hang out more.
When I look at my phone, I suddenly realise, that I didn't read the text message, so I unlock it and then my heart skips a beat.
Hey loves! Thank you so much for reading this chapter! :)
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My Teacher
Подростковая литератураWhen Adèle returns to school after the Christmas break, she immediately has mutal sympathies with her new English Lit substitute teacher - Alexey Bogdanovych. From the moment that he sets his eyes on her, he is immediately attracted to her and she j...