Part 9

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Arohi kept glancing at the entrance after every few minutes. He was late. She thought with a sigh and concentrated on work she was supposed to do but her mind and eyes both kept drifting. She was restless thinking how Arjun will react after their date last night. DATE. Yeah! He himself told her that it was a date. Her cheeks reddened at the thought of last night and what might just have happened.

She wondered how his plum lips would have felt on her rosy ones? Are they soft or rough? Definitely rough or maybe it is for her to find someday. She chided herself on that thought. She really need some therapy to control her raging hormones. She is literally thinking about kissing her boss that bad? They almost kissed last night. almost

Suddenly there was a change in air and she knew finally he was here. She glanced at main door and saw him walk in. He was wearing a navy blue suit with grey tie. His hair sleeked back and a constant brooding expression on his face. No one can never wonder what a devil hides behind that face. His aura was so powerful that the place which was bustling with random conversations now was in dead silence. Everyone looked so indulged in their work. Well except her as she was too busy in checking him out.

His molten brown eyes sparkled as he spotted her. She didn't miss the small smirk that graced his lips and as he passed her, he winked at her making her eyes go wide in shock. She quickly looked around if someone noticed what happened and fortunately no one. She sighed and looked at his retreating back.

"Miss Arohi, my cabin in 5 minutes" he spoke before entering in his cabin.

Arohi gulped audibly. She was scared to be alone with him now. She doesn't trust herself even a bit. But nevertheless making his coffee she knocked on his door. Hearing a husky come in, she stepped inside.

She placed coffee on his desk and stood in front of him waiting for him to look at her from his laptop. When he didn't, she started speaking his schedule for the day. She stopped and waited for him to say something but again silence. She was about to turn and leave but his voice stopped her.

"We should do that more often" oh! His velvety voice. But what is that' he is referring to? Their date? Was he actually implying that they should go out more often? Her insides flip. The whole zoo in her stomach started dancing or jumping.


He finally looked at her leaning back on his chair. His lips stretched in a lopsided smile. Her thoughts again wandered to whether they were soft or rough.

His eyes looked amused for some reason. Maybe because she was so nervously standing in front of her and chewing her lip like a fool.

"I mean the charity event we had last month. The response has been amazing." Linking his fingers he spoke slyly.

Arohi mentally kicked herself for her one track thinking.

"U thought something else, Miss Arohi?" his eyes twinkling like he knew exactly what she thought.

Arohi shook her head in denial "No sir" she replied curtly

He nodded smiling to himself "can u reschedule my meeting with Oberoi's for some other day? It's Friday and I want to leave early"

"sure" she spoke but her mind ran wild. Never have ever he took an early off. Where would he be going and most importantly with whom? She composed herself and asked "Is there something else u would like me to do for u, Sir" there was lingering bitterness in her voice which surely amused him.

"Yes but maybe later" his tone was suggestive as he grinned "But for now u can leave"

Goosebumps rose on her body at his tone. She reached towards doorknob but as the ritual, he has to say something to leave her troubled for day.

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