Part 8

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The arrangements for dinner were made in private cabin. Refraining the waiter, he himself pulled out a chair for her and after making her comfortably sit, he took his seat in front of her.

"This arrangement doesn't look like one for meeting" she couldn't help but point out. It was all can she put it...umm cozy! The room was dimly lit with lanterns and fairy lights. A bouquet of white lilies (her favorite) was gracefully placed in centre of table along with two white candles with intricate golden design on them. And to top it all she could hear a very soft melody playing in background.

Arjun leaned back on chair crossing his arms. His intense gaze fixed on her, "then what does it look like Miss Arohi?" he spoke in his deep voice. His question made her fidget on her seat. She chewed her lip nervously thinking of some answer.

Ending her misery, the waiter came "Sir and Mam, are u ready to give order?"

"Yes", Arohi quickly spoke getting her hands on menu. She scanned all items listed on it.

Taking their orders for drinks and appetizers, waiter again left them alone. He was intently staring at Arohi even while giving order.

"So, What were u saying?" he spoke making her eyes close..Damn his memory

She sighed and smiled at him "I was saying nothing." They both sat in silence as waiter served their drinks. She took a sip of white wine trying to calm her raging nerves.

"Tell me something about urself?" she looked at him hearing his voice. She watched as he pulled the wine glass near his mouth. Her mouth went dry when he touched it with his lips and took a small sip. She gulped seeing the movement of his Adam's apple as liquid passed his throat. Damn! Never ever she had thought that little bobbing of Adam's apple can be this sinful.

When his eyes met hers, she finally came back to her senses. She quickly looked down at her lap embarrassed on her thoughts. If that slight arrogant smile at corner of his lips was anything to go by then, her blatant staring was quite a boost to his ego.

"M waiting?" he said clearing his throat.

Gathering some courage, she looked back at him "what u want to know?"

"Anything" he shrugged, "anything that I don't know about u already"

Well, u don't know that I have this mind-numbing crush on u! but she can't say that now. Can she?

"U don't know anything about me, Sir! A week before all we never even properly talked with each other" she said, "so there are lot of things, u don't know about me" she slyly smiled.

He smirked, keeping the glass on table he leaned closer to her "Well, contrary to ur belief I know few things about u. Ur favorite flowers, dessert, singer"

A blush crept over Arohi's cheek.

He leaned back on his chair carelessly "and I don't think we started talking just a week before. I mean we talk with each other all the time otherwise how work will be done" he said taking a sip.

"An ear bursting yelling and frequent nodding of head, doesn't constitute for a conversation. At least, for me" she took sip of her own drink.

She saw a sexy frown coming over his face. How are u supposed to have a conversation with someone like him anyway!? Everything about him is so desirable.

"I don't yell at u"

Arohi chuckled looking at him through rim of glass. "For a month I thought u have some hearing problem, that why u always yell! Like u know how people talk in high pitch when they have ear phones plugged in"

He chuckled, low and deep making her inside flip. And next she saw him eating a meatball with fork. Her mouth watered at that sight. She couldn't help but imagine those lips on hers.

"U are really a piece Miss Arohi" his husky voice doesn't helping her already gutter thoughts.

She menacingly eyed at her glass. Maybe she had enough of alcohol in her system. She should stop otherwise who knows, she might start acting upon them!

The night went quite well. Arjun made her so comfortable. She felt herself liking him a little much more than she already did. She witnessed a total different side of him. He was relaxed, joking around and smiling more often contrary to his usual brooding self. She totally enjoyed herself apart from all those gutter thoughts that kept popping in her head at his every move. What can she do? This man is Greek God.

"umm...ek ladki ko dekha toh.." suddenly the song started playing which grabbed her attention.

She relaxed on her seat and listened the song. This had been one of her favorite song. She had always thought how much the lyricist must have been in love with that girl, imagining whom he penned down the lyrics? She must be some beauty. She thought with a dreamy sigh.

In no time they reached her home. She climbed out as he opened the door for her. Passing him one of her best smile, she spoke "Thank u for amazing dinner, Sir"

Arjun nodded but he made no move of giving her side. He was standing totally in front of her, sandwiching her between him and car.

 "I hope u liked the song, Miss Arohi" he winked at last with a smirk plastered on his face. Was he indicating at something?

She nodded with a frown on her face. Her frown turned into a gasp as without any warning he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer. Their lips were inches apart. His hot breath falling over her face. Would he kiss her? She questioned herself.

His free arm travelled up her body. Tracing her every inch. God! She could feel his touch even over the thick fabric. He dipped his face in crook of her neck and nibbled at her exposed skin making her close her eyes with a hiss.

"Consider tonight as a date, Miss Arohi" he whispered with in his utterly sexy husky voice. Cold breeze hit her as he pulled away from her. "U must go. Ur dad won't be happy if u are late"

"Goodnight Miss Arohi, Sleep well." he spoke with a devilish grin on his face.

She was so flustered to even speak a word. The Hell! She was going to have any sleep tonight

She watched him drive away in his car. The only thought that revolved in her mind was "What if he had kissed her? Had she let him?"

She answered herself as her already red face turned a shade darker.

Definitely (Blush Blush)

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