Part 2

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Sleep was far away from Arohi's eyes...tossing and turning she was trying to sleep but nothing came to her. She cursed herself for getting herself in such a mess.

Her parents had ordered her to arrange a meeting of them with Arjun Singhania and the seriousness in their voice told her that they are not going to buy any of her excuse.

What is she going to do now? She thought helplessly. If she didn't arranged their meting than her mother will surely sense something fishy and will create a huge drama again and if she told them truth herself then she is going to end up with that crappy Chiku.

Gosh!! She is stuck between devil and deep sea.

Why in the world she has to take the name of that stupid Singhania, She should have taken name of Dhondhu at least then she would have been able to threaten Dhondhu for the sake of their friendship and made him act as her boyfriend.

Grrr!! But no she had to take the name of that arrogant Singhania who don't even spare a glance at her!

It all started when she joined Singhania Constructions as his PA 7 months back... She had just entered in office and collided with that freaking gorgeous man!

In his 3 piece business attire he looked like a model straight out of a fashion magazine well technically he can put any model to shame.

Those brown eyes had been giving her guilty dreams since then.

And when earlier today bus raised a question she couldn't help but take the name of one on whom she have this massive crush from last 7 months and now this is gonna be dead of her.

She has to do something and convince that ignorant Singhania by hook or crook to play along with her.


"Miss Arohi, in my cabin with Sharma's file" his husky voice boomed into her ears as he marched into his cabin without even looking at her. She sighed and picking her notepad and file she went inside.

She stood in front of him as he was furiously typing something on his laptop "Sir, file" she meekly said and placed the file on table.

For a nanosecond he looked up, her black eyes clashed with his brown ones and she skipped her heartbeat. Such was impact of him on her.

She was fidgeting with end of her scarf not knowing how to convince him to be part of mess she had created. She has to do it somehow she has no option other than that.

How should She start? Should she start randomly or first tell her problem and then about lie?

Her thoughts were broken when Arjun threw the file on desk harshly "What is this Miss Arohi? I asked for Sharma's file and this is Dixit's file!" he said angrily.

She picked up the file mentally slapping herself, now she had made sadu angry and now he will definitely not understand her problem.

"Sorry Sir, I will bring the right file" she stated scared.

Arjun closed his eyes composing himself "Send it later. For now where is my coffee?"

"Sorry Sir I forgot. I will..." she was cut in between by him

"two mistakes and the day has not even started!" he was furious she can tell by his voice.

She mumbled a quick apology and went to bring his coffee.

Removing the foam from coffee Arohi took the steaming cup to his cabin. Holding the cup out for him she stood beside him as he was busy in reading some file.

"Keep it on desk and bring me that red file" he turned towards her gesturing towards a particular a file. He didn't realized she was standing way too close to her and in the process he spilled the hot coffee on her hand.

"Damn it"

He took hold of her hand as she yelped in pain. Her hand has turned to shade of angry red. He told the peon to bring ice pack over phone

"u r being so absent minded today Miss Arohi" making her sit on couch he wiped the remains of coffee from her hand with tissue till the peon brought ice pack.

She winced as he kept the pack on her burnt part. "Keep it here. U will feel better" saying this he stood up and turned to go back to his but chair but stopped on his tracks as he heard her whimpers.

She was crying bitterly and dramatically sitting on couch. He looked at her bewildered.

"Miss Arohi if it's hurting so much, u can go to doctor and can also take a day off" he said not knowing what else to say but she continued sobbing loudly. He was getting irritated now..."Calm down Miss Arohi" he gritted his teeth..."Stop crying" but all his words were bouncing over her ears...She continued crying like some old Bollywood actress annoying him more. "Will u stop crying, u silly girl!" he shouted not able to control his temper.

Arohi stopped at once and looked above at him. one look at him and she again started with her waterworks...

"grrr!! What's the issue Miss Arohi!?" he shouted..

Arohi wiped her tears trying to control herself..."I-I made a...mistake" she sniffed

"u have been doing it since morning I won't fire u for these silly mistakes, be careful next time. Now go and apply some cream on it" he dismissed her taking different meaning of her sentence.

"I lied to my family" she said gripping couch.

Arjun looked at her raising her eyebrows...why is she telling her something like that? How is he in anyway considered to it..."about?" he asked nevertheless.

There was a huge silence before she finally uttered it

"that" he looked at her signalling her to continue "That u r my boyfriend"

There she said it...and all she got in response was a shocking "WHATTT!!!"

Well at least it was better than u r fired!

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