Part 15

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Red. Arjun saw red as he witnessed the scene in front of him. There was Arohi standing with one of his employee Rahul. But that wasn't problem. He wasn't getting all possessive and jealous boyfriend over that. Yeah he was bothered but he was rational enough to reason out. But all his rational thinking went out of window when he heard the conversation. That monkey was asking out Arohi, "his" girlfriend Arohi for Valentine's!

He cleared his throat to let them know of his presence.

"I pay u guys for working and not chatting!" His suppressed anger was evident in his voice. And if that wasn't enough one look at his blazing eyes and the person will burn under his gaze.

Rahul quickly apologized and ran back to his seat. Arohi turned on her heels to move back to her seat but he barked his next order which clearly meant danger for her.

"Bring my coffee, Miss Arohi"

He leaned back on the couch pressing his forehead when after a soft knock the door opened. He didn't need to see who it was.

"I won't eat u" he stated turning towards Arohi who looked visibly scared.

"It isn't my fault" she said as firmly she could and handed him his coffee.

He raised his brow challenging her "only if u let us come out about our relationship in open then no one would dare to even look at u"

"That's what I don't want! I want everyone to see my as their colleague and not as their boss's girlfriend"

Arjun shook his head over same old reason. "Give me one Advil. My head feels like it will burst open"

Her expressions changed noticably from stubborn to worried as she gave him medicine and without any word walked around to stand behind him.

An unintentional sigh escaped his mouth as her fingers pressed on his forehead.

"U are not all taking care of urself" she scolded. "U need to relax"

He didn't say anything and let her massage his head fore few minutes.
Getting hold of her wrist he pulled her around and made her fall on him.

"How can I relax when I return from a meeting and find my girlfriend is getting asked out for Valentine's by some other guy?" He snuggled his head in the nape of her neck inhaling her fragrance.

"Well if u won't then someone will!" She replied drawing circles on his chest.

He chuckled "Really? I need to ask? Isn't it obvious? U r my girlfriend so u will be Valentine!"

"Yeah! It is" she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

He couldn't help but admire her cute face. Leaning forward he rubbed her nose with his "so what's the plan for tomorrow?"

"I don't know! Surprise me. It's our first Valentine's day. Make it special"

"So it's all on me then!"

"Yep" she winked making him give a side lopped smile.

He clutched her waist pulling her closer. His eyes turning a shade darker "Fine but one thing...Next week at fundraiser event, I am going to make us official and u can't reason me out of it"


"It's my final decision" he said leaving no room for argument.

"I will miss gossiping about u" she pouted but it turned into a smile when he kissed her softly.

She started fiddling to get out of his hold but he only tightened his arms around her.


"We are at office! I got work" she said air quoting her words.

He rolled his eyes and tucked her head under his chin "I am the boss. Stay for a while!"

She giggled "wrong use of power!"

He smiled peacefully closing his eyes "only for u darling"

They were contently resting in each other's embrace and enjoying the silence but their blissful moment was spoiled by his ringing phone. He gave her an apologetic look and picked up the call.

As he was instructing the project manager he felt her soft hands caressing the lines on his forehead.

After smoothening his frown with her feathery touch she planted a kiss on his forehead. Whispering a soft "I Love You" in his ear she stood up to leave but he entwined her hand with his free one and brought near his lips and mouthed "I Love You Too"

A beautiful smile formed on her lips making his heart skip a beat. She blinked her eyes as she pulled her hand away. He couldn't help but smile back at her.

He indeed was lucky to have her in his life!

was his last thought as she exited his cabin.

I know small update..but a bit insight of Arjun's heart when he is not being naughty 😝

Anyway Gear up for Valentine's special update(probably coming on V-Day). Do read my other stories as well 😌😌

Damn I can't seem to end this story....🙄😛

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