Part 13

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A month later...

Arjun was working on his laptop when Arohi entered his cabin like a thunder.

"U r 5 minutes late Miss Arohi!" He remarked looking at her but frowned seeing her annoyed face.

"What's wrong?"

Arohi flared her nostrils and rounding the table came standing beside him.

"What's wrong!!" She exclaimed angrily. "This is wrong!" She removed the scarf around her neck and pointed at base of neck.

Furrowing his brows Arjun followed her finger and stared at the angry red mark on her neck. He smirked and pulled her towards him making her bend a little.

Gently rubbing at mark he looked at her innocently.
"What is it Arohi? Looks like some bug had bitten u hard"

"yeah! A big ugly bug it was!"

Arjun chuckled "ugly! Seriously?"
Zipping her mouth she nodded.

"U hurt me!" He fawned hurt expressions making her smile finally.

She hit on his chest "Sir u have no idea. DJ almost saw it. How embarrassing it would have been for me!?"

"Next time I'll be careful. I'll give u a love bite where ur DJ can't see it" he winked playfully earning another smack from him.

"A little below would be fine. Right?"
"U r impossible, Sir"

He tucked her hair strand behind "u know u can call me Arjun at least when we are alone"
She shyly looked down "Sir.."
"Yeah, Sir is kinky but I prefer Arjun"

"Grrr u gande ghatiya aadmi" she started hitting him with both hands and then there was sudden turn of events and before Arohi knew it she was completely leaning on him with her both hands entwined in his.

He gently blew and sucked on her neck making her hiss. Leaving her hands his hand went on her waist while she fisted his shirt.
"Ar..Jun!" Moving her neck she gave him better access.

"SURPRISE!!!!" The cabin's door opened revealing Romit with a broad smile on his face.

Arohi quickly pulled away from him picking her scarf from his lap.

"Uh-oh" Romit smirked "u are quite busy Bhai" he looked at both of them teasingly.

"Where are ur manners Romit Singhania? Don't u know u should knock before entering someone's cabin!!" Arjun gritted his teeth.

Romit chuckled "Sorry Bhai. I interrupted ur lovey dovey time with Bhabhi."

"Shut up!"

"Hey Bhabhi" he walked towards Arohi standing bit far from Arjun "What's up?"

He pulled her in a sudden hug "Long time no see"

Picking a pen from desk Arjun aimed it at Romit's back making him pull away from hug..

"Bhabhi!" He spoke as if reminding him.

Romit laughed and moved towards Arjun "aww! Look at my Bhai getting all possessive" he pulled his cheek making Arjun jerk his hand and glare at him.

"What are u doing here?"

He sat on one of the chairs "I was nearby so dropped here to meet u and Arohi Bhabhi"

"Romit! Come to point. I know there must be some new game or new bike that u want"

"Actually Bhai" he smiled sweetly "there is this game.."

Arjun dismissed him with his hand "spare me the details. Let my manager know about it."

"Thank u Bhai...u r the best!"

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