Part 6

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Arohi threw herself on bed. There was a goofy smile on her face as she was still thinking about hers and Arjun's morning interaction. Rest whole day had passed in a jiffy as she and Arjun didn't get to meet. She couldn't believe the hotshot Singhania flirted with her. He actually told her that he liked her hugging him. Well sort of!

She pulled her softy Ahluwalia closer and chuckled in herself. She was lost in his thoughts when her mobile started ringing and no points for guessing it was devil calling. She rubbed her eyes just to confirm that she was not hallucinating. When she was sure she picked up the call.

"he-llo" she said clearing her throat.

"Miss Arohi" came his rich deep voice which had her swooning on him all over again..."I hope I am not disturbing u"

"No not at all" she tried sounding little husky but it all came out as raspy and she face palmed herself for the goof up. He would be sure laughing at her. What were u even trying to do Arohi Ahluwalia?

"ok! So I wanted to tell u that I have checked presentation u mailed and mailed u the necessary changes to be made."

Arohi nodded but then she realized he couldn't see her "ok sir"

"and I want the corrected presentation tomorrow first thing in the morning!"

"sure sir"

"Great""good night then" he wished and Arohi's heart sank. He was already disconnecting the call but she can't expect him to talk with her non-stop now. At the end of the day he is her boss not boyfriend.

"Good night sir" she said half-heartedly

She was about to disconnect the call when she heard his voice..."Miss Arohi"

A huge grin touched her face "Yes sir!"

"u didn't tell me how ur family found ur boyfriend?" "Did they like him or not?" she could hear the teasing smile in his voice. Her cheeks warmed up at his question. This new side of him was making her blush a lot.

"umm.." she decided to tease him a little too "They found him ok"

"Just ok?" he chuckled.

Arohi rolled on her bed holding the phone "yup"

"now that's sad!" "isn't it?"

"yeah" and they both burst out laughing "btw sir...u are a very good actor"

Arjun laughed out loud "Thank u Miss Arohi...but u are an even better story maker"

She chuckled embarrassingly in reply...

"ok Miss Arohi lets end it here...u have work to do too" he said changing the topic..."see u tomorrow"

"good night sir" and with that call was disconnected.

Arohi took a dreamy sigh and dug herself in pillow. Though it was a small conversation but it was enough to make her smile like a fool.

"Congratulations Miss Arohi! we got the project. Thank u for making the perfect presentation" Arjun told Arohi as soon as he returned from meeting.

She grinned at him "Congratulations Sir"

Arjun smiled back at her but he kept staring her mischievously. He took a step in her direction making her a little conscious and she stepped back as a reflex. This continued till her back collided with wall and he was almost hovering her. She felt a Dj vu as yesterday too they were in a situation like this where they were inches away from each other and his hot breath was falling at her lips...he was dangerously close to her.

 "u remember Miss Arohi...when I agreed to be ur boyfriend, u promised to return the favor by doing anything"

Arohi meekily nodded. Was he going to take advantage of her like this now..

"it's time to return favor!" he said with a ghost smile.

hey bhagwan! Raksha krna she sent her prayers.

He leaned towards her making her close her eyes tightly...this can't be happening...

She relaxed a little bit when she felt his breath near her ear..."come for dinner with me tonight!"

At once Arohi opened her eyes and they clashed with his...she looked at him like a clueless child with his big black eyes...He pulled back from her adjusting his coat "There is dinner with client and I need someone to accompany me and above all the clients want to meet the person behind presentation"

"oh!" she could only manage to speak this...


"u want me to accompany u for business dinner" she said with a sigh...

He nodded "why? U thought something else?"

Arohi quickly shook her head in denial "no sir! Not at all"

"so tonight at 8 pm? I will pick u"

Arohi gave a short nod...

Arjun walked around his desk "And distribute sweets in's a happy occasion for company"

She again nodded and made her way to door...

But their ritual...

"Miss Arohi" she turned to face him..."make sure its rasgullas" he smirked making her blush...once again(sigh!)

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