Part 3

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"are u out of ur mind?" Arjun barked "What non-sense are u speaking?"

Arohi hiccupped staring at him as he continued barking at her.

"Sir plz let me explain" she said meekly..."I had no option"

Crossing his arms he stood in front of her giving her "oh-really" look.

Arohi stared down at her feet as she narrated the whole incident.

As Arjun opened his mouth to protest or speak something Arohi stopped him "Sir please help me. I don't want to get married to that Chiku. Sir even his name is so weird just imagine how weird he would be? Sir plz save me only u can save me now."

"SHUT UP!" Arjun yelled. "I am not going to play ur ally in any such rubbish. It's ur mess and u r going to clear it." he turned to leave but she stopped her by grabbing his arms. She stuck on his arm like some parasite.

"Sir plz sir. It's only about one dinner and then I will make up something but I have no other way to escape this...Sir I don't want to get married so early. Ab aap hi ek masum ladki ki zindagi bacha sakte h. Plz help me" (only u can save life of an innocent girl)

"Leave me Miss Arohi. Don't force me to take harsh steps against u" jerking her away he looked at her angrily.

Arohi gulped. no matter what she isn't going to give up. its do or die. she fell at his foot and circled his legs as he tried to move.

"Miss Arohi leave me. What are u doing?" he gritted his teeth.

"No! I am not going to leave u until u agree." She said stubbornly. He wriggled in her hold but she was adamant on leaving him.

"Leave me or I will call security. I'll fire u Miss Arohi." he grunted

"Fire me! Do whatever u want to do but I don't want to be Mrs. Chiku."

Arjun tried removing her hands but she was too strong for her petite body...

"plz sir...plz its only about one dinner and that's it." she pleaded throwing him a puppy look..."in return I will do overtime and won't even take any leave. I will do every work u will say but plz help me" "plz" "plz" "plz"...

Arjun groaned "Fine!"

"plz" "plz..." she stopped her chanting realizing his words..."Really?" she asked beaming at him...

He scoffed "is there any way I could get u off me?"


Arun flared his nostrils "just leave me damn it"

"PROMISE" she said forcefully...

He grunted "Promise" "Now for f*** sake let go of me"

She stood up grinning..."Thank u so much Sir" she ignored his previous comment...

Arjun rolled his eyes and took a sigh as he was finally released from her clutches...he walked to his chair and opened his laptop...

Arohi walked near to him..She opened her mouth to speak something but he beat her to it...

"Now get back to work. I don't have time to talk about rubbish things" he said sternly without looking at her.

Arohi pouted and nodded thinking at least he agreed to help her...she turned and walked away...she was at door when he heard his voice...

"Miss Arohi" she stopped and glanced back...he was engrossed in typing something furiously..."Don't forget to apply something on ur hand"

With soft smile tugging at her lips she nodded and left...u know that "on top of world" feeling u get when ur crush shows a little care to u.


Arohi rushed downstairs wearing her jootis...she glanced at her wrist watch, and yes she was getting late for office...She quickly greeted her parents and DJ on breakfast table and picked up an apple...

"I will have my breakfast in office" she said to her mom who was whining about her not eating properly these days...

Amrit shook her head and gave her lunch box "I have packed ur breakfast in too"

Arohi grinned and pecked her cheek taking t from her.."Bye everyone" she yelled and ran out picking her scooty keys...but stopped dead in her tracks when her mother's voice reached her ears.

"Don't forget to invite Arjun for dinner tonight"

She reluctantly nodded and left from there...grr! hope Mr. Akdoo remembers his promise.

She was pacing outside his cabin. She was there to invite him for dinner but was too scared to enter inside and who won't be before entering Lion's den. She took deep breaths and tried to calm her...there is nothing to be afraid off Arohi and he promised to help yesterday and he never backs down from his promise.

Gathering all her strength she knocked at door and hearing his come in entered inside...

"What is it Miss Arohi?" he asked not even glancing at her...

can't he even spare her a look? How she wished she was a laptop and then she would have his undivided attention and feel of his slender fingers on her... She stopped her train of thoughts and mentally scolded herself...

"We don't have all day. Do we?" his voice broke his trance...

Arohi gulped "My mom has invited u for dinner tonight" she stated fidgeting with her fingers.

And after what felt like eternity he leaned back on his chair and glanced at her more like glared at her...

ah! It was laptop's time to get jealous of her she thought smirking to herself...

She looked at him who had his stubborn glare fixed on her...and then he saw him opening his mouth to say something but before he could say she blurted out her mind...

"I swear Sir, if u denied to help me I will jump from ur window" she tried threatening him...

For a brisk moment he saw him closing his eyes..."What time?"

She took a sigh of relief "At 8 pm"

He nodded mutely and concentrated back to his work "Message me the address and u may leave"

"Leave" Arohi looked at him open mouthed "Sir u are coming for dinner tonight so we need to form a story to tell my family and we need to know some basic things about each other if they ask!"

Arjun looked back at her with a blank face..."This is my office and I work here instead of talking about such idiotic things." He almost yelled

She flinched at him tone "B-but sir...If we are going to pull up an act then at least it should be believable otherwise my parents will definitely catch us"

"Not my problem! U created this mess...God why I am even getting involved in this!" he said frustrated

Arohi sighed "U r right Sir. I am sorry" she said meekly..."let just drop this whole thing. I will just jump out of this window. U will be saved from this act and I will be saved from marrying chiku" she said dramatically...

She started walking towards window but his words stopped her..."After office time I will drop u at ur meantime tell me whatever u want"

"but my scooty..."

Seeing his stern glare she pressed her lips and nodded...

"Out now" he said dismissing her...

Arohi kept her hand on knob to open door when he said something making her flush in embarrassment...

"U do realize Miss Arohi...our office is on ground floor"

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