Part 1

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"NO!" Arohi replied in clear cut tone and stood folding her arms.

"Why?" an annoyed Amrit asked pulling her to herself.

Arohi looked at her with are-u-serious face. She just can't understand why all of sudden her mother is so keen on finding a good alliance for her.

They had gone at wedding of their neighbor's son yesterday and there some moron has told about her as eligible bride to some stupid family. Both mother and son had come to her while she was having fill of her favorite dal makhani with extra makhan sitting beside her mother.

She was so infuriated by the way both mother and son looked at her as if she was some object. They said she was little fat. They literally called her Moti!! Who the hell gave them right to comment on my physique. She is not fat, she is healthy and perfectly fit for a person of her age and height. She is not like those stick like skinny girls where u can actually count the 206 bones in their body. Seriously who wants to be like them and look malnourished when u can have dal makhani with extra makhan! She was slowly slipping on extra makhan but her mother's voice brought her back.

"What's the harm in meeting the boy once? The proposal has come by itself. What's harm in meeting with guy for once?"

So yeah! This whole chaos was because that stupid guy and his family has shown interest in her even after calling her moti and they wanted to set up a meeting of both of them.

And that in no way was going to happen!

"Papa" Arohi helplessly looked at her father who was a mute spectator till now.

He shrugged his shoulders "I agree with ur mom. There is no harm in meeting for once"

Huh. She looked at him in disbelief. Till now a lot of rishta has come for her but she was always abe to toss them off but this time her parents were being too difficult. Damn! Her father was supposed to support her not her mother.

"Offo! When she doesn't want to meet then why are u forcing her?" it was her darling DJ that came for her rescue.

I Love You DJ. She thought with a smile.

"DJ!U have already spoiled her so much. I am not asking her to get married right away. I am asking to meet the Chiku"

"CHIKU" Arohi asked shocked. "How can someone even think of marrying a guy whose name is chiku!" She said bewildered.

"Arohi. No more excuses. U are meeting Chiku and that's final"

Arohi looked at DJ helplessly who also gave her a sorry expression.

"I am just 24, this is so not age at which someone even think of marriage in 21st century"

Amrit shot her a look "Even Shefali is 24 but she is engaged with Romit and they will be tying knot next year. Almost all ur classmates are settling down, of which age u r talking about?"

Arohi sighed "But Shefali is getting married to love of her life and it's their mutual decision. She wasn't forced to meet a stupid guy with a weird name and settle down with him"

"are u trying to say we are not capable of thinking what's good for u and what's not?" Amrit said teary eyed.

Arohi huffed "Mom! U r taking this in totally wrong direction"

Amrit wiped her tears "No! No! I get it. we are getting old and now we can't decide anything for u"

"U are trying to emotionally blackmail me and that's cheating" Arohi said frowning. "u have deduced ur own meaning to my words. I just said Shefali loves Romit, therefore they are getting married and I..." her sentence was left hanging in middle when her bua's voice interrupted them from door.

Great. Only this was left. One more member to support her mom. Her bua was also keen on getting her married. When whole family has gathered here to torture her then why leaving her brother Sanchit. Call him from his hostel so that he can enjoy seeing her getting tortured.

Her thoughts were broken when Lovedeep again voiced her question.

"and what u Aru? Are u also in love with someone?"

"Love what are u saying? Has there been someone Arohi must have told us?" Amrit said shaking her head.

"No Bhabhi! There should be atleast one valid reason for her to not accept any of these alliances." Love replied giving a new angle to whole drama.

"Yes!" Arohi said before Amrit or Love could add anything.

All looked at her like she had grown another head.


"Who" Amrit asked.



"ur mom has asked u something Arohi" Sudhir said sternly.

Arohi looked at everyone's curious faces meekly before replying...and her reply made everyone's jaw drop.

"My Boss. Arjun Singhania"

Oh! She skipped one minute detail, it is only one sided love!

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