Part 16

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Arohi came downstairs with a frown as she kept gazing at her mobile. She was trying to call Arjun ever since she has woke up but his mobile was coming unreachable. Without any interest she ate breakfast served by her mom. She looked at time and decided to leave early for office so she could meet him there and give him an earful.

Her mouth opened in o as she stood stunned seeing him outside her house. He waved at her with his trademark smile plastered on his face.

Arohi blinked twice to assure she wasn't hallucinating.

Wearing a brown three piece suit he was looking as fresh as morning breeze.

Taking calculative steps she walked towards him.

"What are u doing here?"

"Surprise!" Thats all he said as he pulled out a red rose from his coat's inside pocket. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

A huge grin formed on her lips as she graciously accepted the rose "Happy Valentine's Day!"

He opened the car door for her as she sat inside with that stupid grin adorning her face.

"For how long have u been waiting outside? Why didn't u come inside?" She bombarded him with questions as soon he started driving.

"I had just reached when u came out!"

Arohi looked at him with confusion as he pulled car to side after 2 blocks.

"What happened? Why are u stopping here?"

He looked at her mischievous smile "to do something which I couldn't do with ur family staring at us from window!" He winked removing his seat belt

She could only manage an oh before he captured her lips with his. It wasn't their first kiss...hell they have kissed so many times but this one was so electrifying that she felt like being kissed for first time.

"Now it's Valentine's Day!" He remarked making her blush.

When she reached her cubicle, a bouquet of her favorite purple orchids was waiting for her with a cute note that said..."With Love, From Love"

She got lot of teasings from her colleagues but she was too happy to be bothered. Never had she thought that she will date her boss Arjun Singhania and that he would be so romantic, who will not only listen her silly demands but will actually honor them. When she asked him to make her Valentine special, she thought he will organise a lavish dinner for her but him actually showing up at her door was a pleasant surprise.

Picking up a random file she walked towards his cabin. Giving a customary knock she entered his cabin without waiting for his reply.

"Good Morning, Sir" she spoke chirply making him smile.

"Good Morning, Miss Arohi" he leaned back on his chair. "What brings u here?"

"You!" She grinned taking a seat in front of him.

His deep rich laughter echoed in the room. She sighed and resting her chin on hand shamelessly ogled at him.

"Staring is rude!"
"Oh! But I am just admiring"

He shook his head chuckling "as much as I would love that but I am sure u came here to not just admire me"

Arohi bobbed her head up and down with a goofy smile.

"Since u r trying too hard to be Boyfriend of the year, I got u a gift!"

Raising his brows Arjun looked at her earnestly "gift!?"

"Actually gifts!" She said with a grin "I wanted to give u them in evening but I couldn't hold my excitement!"

"Gifts" he was surprised

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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